Game on Mars 15, 2024 at 04:45, 6 players
1. 368 pts fatcat
2. 238 pts roocatcher
3. 206 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 26 26
2. 10E 63 89
3. I1 63 152
4. 1I 33 185
5. 3G 74 259
6. G5 48 307
7. 11B 22 329
8. J5 33 362
9. M7 81 443
10. 8K 51 494
11. 14J 65 559
12. 15H 31 590
13. O6 69 659
14. 2F 33 692
15. F4 36 728
16. 8A 39 767
17. A3 63 830
18. N6 37 867
19. E3 37 904
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6439 fatcat 2 10:40 -536 368 1.7051 roocatcher 1 5:58 -666 238
2.7051 roocatcher 1 5:58 -666 238 2.7554 GLOBEMAN 2 6:28 -698 206
3.7554 GLOBEMAN 2 6:28 -698 206 3.7461 sunshine12 1 4:22 -765 139
4.7461 sunshine12 1 4:22 -765 139 4.7678 lazy.lion 0 4:55 -792 112
5.7678 lazy.lion 0 4:55 -792 112 5.7530 bumpkin 0 4:18 -823 81
6.7530 bumpkin 0 4:18 -823 81 Group: intermediate
1.6439 fatcat 2 10:40 -536 368
On 1st draw, ERENOW H7 26 --- ERENOW before this time [adv]
Other tops: POWER H4 26, POWRE H4 26
Other moves: RENEW H8 24, OPENER H3 22, PEREON H4 22, PERONE H4 22, POWER H8 22
On 2nd draw, BURNOU(S)E 10E 63 --- BURNOUSE a hooded cloak [n]
Other moves: UBEROU(S) I1 60, BERO(B) G7 25, BORE(D) G7 25, BORE(L) G7 25, BORE(S) G7 25
On 3rd draw, UN(R)OYAL I1 63 --- UNROYAL not royal [adj]
Other moves: ONLAY(S) 11A 31, UNLAY(S) 11A 31, ONLAY 11A 30, UNLAY 11A 30, AL(L)OY 11A 28
On 4th draw, UPSTOOD 1I 33 --- UPSTAND to stand up on one's feet [v]
Other tops: APODOUS 1D 33
Other moves: ADOPTS M9 31, PADS J4 30, PODS J4 30, ADOPT M9 29, ASTOOP 11A 28
On 5th draw, NA(R)GILEH 3G 74 --- NARGILEH a hookah [n]
Other tops: NA(R)GHILE 3G 74, SHEALING K1 74
Other moves: HEALING(S) K3 72, LEA(S)HING K7 72, HEALING G1 70, ENGLI(S)H K5 40, NAH J4 34
On 6th draw, DAZE G5 48 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other tops: ADZE G5 48
Other moves: CAZ G5 46, ADZ G5 45, ZA G7 45, SAZ G5 44, SEZ G5 44
On 7th draw, TIGES 11B 22 --- TIGE the shaft of a column [n]
Other tops: EST J6 22, GITES 11B 22
Other moves: ES J6 21, IS J6 21, ISIT 4L 21, SITE 4K 21, EGIS 11C 20
GETS M7 18 fatcat
SITE M10 18 roocatcher
On 8th draw, AGS J5 33 --- AG agriculture [n]
Other moves: GEANS J3 32, ANSA J5 28, AAS J5 27, EAS J5 27, ENS J5 27
SAGE M10 20 roocatcher
SNAG M10 20 fatcat
On 9th draw, READORN M7 81 --- ADORN to add something to for the purpose of making more attractive [v] --- READORN to adorn again [v]
Other moves: ADORNER M9 79, ORDAINER C7 74, REORDAIN C5 62, REDO 2K 32, ANODE 12B 31
ADORER M9 27 roocatcher
DARNER M10 25 fatcat
On 10th draw, WHEEP 8K 51 --- WHEEP to give a prolonged whistle [v]
Other moves: CHEAP 8K 48, CHEEP 8K 48, PECH 8L 42, HEAP 8L 39, WEEP 8L 39
CHEEP 8K 48 fatcat, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, JOIST 14J 65 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: JOIST C9 40, JETS 14J 36, JOES 14J 36, JORS 14J 36, JOTS 14J 36
JOIST 14J 65 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
JEER N6 31 fatcat
On 12th draw, NAAM 15H 31 --- NAAM legal distraint [n]
Other moves: MEAN 15H 29, MEOU 15H 29, MOAN 15H 29, MUON 15H 29, MA K5 28
MEAN 15H 29 roocatcher, fatcat
On 13th draw, EXPIATED O6 69 --- EXPIATE to make complete atonement for [v]
Other moves: TAXED 4K 50, AXED 4L 46, OXHEAD N1 42, TAXI 4K 42, AXE 4L 38
TAXED 4K 50 fatcat
DEXIE 14D 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, QI 2F 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RIF F4 30, IF F5 29, OF F5 29, FIT 12C 28, IF N5 26
QI 2F 33 sunshine12, fatcat, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, EIK F4 36 --- EIK to augment [v]
Other tops: KETO 12A 36, KO K5 36, KOI 2M 36, OIK F4 36
Other moves: KO 2M 31, MEE N6 31, SKITE K1 30, ITEM 4L 29, ME K5 28
KO K5 36 fatcat
MIKE C10 20 sunshine12
On 16th draw, TRIBUTER 8A 39 --- TRIBUTER a miner paid by tribute [n]
Other moves: UNBITTER 8A 33, URB E3 24, BURNIE 4A 22, UNEXPIATED O4 21, BITTUR B9 20
URB E3 24 sunshine12, lazy.lion, bumpkin
BE 6N 10 fatcat
On 17th draw, LIMNETIC A3 63 --- LIMNETIC pertaining to the open water of a lake or pond [adj]
Other moves: MEE N6 31, ME K5 28, MINI 12A 28, NEEM N6 27, MINCIER B2 26
MEE N6 31 sunshine12, lazy.lion
HELM N3 25 fatcat
On 18th draw, YAE N6 37 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other tops: ARVO E3 37
Other moves: IVY K3 36, AVO E4 35, OVA E4 35, RYA E4 35, ICY K3 34
HOLY N3 31 lazy.lion, sunshine12, bumpkin
GLORY D11 26 fatcat
On 19th draw, OFF E3 37 --- OFF to go away [v]
Other moves: FRO E4 32, ORF E3 28, OF E4 26, YAFF 5I 26, ORC E3 24
OF E4 26 bumpkin, lazy.lion
OF 15N 17 fatcat
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