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Game on February 19, 2024 at 08:03, 12 players
1. 552 pts babsbedi
2. 478 pts Chelsea
3. 234 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iorsuwy   H4    24    24   yours
 2. ?aalntv   4A    84   108   vacantly
 3. eeiilrs   A2    83   191   liveries
 4. egnrtuw   5H    22   213   outgrew
 5. abeemrt   K2    63   276   bregmate
 6. aciorsu   2G    78   354   caribous
 7. ?diinot   E4    82   436   nidation
 8. acehmoo   1H    45   481   hem
 9. acfilry  F10    44   525   farcy
10. aeilnot   L5    79   604   relation
11. adeelnv   C2    84   688   enclaved
12. deopswx   1L    50   738   oxes
13. abdehkp   4K    50   788   epha
14. beiinoo  K11    24   812   bonie
15. adfikpu  15G    48   860   faiked
16. degjnpu  14B    24   884   pudgy
17. einoowz  15A    52   936   zone
18. gijoqtw  13C    42   978   jo

Remaining tiles: giqtw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6810 Filebabsbedi    7 22:11  -426  552     1.8690 LongJump22  2  5:16  -744  234 
  2.7235 FileChelsea     5 15:53  -500  478     2.8835 Vuincunx    1  0:29  -934   44 
  3.8690 FileLongJump22  2  5:16  -744  234     3.8648 Wuincunx    1  0:51  -934   44 
  4.8835 FileVuincunx    1  0:29  -934   44     4.8530 Quincunx    1  1:15  -934   44 
  5.8648 FileWuincunx    1  0:51  -934   44     5.8406 Zuincunx    1  1:37  -934   44 
  6.8530 FileQuincunx    1  1:15  -934   44            Group: advanced
  7.8406 FileZuincunx    1  1:37  -934   44     1.7235 Chelsea     5 15:53  -500  478 
  8.7527 Filesicilianc5  0  1:09  -940   38     2.7527 sicilianc5  0  1:09  -940   38 
  9.7590 FileHollyIvy    0  1:28  -940   38     3.7590 HollyIvy    0  1:28  -940   38 
 10.7776 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:46  -940   38     4.7776 moonmonkey  0  1:46  -940   38 
 11.7691 FileMycophot    1  0:37  -954   24     5.7691 Mycophot    1  0:37  -954   24 
 12.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  0  1:20  -958   20            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6810 babsbedi    7 22:11  -426  552 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SSSSSS1111  0  1:20  -958   20 

On 1st draw, YOURS H4 24 --- YOURS a possessive form of the pronoun you [pron]
Other moves: WIRY H5 20, WIRY H6 20, WIRY H7 20, WIRY H8 20, YOWS H5 20
YOURS H4 24 babsbedi
YWIS H7 20 LongJump22, SSSSSS1111

On 2nd draw, VA(C)ANTLY 4A 84 --- VACANT empty [adv] --- VACANTLY in a vacant manner [adv]
Other moves: VAL(I)ANTS 8A 80, LAVAT(I)ON 5B 70, LAVO(L)TA 5E 36, VALON(E)A 5E 36, VALON(I)A 5E 36
VAL(I)ANTS 8A 30 babsbedi
VA(U)LTY 4C 22 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, LIVERIES A2 83 --- LIVERY a uniform worn by servants [n]
Other moves: OILERIES 5H 66, TILERIES F4 62, LEVIERS A2 30, LIVIERS A2 30, REVILES A2 30
VEILIER A4 30 Chelsea
SERVILE A1 30 babsbedi

On 4th draw, OUTGREW 5H 22 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: WRUNG 6F 21, WE 5D 19, LUNGER 2A 18, WRUNG E1 18, WUNNER E1 18
OUTGREW 5H 22 Chelsea
WET F2 14 babsbedi

On 5th draw, BREGMATE K2 63 --- BREGMA a junction point of the skull [adj] --- BREGMATE relating to the bregma [adj]
Other moves: BETEEM M2 26, LAMBERT 2A 26, TAMBER B9 26, BRUME 6F 25, EMBRUTE 6D 25
BREGMATE K2 63 LongJump22
BEAMER M1 20 babsbedi
BEE 5D 20 Chelsea

