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Game on February 13, 2024 at 04:38, 1 player
1. 302 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeeprt   H4    22    22   brede
 2. aehiksw   G6    87   109   hawkies
 3. aeefgot   F2    27   136   fagot
 4. ?dioruy  H11    33   169   diary
 5. aeilors   4H    72   241   borealis
 6. cdeiotu  14D    65   306   outcried
 7. anooqst  15A    45   351   qats
 8. aeilnop   K8    72   423   palinode
 9. adeioov  15K    39   462   evade
10. afimrtw   E3    36   498   faw
11. ehiimpr   O4    39   537   shrimp
12. mnoortt   I6    29   566   motor
13. ?bciotx   B9    62   628   exotica
14. aeinovy   A5    37   665   veiny
15. aelnrsu   2F    63   728   funerals
16. aeeggnu   1G    33   761   genua
17. egilntu  C10    25   786   unit
18. begjlno  14M    43   829   job

Remaining tiles: eeglnz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6366 Filefatcat      4  7:08  -527  302     1.6366 fatcat      4  7:08  -527  302 

On 1st draw, BREDE H4 22 --- BREDE a braid [n] --- BREDE to braid, to plait [v]
Other tops: BETED H4 22, BREED H4 22, PREED H4 22
Other moves: BERET H4 20, BETED H8 20, BREED H8 20, PETER H4 20, PETRE H4 20

On 2nd draw, HAWKIES G6 87 --- HAWKIE a white-faced cow [n]
Other moves: WEAKISH 9C 85, WEAKISH G6 84, HAWKIES 9B 78, HAWKIES G8 74, HAWKIES I8 74

On 3rd draw, FAGOT F2 27 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other moves: ETAGE H11 26, TOGAE H11 26, GOATEE F10 24, FEET I3 23, GOAF F10 23

On 4th draw, DI(A)RY H11 33 --- DIARY a personal journal [n]
Other tops: DIR(T)Y H11 33, DOI(L)Y H11 33, DOR(K)Y H11 33, DOR(M)Y H11 33, DOR(T)Y H11 33, DO(W)RY H11 33
Other moves: RID(G)Y H11 32, RI(N)DY H11 32, RO(W)DY H11 32, DOI(L)Y F10 31, DRI(L)Y F10 31

On 5th draw, BOREALIS 4H 72 --- BOREALIS as in aurora borealis, lights seen round the North Pole, cf [adj]
Other moves: FORESAIL 2F 63, ROYALISE 15F 62, SOREDIAL 11D 36, LASER E3 26, LASE E3 24

On 6th draw, OUTCRIED 14D 65 --- OUTCRY to cry louder than [v]
Other moves: COEDITED 11E 48, CESTOID O2 30, CUSTODE O2 30, SCOUTED O4 30, DECO E5 27

On 7th draw, QATS 15A 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QATS O1 39, QI 10F 31, QANAT 3C 30, QATS 13A 28, QAT 13B 26

On 8th draw, PALINODE K8 72 --- PALINODE a poem which retracts an earlier poem [n]
Other moves: (A)PNOEAL 13H 34, APIOL 15K 33, OPINE 15K 33, LEIPOA 15J 32, LOIPEN 15J 32

On 9th draw, EVADE 15K 39 --- EVADE to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit [v]
Other moves: PAVED 8K 36, PAVID 8K 36, P**V* 8K 33, AVISED O1 30, EAVED 15K 30
EVADE 15K 39 fatcat

On 10th draw, FAW E3 36 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FAW 14M 34, FRATI 5K 34, MAW E3 33, SWARF O4 33, SWIFT O4 33
FAR 14M 25 fatcat

On 11th draw, SHRIMP O4 39 --- SHRIMP to catch shrimps (small marine decapods) [v]
Other moves: MIHIED N10 36, PRIMP 8K 36, HEMP 3I 34, HM F10 34, IMPERIA B9 34
SHRIMP O4 39 fatcat

On 12th draw, MOTOR I6 29 --- MOTOR to travel by automobile [v]
Other tops: MOTTO I6 29
Other moves: MONO I6 28, MOTOR L9 28, MOTT I6 28, MON I6 26, MOT I6 26
MON 14M 22 fatcat

On 13th draw, (E)XOTICA B9 62 --- EXOTICA things excitingly different or unusual [n]
Other moves: BOL(L)IX M2 44, T(A)X G1 42, T(E)X G1 42, (A)X G2 41, (E)X G2 41
XI 5K 38 fatcat

On 14th draw, VEINY A5 37 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other tops: ENVOY A5 37
Other moves: LEAVY 10K 36, AVINE A6 34, ENVY A6 34, IVY 10M 34, NAVY A6 34
ENVOY A5 37 fatcat

On 15th draw, FUNERALS 2F 63 --- FUNERAL a ceremony held to honour a dead person [n]
Other tops: FLANEURS 2F 63
Other moves: AUNES C9 35, AURES C9 35, LEASH 5K 26, URES C10 25, ANTHEMS 6D 24
NURSED N10 18 fatcat

On 16th draw, GENUA 1G 33 --- GENU the knee [n]
Other moves: GANE 1G 28, GENA 1G 28, GENE 1G 28, GENU 1G 28, GANGED N10 26
GUN 1G 23 fatcat

On 17th draw, UNIT C10 25 --- UNIT a specific quantity used as a standard of measurement [n]
Other moves: GUILED N10 24, TINE C9 24, TUNE C9 24, UNTIE C7 24, UNTILED N9 24
LINTED N10 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, JOB 14M 43 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOE 14M 37, JO 14M 33, BONGED N10 32, JOBED N11 30, GLOBED N10 28
JOB 14M 43 fatcat

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