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Game on February 18, 2024 at 19:59, 13 players
1. 222 pts Pacific
2. 206 pts LongJump22
3. 165 pts Hammer22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bhknoos   H7    36    36   shnook
 2. aeginrz  10H    92   128   organize
 3. cdeeint   M7    78   206   indictee
 4. ?abeelr   O8   140   346   reelable
 5. beelqsu   K5    64   410   queleas
 6. acellrs  15G    92   502   recalls
 7. eegiirt   L3    24   526   trig
 8. bimootu   3I    26   552   bottom
 9. adeefiv   J6    33   585   vae
10. ?aisttv  13C    86   671   atavist
11. aeinprx   D6    90   761   expirant
12. eghnorw   2M    37   798   who
13. finnotu   1K    47   845   futon
14. addinow   2F    36   881   indow
15. adeiopr   1D    53   934   dopier
16. adgiuuy   C6    35   969   yaud
17. aegiimy   B5    40  1009   gamy
18. aefiiju  14J    52  1061   ja

Remaining tiles: efiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9700 FilePacific     3  5:55  -839  222     1.9700 Pacific     3  5:55  -839  222 
  2.8523 FileLongJump22  3  2:27  -855  206            Group: expert
  3.6816 FileHammer22    2  3:22  -896  165     1.8523 LongJump22  3  2:27  -855  206 
  4.7369 FileArcticFox   0  5:48  -934  127     2.8406 Zuincunx    0  2:25  -991   70 
  5.8406 FileZuincunx    0  2:25  -991   70     3.8648 Wuincunx    0  1:26 -1019   42 
  6.7590 FileHollyIvy    0  0:52 -1019   42     4.8530 Quincunx    0  1:56 -1019   42 
  7.7437 Filesicilianc5  0  1:16 -1019   42     5.8835 Vuincunx    1  1:43 -1025   36 
  8.8648 FileWuincunx    0  1:26 -1019   42            Group: advanced
  9.7770 FileMycophot    0  1:42 -1019   42     1.7369 ArcticFox   0  5:48  -934  127 
 10.8530 FileQuincunx    0  1:56 -1019   42     2.7590 HollyIvy    0  0:52 -1019   42 
 11.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:04 -1025   36     3.7437 sicilianc5  0  1:16 -1019   42 
 12.8835 FileVuincunx    1  1:43 -1025   36     4.7770 Mycophot    0  1:42 -1019   42 
 13.7785 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:20 -1037   24     5.7785 moonmonkey  1  0:20 -1037   24 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6816 Hammer22    2  3:22  -896  165 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:04 -1025   36 

On 1st draw, SHNOOK H7 36 --- SHNOOK an easily deceived person [n]
Other moves: SHNOOK H3 34, SHOOK H8 34, HONKS H4 32, HOOKS H4 32, KNOBS H4 32
SHNOOK H7 36 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111, Vuincunx
HOOKS H4 32 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, ORGANIZE 10H 92 --- ORGANIZE to form into an orderly whole [v]
Other moves: ORGANIZE 11H 86, ZINGARE G1 72, ZEROING 11E 68, ZINGARO 10B 39, KAIZEN 12H 38
ORGANIZE 10H 92 LongJump22
ORGANIZE 10H 42 Wuincunx, Quincunx

