Game on February 10, 2024 at 20:45, 6 players
1. 163 pts Pacific
2. 160 pts LongJump22
3. 41 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 4H 22 50
3. 3I 41 91
4. 6C 69 160
5. N2 44 204
6. 2J 37 241
7. 10H 80 321
8. D1 72 393
9. O5 33 426
10. C8 78 504
11. B8 35 539
12. A4 62 601
13. A11 42 643
14. 1A 149 792
15. 12C 48 840
16. 13H 75 915
17. O12 35 950
18. 11E 49 999
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9569 Pacific 2 4:07 -836 163 1.9569 Pacific 2 4:07 -836 163
2.8572 LongJump22 4 3:00 -839 160 Group: expert
3.8695 Zuincunx 1 1:04 -958 41 1.8572 LongJump22 4 3:00 -839 160
4.8484 Xuincunx 1 1:25 -958 41 2.8695 Zuincunx 1 1:04 -958 41
5.8254 Quincunx 1 1:45 -958 41 3.8484 Xuincunx 1 1:25 -958 41
6.8451 Huincunx 0 1:44 -970 29 4.8254 Quincunx 1 1:45 -958 41
5.8451 Huincunx 0 1:44 -970 29
On 1st draw, HOGTIE H4 28 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other tops: HETING H4 28, HOEING H4 28
Other moves: HINGE H4 26, HOGEN H4 26, HOING H4 26, HONGI H4 26, NEIGH H8 26
HOGTIE H4 28 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, HAPTEN 4H 22 --- HAPTEN a substance similar to an antigen [n]
Other tops: HALVE 4H 22, HAVEN 4H 22, PAVONE 5E 22
Other moves: ALP G7 21, PAVEN G1 21, PAVEN G9 21, PAVEN I1 21, VELA G3 21
HALVE 4H 22 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, JOE 3I 41 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO 3I 38, AJEE N1 34, AJEE N2 34, JANE N1 34, JEEL N2 34
JOE 3I 41 Pacific, LongJump22, Zuincunx, Xuincunx, Quincunx
On 4th draw, UNHANGED 6C 69 --- UNHANG to detach from a hanging support [v]
Other moves: UNHEAD N1 40, HAED 5K 32, HAUD 5K 32, HEAD 5K 32, HUDNA 10F 31
UNHANGED 6C 69 LongJump22
AHED 5K 29 Huincunx
On 5th draw, RESOW N2 44 --- RESOW to sow again [v] --- SOW to scatter over land for growth, as seed [v]
Other moves: OWRES 2J 33, SWORE 2J 33, RESOW 10F 29, OWRES N1 28, SOWER N1 28
RESOW N2 44 Pacific
On 6th draw, K(H)I 2J 37 --- KHI a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: FAIK(I)NG D1 36, FA(I)KING D1 36, F(L)AKING D1 36, K(Y) 2J 36, B(E)AK O5 35
On 7th draw, SUBPART 10H 80 --- SUBPART a subdivision of a part [n]
Other tops: ABRUPTS 10B 80
Other moves: ABRUPTS G8 74, UPBRAST 10C 74, ABRUPTS M6 70, ABRUPTS G9 68, ABRUPTS I9 68
On 8th draw, UREDINIA D1 72 --- UREDINIA uredia [n] --- UREDINIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: AUDIO 5D 29, AIDE 11J 27, RAID 11I 27, READ 11I 27, DEAIR O5 26
On 9th draw, BODLE O5 33 --- BODLE a former Scottish coin [n]
Other moves: QUOD C5 32, QUOLL C5 32, BEDROLL M7 30, BODE O5 30, BOLD O5 30
On 10th draw, TOY(T)OWN C8 78 --- TOYTOWN unrealistically nice and not deserving of serious attention [adj]
Other moves: (T)OYTOWN C8 77, TOY(T)OWN E8 76, (T)OYTOWN E8 75, YOW(E) 11J 39, YOW 11J 38
On 11th draw, EMMA B8 35 --- EMMA an old name for M in signalling [n]
Other moves: UMM B8 33, MAMIE 5A 32, MARRUM 2A 32, MURRAM 2A 32, MAM B10 31
On 12th draw, VOLAGE A4 62 --- VOLAGE giddy [adj]
Other moves: LAVAGE A4 53, LOVAGE A4 53, VAG A6 36, VEG A6 36, LOGE A6 35
On 13th draw, GYALS A11 42 --- GYAL an ox [n]
Other moves: GYAL 11I 36, SINGLY 14A 36, GIRLY 2B 34, INLAYS 14B 34, GAILY A11 33
On 14th draw, SEDUCTOR 1A 149 --- SEDUCTOR one who seduces [n]
Other moves: EDUCTORS 1B 83, REDCOATS F1 63, CERO D10 35, ETHOS E4 31, COURSED 1B 30
On 15th draw, ORIFEX 12C 48 --- ORIFEX a mouth-like opening [n]
Other moves: REFIX 3C 46, REX O1 41, TEX O1 41, EX D11 40, PREFIX K10 36
REX 9G 36 Pacific
On 16th draw, INERTIA 13H 75 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: RAINE 11I 28, TENIA 13E 26, AINE 11J 24, NEAR 11I 24, NEAT 11I 24
On 17th draw, CLAN O12 35 --- CLAN a united group of families [n]
Other moves: AULIC O11 32, ULVA O12 32, LAV O13 26, LUV O13 26, NAIL 11I 24
On 18th draw, QI 11E 49 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIZ E10 44, QI 1L 42, ZIFF F10 39, FEZ J12 35, FIZ F12 35
QI 1L 42 Pacific
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