Game on February 20, 2024 at 11:31, 6 players
1. 162 pts LongJump22
2. 133 pts Discus22
3. 130 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 80 80 


6B 78 158 


D2 80 238 


2B 36 274 


A6 39 313 


F2 67 380 


11F 30 410 


H11 36 446 


B10 36 482 


A12 54 536 


J6 39 575 


15H 89 664 


3H 44 708 


C10 28 736 


L1 40 776 


2K 41 817 


1A 40 857 


N10 28 885 


12L 28 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 1 4:51 -751 162 1.8655 LongJump22 1 4:51 -751 162
Discus22 2 2:46 -780 133 Group: advanced
moonmonkey 3 3:03 -783 130 1.7769 moonmonkey 3 3:03 -783 130
sicilianc5 1 3:49 -785 128 2.7526 sicilianc5 1 3:49 -785 128
Hammer22 2 2:51 -823 90 Group: intermediate
6. -
UUUUUU1124 1 1:44 -873 40 1.6798 Discus22 2 2:46 -780 133
2.6803 Hammer22 2 2:51 -823 90
Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1124 1 1:44 -873 40
On 1st draw, R(E)FRAME H2 80 --- FRAME to construct by putting together the various parts [v] --- REFRAME to put in a new frame [v]
Other tops: FARMER(S) H4 80, FARMER(Y) H4 80, FRAMER(S) H4 80, F(I)REARM H4 80, F(O)REARM H4 80, REFRAM(E) H2 80
Other moves: F(I)REARM H6 78, F(O)REARM H6 78, REFRAM(E) H7 78, R(E)FRAME H7 78, FARMER(S) H2 74
On 2nd draw, WINGBEAT 6B 78 --- WINGBEAT a flap of a wing [n]
Other moves: W(E)ETING 3G 30, WEFTING 4F 28, BEWIG G6 27, BREWING 5G 26, B(E)ETING 3G 26
On 3rd draw, BOVINI(T)Y D2 80 --- BOVINITY the state of being a bovine [n]
Other moves: (S)YBO A6 38, BY(L)IV(E) 3C 32, OV(E)RBY 2E 29, (S)OV A6 29, (S)OY A6 29
On 4th draw, ELBOW 2B 36 --- ELBOW to jostle [v]
Other moves: LAW C1 26, LOW C1 26, LOWE G1 26, TAW C1 26, TOW C1 26
On 5th draw, SHOLA A6 39 --- SHOLA a jungle in India [n]
Other tops: SHAUL A6 39, SHOAL A6 39, SOLAH A6 39
Other moves: SHUL A6 36, HALOS J2 35, HAULS J2 35, HULAS J2 35, SOLAH J6 35
HAULS J2 35 LongJump22
On 6th draw, WINDBLAST F2 67 --- WINDBLAST [n]
Other moves: TINDALS G8 62, TINDALS I8 62, IDANTS B9 31, IDANTS J1 31, ISLAND J5 31
TINDALS G8 62 LongJump22
On 7th draw, STONED 11F 30 --- STONE to pelt with stones (pieces of concreted earthy or mineral matter) [v]
Other tops: DELOS J2 30, DELTS J2 30, DENTS J2 30, DOLES J2 30, DOLTS J2 30, DOTES J2 30, OLDEST 11B 30, SOLED J6 30, STEND J6 30, STOLED 11F 30, STOND J6 30
Other moves: DOLENT B10 29, LODENS J1 29, OLDENS J1 29, OLDEST J2 29, STOLED J6 29
DOLENT B10 29 LongJump22
On 8th draw, OVINE H11 36 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: AVIAN E11 32, AVINE E11 32, AVA E11 28, AVE E11 28, AINE E11 24
OVINE H11 36 Discus22, moonmonkey, Hammer22
On 9th draw, MAIRE B10 36 --- MAIRE major [n]
Other tops: MAURI B10 36
Other moves: JUMARED K5 34, AIMER E11 30, MAIRE C9 30, MAURI C9 30, JA 1A 29
MAIRE B10 36 LongJump22
On 10th draw, KETO A12 54 --- KETO of or pertaining to ketone [adj]
Other moves: HOED A12 49, HOTE A12 46, DOEK A12 42, HOKED 10J 41, DOTH A12 39
KETO A12 54 Discus22, moonmonkey, Hammer22, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, SHARPED J6 39 --- SHARP to raise in pitch, as a musical note [v]
Other moves: HAPUS J2 38, HARPS J2 38, HARDS J2 37, HAUDS J2 37, HURDS J2 37
HARPS J2 38 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, ENGRACED 15H 89 --- ENGRACE to put grace into [v]
Other moves: (E)NGRACED 3H 74, GRACE C11 37, ARCADE 8J 36, DRAC C11 35, GRADE C11 34
On 13th draw, (E)XPIRE 3H 44 --- EXPIRE to come to an end [v]
Other tops: PREX C12 44
Other moves: FIX C9 43, REX C12 43, PIX C5 41, FOXFIRE 4H 40, FORFEX 4H 38
REX C12 43 Discus22
REX I1 36 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, ANTE C10 28 --- ANTE to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker [v]
Other moves: ALONE E11 26, ANOLE E11 26, ATONE E11 26, ETNA C11 26, OLENT 2J 26
On 15th draw, JURAT L1 40 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: JURA L1 38, JURE L1 38, JOE 1A 34, JA 1A 29, JANE 14F 29
JURAT L1 40 moonmonkey, UUUUUU1124
On 16th draw, QUAG 2K 41 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: QUALE 2K 41
Other moves: JUGA 1L 36, JOLE 1L 33, QUALE N11 28, AGLU E11 26, AGUE E11 26
On 17th draw, ZEE 1A 40 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZINE 14F 35, ZO 1A 35, ZONE 14F 35, LOZEN 14D 34, ZIN 14F 32
On 18th draw, COOLIE N10 28 --- COOLIE an Oriental labourer [n]
Other moves: VODOU 12H 23, YO 14N 23, POLICY 10J 22, DOILY 12J 21, DOOLY 12J 21
On 19th draw, YOOF 12L 28 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other moves: FY O11 26, UFO O11 23, FON I13 21, FUN I13 21, IF O11 20
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