Game on Mars 4, 2024 at 12:19, 6 players
1. 191 pts LongJump22
2. 126 pts Wuincunx
3. 80 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 42 42 


6F 31 73 


8A 80 153 


5J 33 186 


O1 44 230 


A1 77 307 


B6 27 334 


C2 29 363 


A10 33 396 


N2 46 442 


14A 80 522 


H12 33 555 


4J 28 583 


13F 32 615 


L8 74 689 


14J 46 735 


10H 67 802 


O7 48 850 


O12 39 889 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 4:02 -698 191 1.8524 LongJump22 4 4:02 -698 191
Wuincunx 2 4:06 -763 126 2.8725 Wuincunx 2 4:06 -763 126
Zuincunx 1 2:23 -809 80 3.8566 Zuincunx 1 2:23 -809 80
4. -
PPPPPP1118 1 1:48 -843 46 4.8809 Vuincunx 0 0:23 -857 32
Vuincunx 0 0:23 -857 32 5.8423 Quincunx 0 0:41 -857 32
Quincunx 0 0:41 -857 32 Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1118 1 1:48 -843 46
On 1st draw, JIRDS H4 42 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JIRDS H8 28, JIRDS H5 26, JIRDS H6 26, JIRDS H7 26, JIRD H5 24
On 2nd draw, WORTHY 6F 31 --- WORTHY a worthy person [n] --- WORTHY having value or merit [adj] --- WORTHY having merit [adj] --- WORTHY to make worthy [v]
Other moves: JANTY 4H 30, JONTY 4H 30, THORNY 6E 28, WITHY 5G 28, HORNY 6F 27
On 3rd draw, SAPOR(O)US 8A 80 --- SAPOR flavour [adj] --- SAPOROUS relating to sapor [adj]
Other tops: SAPOR(O)US 8H 80, SAP(O)ROUS 8H 80
Other moves: ASP(E)ROUS 8A 77, SAP(O)ROUS 8A 77, OPH(I)URAS J4 64, UPSOAR(S) G8 64, UP(R)OARS G8 64
On 4th draw, ABLET 5J 33 --- ABLET a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: ABET 5J 31, ABLE 5J 31, BETTA 5K 28, BLATE 5K 28, BLATT 5K 28
On 5th draw, NOAHS O1 44 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other tops: HAGGS O1 44, HOGGS O1 44
Other moves: HANGS O1 41, HONGS O1 41, GANGS O1 35, GONGS O1 35, NOGGS O1 35
On 6th draw, AEROSATS A1 77 --- AEROSAT a satellite for use in air-traffic control [n]
Other moves: AEROSATS A4 59, STATER N2 27, STATOR N2 27, TASTER N2 27, STATE N2 25
On 7th draw, BEANO B6 27 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other tops: DIB B4 27, DOB B4 27
Other moves: OBIA B5 26, BEAD B6 25, NIB B4 25, NOB B4 25, ANOBIID B8 24
On 8th draw, VIVDA C2 29 --- VIVDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: PAVEED M2 28, VAIVODE D4 28, DAE 4J 27, PEAT N2 27, PAVED C10 26
On 9th draw, GRIECE A10 33 --- GRIECE a step [n]
Other moves: PERCING C8 31, ENERGIC M3 30, PERCINE C8 29, PEERING C8 27, PERCEN C8 27
GRIECE A10 33 LongJump22
On 10th draw, ZA N2 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: NAZI 5E 42, LUTZ N3 40, (O)UZEL F8 33, GLAZEN M1 32, ZONULAE D7 32
ZA N2 46 LongJump22
On 11th draw, CAMEOING 14A 80 --- CAMEO to portray in sharp, delicate relief [v]
Other moves: AMIE M2 34, GAM M1 34, NAM M1 32, AM M2 30, COMING 14A 30
CAMEOING 14A 80 LongJump22
On 12th draw, MIGG H12 33 --- MIGG a type of playing marble [n]
Other moves: ELEMI 13A 30, MOIL 13C 30, OGLER 15H 30, MEG 13C 29, MOG 13C 29
On 13th draw, LAER 4J 28 --- LAER to arrange wagons in a defensive ring [v]
Other moves: JURA 4H 25, NAE 4J 24, ENOL 13C 22, AILERON 13G 21, ELAN 13A 20
On 14th draw, QUINONE 13F 32 --- QUINONE a crystalline derivative of aniline [n]
Other moves: QUINOL 13F 31, QUEEN D11 30, QUINE 13F 30, QUINO 13F 30, QUIN 13F 29
QUINONE 13F 32 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 15th draw, DE(C)EDENT L8 74 --- DECEDENT a deceased person [n]
Other moves: DENET(T)ED L7 70, DENE(T)TED L7 70, DE(M)ENTED L7 70, TENDE(R)ED L7 70, E(X)TENDED L7 68
DEED(S) M9 48 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
QUINONE(S) 13F 32 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 16th draw, PENFUL 14J 46 --- PENFUL the amount of ink a pen can hold [n]
Other moves: PENULT 14J 40, FENT 14J 30, FREET M3 30, WENT 14J 30, FEN 14J 29
PENFUL 14J 46 Wuincunx, PPPPPP1118
On 17th draw, FELI(C)ITY 10H 67 --- FELICITY happiness [n]
Other moves: FYLE O12 42, LIEFLY O10 39, EDIFY 8K 36, FELLY O11 36, FILLY O11 36
On 18th draw, COXY O7 48 --- COXY self-important [adj]
Other moves: KEX 9K 45, COKY O7 39, ICKY O7 39, KILO O12 39, KILT O12 39
On 19th draw, KILT O12 39 --- KILT to make creases or pleats in [v]
Other moves: WILI O12 33, WILT O12 33, TREK D12 26, TREW D12 22, ILK O13 21
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