On 6th draw, CARIBOUS 2G 78 --- CARIBOU a large deer [n]
Other moves: LAURIC 2A 28, SAUTOIRS 8H 27, CABRIOS 2I 26, CABRIO 2I 24, CARIOUS 3I 24
CARIBOUS 2G 78 LongJump22
TACOS 8K 24 babsbedi
CROW N2 18 Chelsea

On 7th draw, NID(A)TION E4 82 --- NIDATION attachment of a blastocyst to the uterus wall [n]
Other moves: R(E)TINOID L5 78, DINIT(R)O L7 74, DINIT(R)O B8 73, DOIT(K)IN B8 73, TONDI(N)I L7 73
DOIT(K)IN B8 73 LongJump22
DOIT 1L 30 Chelsea
DO(E)N 1L 26 babsbedi

On 8th draw, HEM 1H 45 --- HEM to provide with an edge [v]
Other tops: HAM 1H 45, HOM 1H 45
Other moves: THECA 8K 42, THEMA 8K 42, MOOCH F10 38, HAO 1H 37, HOA 1H 37
HAM 1H 45 Chelsea
HOM 1H 45 babsbedi

On 9th draw, FARCY F10 44 --- FARCY a chronic horse disease [n]
Other moves: FAIRY F10 42, FRAY L4 39, FAIRLY F10 37, CAL(C)IFY C1 36, FARCI F10 35
FARCY F10 44 Vuincunx, babsbedi, Wuincunx, Chelsea, Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 10th draw, RELATION L5 79 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other moves: TOENAIL L7 73, TOENAIL B8 72, ELATION L8 71, TOENAIL B9 70, ELATION L9 68
LOIN 1L 22 babsbedi
LOAN 1L 22 Chelsea

On 11th draw, EN(C)LAVED C2 84 --- ENCLAVE to enclose within a foreign territory [v]
Other moves: ENCLAVED 13D 69, EVADE M7 30, DAVEN D10 28, VENDACE 13A 28, DELVE J7 27
LAVED K11 24 Chelsea
NAVEL K11 22 babsbedi

On 12th draw, OXES 1L 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: WOES 1L 46, PODEX K11 40, POXED K11 40, TAXED 8K 39, WEX B8 39
OXES 1L 50 babsbedi
WOES 1L 46 Chelsea

On 13th draw, EPHA 4K 50 --- EPHA a Hebrew unit of dry measure [n]
Other moves: KAPH K11 40, BEKAH K11 38, ATABEK 8J 36, PEH M7 36, BAKED K11 34
KAPH K11 40 babsbedi
BEKAH K11 38 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
HAKE K11 34 Chelsea

On 14th draw, BONIE K11 24 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BEIN K11 22, BENI K11 22, BIEN K11 22, BINE K11 22, BONE K11 22
BONIE K11 24 Chelsea, Mycophot, babsbedi

On 15th draw, FAIKED 15G 48 --- FAIK to abate [v]
Other moves: FAKED 15H 45, FIKED 15H 45, PAIKED 15G 45, DIKA J12 43, DUKA J12 43
FAKED 15H 45 Chelsea, babsbedi

On 16th draw, PUDGY 14B 24 --- PUDGY short and fat [adj]
Other tops: MENED 6K 24, PEND M11 24, PUNCED 13C 24, TAPED 8K 24
Other moves: JUPON 12H 22, MENE 6K 22, PED M11 22, PEG M11 22, PEND J7 22
TAPED 8K 24 babsbedi

On 17th draw, ZONE 15A 52 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZINE 15A 52
Other moves: ZONE J10 43, ZIN 15A 42, ZOO J10 40, ZO 15A 37, ZONE 13A 37
ZONE 15A 52 babsbedi, Chelsea

On 18th draw, JO 13C 42 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOW J10 40, JOG J10 36, JOT J10 34, JO J10 30, QI B1 28
WIDE D12 16 babsbedi

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