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Game on February 2, 2024 at 10:11, 7 players
1. 288 pts Chelsea
2. 170 pts LongJump22
3. 79 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeipy   H8    32    32   pacey
 2. ?abciqt  11E    40    72   tabetic
 3. ?einuuv   E6    60   132   unvirtue
 4. aeegorr   8A    33   165   greave
 5. ehiilnw   F5    36   201   wheen
 6. aeorstu   J6    62   263   outraise
 7. dehlort  14J    42   305   dehort
 8. aabfirs   8J    39   344   tafias
 9. aeilosw  O11    36   380   aweto
10. abflnox  12A    44   424   boxful
11. ilnnors   C3    70   494   onliners
12. egllrtu  A12    21   515   berg
13. aeijost  13I    51   566   jetes
14. adegiqr   B1    33   599   qadi
15. adegtvy  12J    36   635   sey
16. aeklnrz   D1    72   707   zerk
17. dimnopt   M3    80   787   midpoint
18. dilmotu   L1    35   822   duomi
19. ailnotv   1D    42   864   zonal

Remaining tiles: giiltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7289 FileChelsea     3  8:31  -576  288     1.8644 LongJump22  1  5:15  -694  170 
  2.8644 FileLongJump22  1  5:15  -694  170     2.8650 Vuincunx    0  2:05  -785   79 
  3.8650 FileVuincunx    0  2:05  -785   79     3.8702 Wuincunx    0  1:15  -833   31 
  4.  -  FileZZZZZZ1127  0  1:59  -808   56     4.8606 Quincunx    0  1:29  -833   31 
  5.8702 FileWuincunx    0  1:15  -833   31     5.8440 Zuincunx    0  1:43  -833   31 
  6.8606 FileQuincunx    0  1:29  -833   31            Group: advanced
  7.8440 FileZuincunx    0  1:43  -833   31     1.7289 Chelsea     3  8:31  -576  288 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1127  0  1:59  -808   56 

On 1st draw, PACEY H8 32 --- PACEY keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj]
Other moves: ACIDY H8 30, DECAY H8 30, DICEY H8 30, PACEY H4 30, PAYED H4 28

On 2nd draw, TABE(T)IC 11E 40 --- TABETIC one affected with tabes [n]
Other tops: ABIET(I)C 11E 40, AB(I)ETIC 11E 40, (T)ABETIC 11E 40
Other moves: (N)IQAB I5 39, ACQ(U)ITE 11B 34, CAIQ(U)E 11C 32, QAT I7 30, AQ(U)ATIC 9H 28

On 3rd draw, UNVI(R)TUE E6 60 --- UNVIRTUE lack of virtue [n]
Other moves: VEN(E)Y 12D 27, VI(B)EY 12D 27, V(E)NEY 12D 27, VI(S)NE 12A 24, VI(S)NE L9 24

On 4th draw, GREAVE 8A 33 --- GREAVE a piece of armor for the leg [n] --- GREAVE to feel grief [v]
Other tops: REGAVE 8A 33
Other moves: GARE D12 20, GEAR D12 20, GERE D12 20, GOER D12 20, GORA D12 20

On 5th draw, WHEEN F5 36 --- WHEEN a fairly large amount [n]
Other moves: WHEE F5 33, HEW I7 30, WHINIER B2 30, HEWN 12K 27, EH F5 26

On 6th draw, OUTRAISE J6 62 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other tops: SAUTOIRE J6 62
Other moves: OUTRACES K6 60, OUTRAGES A3 60, AROUSE 14A 27, TOUSER 14B 27, TROUSE 14A 27

On 7th draw, DEHORT 14J 42 --- DEHORT to try to dissuade [v]
Other moves: DERTH 14J 40, DHOLE 14J 40, DOETH 14J 40, HOLED 14F 35, DOTER 14J 34

On 8th draw, TAFIAS 8J 39 --- TAFIA an inferior rum [n]
Other moves: BAFTS O11 33, FATS O12 33, FITS O12 33, RABATS O10 33, BARFS 14A 31
BAFTS O11 33 Chelsea

On 9th draw, AWETO O11 36 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: AWES 13L 33, LEASOW 14B 33, OWES 13L 33, WALISE 14A 33, WATE O12 33
WETS O12 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, BOXFUL 12A 44 --- BOXFUL as much as a box can hold [n]
Other moves: FALX I4 41, FOX I5 40, BOX I5 39, OX 7L 39, LANX I4 38

On 11th draw, ONLINERS C3 70 --- ONLINER a user of the internet [n]
Other moves: SINH L11 25, INBORN A10 24, OI 13B 24, ROBINS A10 24, SI 13B 24
LOINS 14A 21 Chelsea

On 12th draw, BERG A12 21 --- BERG an iceberg [n]
Other tops: BURG A12 21
Other moves: GLUE D1 20, GRUE D1 20, RUGAE K5 19, BELL A12 18, BELT A12 18
BULL A12 18 Chelsea

On 13th draw, JETES 13I 51 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: AJEE 13L 47, SJOE 13L 47, JANES 4A 40, JEE 13M 40, JOE 13M 40
AJEE 13L 47 LongJump22
JOE 13M 40 Chelsea

On 14th draw, QADI B1 33 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: SARD 12J 32, QAID K3 31, QI 6B 31, QADI K3 30, QUAI 7I 30
QADI B1 33 Chelsea
QI 6B 31 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 15th draw, SEY 12J 36 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other tops: SAY 12J 36
Other moves: DAVY A2 32, GUYED 7I 29, GYVED K2 29, DAY A2 28, READY 9J 28
SAY 12J 36 Chelsea, LongJump22

On 16th draw, ZERK D1 72 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZINKE 4A 56, LAZE A2 51, NAZE A2 51, ZEK D2 50, KRANZ N6 48
ZINKE 4A 56 LongJump22, ZZZZZZ1127

On 17th draw, MIDPOINT M3 80 --- MIDPOINT the point in the middle [n]
Other moves: MOP A2 32, P*M A2 32, DOM A2 30, DOP A2 30, OPTING A3 30
MOP A4 23 Vuincunx

On 18th draw, DUOMI L1 35 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: EMU 13A 32, DOM A2 30, DOUM L1 30, MODI A2 29, MOD A2 28
EMU 13A 32 Chelsea
MOU L4 25 Vuincunx

On 19th draw, ZONAL 1D 42 --- ZONAL pertaining to a zone [adj]
Other moves: TAV K3 36, AVO K4 33, VINA K5 32, VITA K5 32, TALI K3 28
ZONAL 1D 42 Chelsea

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