Game on February 10, 2024 at 19:13, 6 players
1. 152 pts LongJump22
2. 71 pts Zuincunx
3. 43 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


13B 93 121 


B10 34 155 


8H 77 232 


E6 78 310 


8A 75 385 


5D 54 439 


B1 70 509 


K4 86 595 


H1 36 631 


J10 31 662 


A1 45 707 


9C 40 747 


J3 39 786 


2E 34 820 


O3 61 881 


M5 63 944 


14F 53 997 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 2 1:58 -845 152 1.8572 LongJump22 2 1:58 -845 152
Zuincunx 1 3:07 -926 71 2.8695 Zuincunx 1 3:07 -926 71
Quincunx 0 1:10 -954 43 3.8254 Quincunx 0 1:10 -954 43
Kuincunx 0 1:37 -966 31 4.8475 Kuincunx 0 1:37 -966 31
5. -
SSSSSS1111 1 0:58 -969 28 5.8484 Xuincunx 1 1:55 -969 28
Xuincunx 1 1:55 -969 28 Group: not rated
1. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:58 -969 28
On 1st draw, SPOOF H8 28 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v]
Other tops: P(R)OOFS H8 28, SPOOF(S) H8 28, SPOOF(Y) H8 28, (S)POOFS H8 28
Other moves: F(L)OPS H4 26, P**FSPOOFS H4 26, P(R)OOF H8 26, P(R)OOFS H4 26, SPOOF(S) H3 26
SPOOF H8 28 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, Zuincunx, Xuincunx
On 2nd draw, J(E)REEDS 13B 93 --- JEREED a wooden javelin [n]
Other tops: JERE(E)DS 13B 93, JER(E)EDS 13B 93
Other moves: REJO(N)ES 11E 52, RESOJE(T) 11E 52, JER(I)DS 13C 41, SPOOFERS H8 39, JERSE(Y) 13C 36
J(E)REEDS 13B 93 LongJump22
JERE(E)DS 13B 43 Quincunx
J(E)REEDS 13B 43 Zuincunx
On 3rd draw, GAUJE B10 34 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: GANE 14A 31, GARE 14A 31, NARE 14A 29, RAUNGED G7 28, ANE 14B 27
GARE 14A 31 LongJump22, Kuincunx
On 4th draw, SIG(N)IORI 8H 77 --- SIGNIOR an Italian title of courtesy for a man [n] --- SIGNOR an Italian title of courtesy for a man [n]
Other moves: I(S)O 15A 19, FIRI(N)G 12H 18, FRIGI(D) 12H 18, FRIGO(T) 12H 18, FROI(N)G 12H 18
On 5th draw, VOIDANCE E6 78 --- VOIDANCE the act or process of voiding [n]
Other moves: VOIDANCE F6 74, VINCA A6 33, DIVAN A7 32, INCAVO M3 30, NICAD A7 30
On 6th draw, SEIZIN 8A 75 --- SEIZIN legal possession of land [n]
Other moves: OZONISE M8 52, OZONES M8 50, ZOS 7M 47, ZO 7M 44, ZYGOSE J6 41
On 7th draw, MACHI 5D 54 --- MACHI (Hinglish) as in machi chips, fish and chips [adj]
Other moves: CHAM 5C 52, MACH 5D 52, CHAIN 5C 50, CHINA 5A 50, HUMAN 5B 50
On 8th draw, INSOLATE B1 70 --- INSOLATE to expose to the sun's rays [v]
Other tops: SOLATION M2 70, SOLATION M7 70, TONSILAR N1 70
Other moves: LATINOS 4H 69, TALIONS 4H 69, SOLATION 11G 66, ANTLIO(N)S K2 64, A(N)TLIONS K7 64
On 9th draw, DRAU(N)TED K4 86 --- DRAUNT to drone [v]
Other moves: OUTDARED M8 72, OUTDARED 11H 70, U(N)TRADED K7 68, OUTDARED 10H 64, UNTRADED 2A 64
On 10th draw, NAEVI H1 36 --- NAEVUS a birthmark [n]
Other moves: GAEN A1 34, GAIN A1 34, GEAN A1 34, GIEN A1 34, VOGIE L1 34
On 11th draw, WORT J10 31 --- WORT a plant, herb, or vegetable [n]
Other tops: WANT J10 31, WARN J10 31, WART J10 31, WONT J10 31, WORN J10 31
Other moves: NAW F8 30, NOW F8 30, WAN J10 30, WAR J10 30, WAT J10 30
On 12th draw, BIOTA A1 45 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: BAIL A1 40, BAIT A1 40, BOAT A1 40, BOIL A1 40, FADO 9C 34
On 13th draw, FADY 9C 40 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: GAUMY 7I 38, AREFY L11 34, FADE 9C 34, FAME L1 32, FAD 9C 31
On 14th draw, LEAK J3 39 --- LEAK to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v]
Other tops: REAK J3 39
Other moves: OAK J4 38, KAIE L1 32, KALE L1 32, KALI L1 32, KARO L1 32
On 15th draw, EQUAL 2E 34 --- EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other tops: QUAG 2F 34
Other moves: QUA 2F 32, QUEMING O4 29, GAE 10D 27, SQUEG A8 27, MENG L10 26
On 16th draw, ERUPTION O3 61 --- ERUPTION the act of erupting [n]
Other moves: PIONER L7 32, TROUPER N2 30, ONER C1 25, NEP C2 24, NETOP L10 24
On 17th draw, BELONGER M5 63 --- BELONGER a person of conservative values [n]
Other moves: BERGEN L10 32, GAE 10D 27, BERG L10 26, BEEN L10 24, BEER L10 24
On 18th draw, XI 14F 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: HUMECT 12A 43, WITH L1 42, HEX 14J 40, WHIM 14I 39, METH L1 38
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