Game on Mars 10, 2024 at 02:45, 16 players
1. 300 pts roocatcher
2. 253 pts sunshine12
3. 245 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6H 74 102 


8A 80 182 


O1 24 206 


4D 78 284 


8L 60 344 


5A 52 396 


L1 44 440 


3I 44 484 


A1 42 526 


L8 78 604 


14J 38 642 


2J 45 687 


B2 29 716 


11E 102 818 


10D 33 851 


H11 24 875 


O12 36 911 


J10 33 944 


K13 21 965 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 3 11:13 -665 300 1.8109 enzotiger 0 1:12 -941 24
sunshine12 2 7:10 -712 253 Group: advanced
GLOBEMAN 1 7:13 -720 245 1.7303 roocatcher 3 11:13 -665 300
4. -
chunk88 1 1:41 -921 44 2.7454 sunshine12 2 7:10 -712 253
5. -
TWEEKS 1 0:42 -929 36 3.7884 GLOBEMAN 1 7:13 -720 245
6. -
WEASEL 1 1:27 -929 36 4.7596 lazy.lion 1 0:28 -932 33
lazy.lion 1 0:28 -932 33 5.7908 bumpkin 0 0:38 -951 14
FangTooth 1 1:52 -932 33 Group: intermediate
9. -
Suincunx 0 1:04 -934 31 1.6663 FangTooth 1 1:52 -932 33
Nibbler 0 0:11 -941 24 2.6819 Nibbler 0 0:11 -941 24
enzotiger 0 1:12 -941 24 3.6469 xxxxxxx 0 1:50 -941 24
xxxxxxx 0 1:50 -941 24 4.6890 mousecat 0 1:52 -951 14
13. -
BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -945 20 Group: not rated
14. -
AMYtheROO 0 1:32 -950 15 1. - chunk88 1 1:41 -921 44
bumpkin 0 0:38 -951 14 2. - TWEEKS 1 0:42 -929 36
mousecat 0 1:52 -951 14 3. - WEASEL 1 1:27 -929 36
4. - Suincunx 0 1:04 -934 31
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:58 -945 20
6. - AMYtheROO 0 1:32 -950 15
On 1st draw, HAPUS H4 28 --- HAPU a Maori subtribe (a subdivision of an iwi) [n]
Other tops: PHASO(R) H3 28, PHA(R)OS H3 28, PHO(C)AS H3 28, PHO(L)AS H3 28, PO(I)SHA H8 28, PO(T)ASH H7 28, PU(J)AHS H8 28, SU(L)PHA H8 28, (W)HAUPS H3 28
Other moves: AP(I)SH H8 26, HAPU(S) H4 26, HAP(U)S H4 26, HASP(S) H4 26, HA(R)PS H4 26
On 2nd draw, PAYAB(L)ES 6H 74 --- PAYABLES accounts payable [n]
Other moves: SAYAB(L)E 5E 44, (K)ABAYAS 5E 44, BAYES I3 31, (A)BAYAS I2 31, ABAY(A)S I2 30
BAYES I3 31 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, TUTENAGS 8A 80 --- TUTENAG an alloy [n]
Other moves: GAUNT(L)ET M1 68, TUTENAG I8 62, GAUNTEST 8B 60, GESTANT O4 30, AGENTS O1 24
GAUNTS O1 24 roocatcher
On 4th draw, ENOLASE O1 24 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: ALSOONE O4 24
Other moves: ALOE 5J 22, ALSOON O4 21, ANELES O1 21, ANOLES O1 21, ENSEAL O4 21
SOLE O6 12 roocatcher
On 5th draw, TARWHINE 4D 78 --- TARWHINE an Australian fish [n]
Other moves: ANTIWEAR K6 72, ANTIWEAR F2 71, ANTIWEAR F8 65, TAWNIER E5 40, TAWNIER K5 40
WANE N1 27 roocatcher
On 6th draw, FADS 8L 60 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other tops: FEDS 8L 60, FIDS 8L 60
Other moves: FANS 8L 57, FEIS 8L 57, FENS 8L 57, FIENDS 8J 57, FINS 8L 57
FADS 8L 60 roocatcher, sunshine12
On 7th draw, COMIX 5A 52 --- COMIX comic books or strips [n]
Other moves: COX 5C 44, MIX 5C 44, LOX 5C 40, TIX 5C 40, OX 5D 38
MIX 5C 44 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, GEES L1 44 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: GUES L1 44, GURS L1 44
Other moves: ERGS L1 42, REGS L1 42, RUGS L1 42, ERES L1 40, REES L1 40
GERES 3I 25 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 9th draw, QI 3I 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BITER 6B 42, BITE 6B 39, DEBITOR N8 32, BERET 3I 31, BITER 3I 31
QI 3I 44 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88
On 10th draw, POLICY A1 42 --- POLICY an action or a procedure considered with reference to prudence or expediency [n]
Other moves: PLAYING 1F 39, PLOYING 1F 39, PTYALIN C7 38, YAP 6B 38, YIP 6B 38
PLAYING 1F 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, FILENAME L8 78 --- FILENAME the name of a computer file [n]
Other moves: DEMAINE N8 32, AMINO B1 30, LEAMING 1F 30, MEALING 1F 30, MELANGE 1G 30
AMINO B1 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AM B1 20 BadBoyBen
On 12th draw, VUM(M)ED 14J 38 --- VUM to vow [v]
Other moves: BEDEVI(L) 15I 36, BEV(V)IED 15G 36, BE(V)VIED 15G 36, BI(T)OU B2 34, VIME(N) 14J 34
On 13th draw, BREHON 2J 45 --- BREHON a medieval Irish judge [n]
Other moves: BRETON 2J 39, HIDE O12 36, YBET 6A 32, BIDE O12 30, BODE O12 30
HIDE O12 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 14th draw, RATOO B2 29 --- RATOO a local chief in Fiji [n]
Other tops: REALO 15K 29
Other moves: DOG(M)A M11 25, DADO O12 24, TAO 3E 22, DA 15N 21, DATO K9 21
DADO O12 24 Nibbler, enzotiger, xxxxxxx
On 15th draw, DEERLIKE 11E 102 --- DEER a ruminant mammal [adj] --- DEERLIKE like a deer [adj]
Other tops: REEDLIKE 11E 102
Other moves: DEERLIKE D7 76, REEDLIKE D7 76, RELINKED 12H 66, REKINDLE 12H 65, REEDE 15K 33
On 16th draw, NOWT 10D 33 --- NOWT a zero [n]
Other tops: ROWT 10D 33, TOWN 10D 33
Other moves: OWN 10E 32, OWT 10E 32, TROW 10C 31, NOW 10D 30, ROW 10D 30
TOWN 10D 33 FangTooth
TROW 10C 31 Suincunx
On 17th draw, RORIC H11 24 --- RORIC dewy [adj]
Other moves: RIGOR H11 21, TI 15N 17, TO 15N 17, INCOG 12K 16, ONTIC 12K 16
TO 3E 14 bumpkin, mousecat
On 18th draw, FIDO O12 36 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other moves: FONDU O11 30, FUNDI O11 30, EURO 15L 24, MUFTI C5 21, (L)OAF M6 20
On 19th draw, ZIG J10 33 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: LUZ 10L 32, ZIN J10 32, ZIT J10 32, KUZU K11 30, ZITI 9I 23
ZIG J10 33 lazy.lion, roocatcher
On 20th draw, JUT K13 21 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JUN K13 21
Other moves: DIV N8 15, MURTI C5 15, DJIN N8 14, JIN 9K 14, KUTU K11 14
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