Game on Mars 11, 2024 at 04:24, 6 players
1. 208 pts roocatcher
2. 172 pts sunshine12
3. 172 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 20 20
2. 11G 68 88
3. 12A 74 162
4. B5 76 238
5. 10H 68 306
6. A1 50 356
7. M9 40 396
8. 12J 31 427
9. 8A 42 469
10. A12 33 502
11. 13F 35 537
12. D2 26 563
13. N3 68 631
14. 3G 78 709
15. O8 31 740
16. E2 35 775
17. F1 53 828
18. 1E 30 858
19. K2 74 932
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7220 roocatcher 1 8:16 -724 208 1.7220 roocatcher 1 8:16 -724 208
2.7487 sunshine12 1 5:43 -760 172 2.7487 sunshine12 1 5:43 -760 172
3.7819 GLOBEMAN 1 8:42 -760 172 3.7819 GLOBEMAN 1 8:42 -760 172
4.7596 lazy.lion 1 4:30 -796 136 4.7596 lazy.lion 1 4:30 -796 136
5.7908 bumpkin 1 4:05 -824 108 5.7908 bumpkin 1 4:05 -824 108
6. - chunk88 0 0:31 -904 28 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:31 -904 28
On 1st draw, WEFT H8 20 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: WEFT H5 20, WEFT H6 20, WEFT H7 20
Other moves: FEW H6 18, FEW H7 18, FEW H8 18, OFTEN H4 18, OFTEN H8 18
On 2nd draw, ATTAINED 11G 68 --- ATTAIN to gain or achieve by mental or physical effort [v]
Other tops: ATTAINED 11F 68
Other moves: ADNATE 12C 28, DETAIN 12G 28, NIDATE 12C 28, DAINE 12D 26, DETAIN I7 25
On 3rd draw, DANDLER 12A 74 --- DANDLER one that dandles [n]
Other moves: DANDLER I3 71, ENLARDED 9B 65, RELANDED 9B 65, ENLARDED 9H 63, RELANDED 9G 63
On 4th draw, IM(P)LUVIA B5 76 --- IMPLUVIUM a rain water receptacle in Roman houses [n]
Other moves: IM(P)LUVIA J4 64, LI(X)IVIUM K6 62, LI(X)IVIUM K8 62, MILVIN(E) C7 30, VIAL(S) B10 30
On 5th draw, FIZ 10H 68 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: ZOA 10J 67, ZA 10J 64, ZO 10J 64, ROZIT A1 47, DITZ A12 42
On 6th draw, WHIPS A1 50 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other moves: PLEWS 8A 42, BLEW 8A 39, PLEW 8A 39, BLIPS 8A 36, PLEBS 8A 36
WEFTS H8 23 roocatcher
On 7th draw, JEERS M9 40 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other tops: JEELS M9 40
Other moves: JODELS N9 32, REJONES L7 30, SLOJD N7 29, SJOE G6 28, JEELS C1 27
JOLES C1 27 roocatcher
On 8th draw, G(O)URA 12J 31 --- GOURA a pigeon [n]
Other moves: G(N)AR 12J 26, (S)TAR 12J 23, HAG(B)UT 2A 22, HAUG(H)T 2A 22, ALGAT(E) 8A 21
AG(O) 12I 20 roocatcher
On 9th draw, KLUGED 8A 42 --- KLUGE to fix by clumsy makeshift methods [v]
Other tops: KLUDGE 8A 42
Other moves: KLUGE 8A 36, AKED 13F 30, DUKA C3 29, DUKE C3 29, DEEK 9F 27
KETA N6 27 roocatcher
On 10th draw, DAVY A12 33 --- DAVY a safety lamp [n]
Other moves: GAMY C3 32, DEMY A12 30, HEAVY 2A 28, EM B1 27, YEA 13C 27
DAVY A12 33 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, ABIES 13F 35 --- ABIES a fir tree [n]
Other moves: BEES 13G 32, BIAS 13G 32, BIOS 13G 32, BOAS 13G 32, BOIS 13G 32
SABE O12 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, PFENNIG D2 26 --- PFENNIG a bronze coin of Germany [n]
Other moves: EF B2 25, FAINNE C1 25, IF B2 25, NIFE C3 24, EAN B1 23
EF B2 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, ETAERIO N3 68 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: ETAERIO I2 64, OUTER 9A 31, HEAPIER 2A 28, IURE 9A 28, UTERI 9B 28
ERE C3 22 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 14th draw, ESCAROLE 3G 78 --- ESCAROLE a broad-leaved endive [n]
CAROLS O1 36 sunshine12
On 15th draw, ORC O8 31 --- ORC a marine mammal [n]
Other moves: COIR C1 28, LOIR C1 24, OR O8 22, CLOG L1 20, CROG L1 20
COIR C1 28 sunshine12
On 16th draw, OARY E2 35 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other tops: AERY E2 35
Other moves: RAYNE E1 34, ROYNE E1 34, ARSY H1 33, EASY H1 33, NOSY H1 33
YATE 4L 28 chunk88, GLOBEMAN, lazy.lion
On 17th draw, OX F1 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX F1 53
Other moves: EXIT 4K 44, TEX 4J 42, EXIT I8 41, EX 4K 38, EXO 9D 36
OX F1 53 lazy.lion, bumpkin
On 18th draw, GOUTTE 1E 30 --- GOUTTE a drop [n]
Other moves: GOUT 1E 24, GUSTIE H1 24, GUSTO H1 21, UTE 9B 21, GEOID F4 19
GOUT 1E 24 bumpkin, lazy.lion
On 19th draw, BROMELIN K2 74 --- BROMELIN an enzyme [n]
Other moves: EMO B1 31, EM B1 27, OM B1 27, EMO 9D 26, BIOME L1 24
EMO B1 31 lazy.lion, bumpkin, roocatcher
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