On 3rd draw, INDICTEE M7 78 --- INDICTEE one that is indicted [n]
Other tops: INCENTED L6 78, INDECENT L4 78
Other moves: ZINCED N10 36, DECEIT O7 30, DECENT O7 30, EDENIC O10 30, EDENIC O8 30
INDECENT L4 78 LongJump22
ZINCED N10 36 Zuincunx
ENTICED O5 30 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, REE(L)ABLE O8 140 --- REEL to wind on a type of rotary device [adj] --- REELABLE able to be reeled [adj]
Other tops: REELAB(L)E O8 140, REE(F)ABLE O8 140
Other moves: REELAB(L)E O3 80, REE(F)ABLE O3 80, REE(L)ABLE O3 80, BEARL(I)KE 12B 76, EARL(O)BE L2 75
BLARE(S) 15H 35 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, QUELEAS K5 64 --- QUELEA an African weaverbird [n]
Other moves: EQUABLE K7 36, BASQUE K9 34, SEQUEL L2 32, SEQUELA K4 32, SQUAB K7 32
SQUEAL K6 30 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, RECALLS 15G 92 --- RECALL to call back [v]
Other tops: CALLERS 15G 92, CELLARS 15G 92
Other moves: CALLERS 13B 84, CELLARS 13B 84, RECALLS 13B 84, CALLERS N1 74, CELLARS N1 74
CELLARS 15G 92 Pacific
CALLERS 15G 42 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
RECALLS 15G 42 Mycophot
CALLERS 13B 34 Zuincunx

On 7th draw, TRIG L3 24 --- TRIG neat [adj] --- TRIG to make tight and sound [v]
Other moves: GEIT L3 23, GRIT L3 23, REORGANIZE 10F 22, RIG L4 22, TIG L4 22
TRIG L3 24 moonmonkey

On 8th draw, BOTTOM 3I 26 --- BOTTOM to comprehend [v]
Other moves: BO J6 24, MO J6 24, OUZO N8 24, OUTORGANIZE 10E 23, ORBIT I9 22

On 9th draw, VAE J6 33 --- VAE a bay or creek [n]
Other tops: FAE J6 33, FEE J6 33, VEE J6 33
Other moves: FA J6 30, FE J6 30, FA 14J 28, FE 14J 28, NAIF L10 28

On 10th draw, AT(A)VIST 13C 86 --- ATAVIST a person with ancestral characteristics [n]
Other tops: (A)TAVIST 13C 86
Other moves: STATIV(E) 14A 85, STATIV(E) 4C 79, VASTIT(Y) 4C 73, TAST(E)VIN 9A 62, (A)TAVISTS 7A 62

On 11th draw, EXPIRANT D6 90 --- EXPIRANT someone expiring [n]
Other moves: XENIA 12A 47, PRETAX D10 46, RETAX D11 40, PREX 14B 38, NIXER 14A 36
PRETAX D10 46 Pacific

On 12th draw, WHO 2M 37 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other tops: HOWE 2H 37
Other moves: GOWPEN 8A 36, HOWRE C3 36, WHOP 8A 36, WHORE C3 36, HOW 2H 34
HOWE 2H 37 Pacific

On 13th draw, FUTON 1K 47 --- FUTON a cotton filled mattress for use as a bed [n]
Other moves: NITON 1K 38, IF 14I 31, OF 14I 31, TON 1M 29, TOFU E4 28
FUTON 1K 47 Hammer22, Pacific

On 14th draw, INDOW 2F 36 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: ANOW 2G 32, DAW 2H 32, DOW 2H 32, DOWNA C3 32, NAW 2H 31
DOWP 8A 30 Hammer22

On 15th draw, DOPIER 1D 53 --- DOPY lethargic; stupid [adj]
Other moves: REPAID 1D 51, PODIA 1D 47, PARDIE 1C 44, PAID 1F 42, PIED 1F 42
REPAID 1D 51 Hammer22

On 16th draw, YAUD C6 35 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other moves: IDYL L12 28, YA 14J 28, YAUP 8A 27, GAUDY C2 25, GADI E4 24
YAUD C6 35 Hammer22

On 17th draw, GAMY B5 40 --- GAMY plucky [adj]
Other moves: AMYL L12 31, GEY E9 31, YAM B5 30, GAM B5 28, GEM B5 28
(A)A E13 1 Hammer22

On 18th draw, JA 14J 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: EF 14I 31, FUJI 2A 31, IF 14I 31, FA 14J 28, FE 14J 28
(A)A E13 1 Hammer22

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