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Game on Mars 15, 2024 at 05:31, 6 players
1. 295 pts fatcat
2. 232 pts roocatcher
3. 153 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehrrtu   H8    78    78   urethra
 2. aabdimo  12H    24   102   himbo
 3. aefllsu  15D    69   171   fusel
 4. ?eiprst   M7    87   258   imprest
 5. adeenpy   J6    72   330   ependyma
 6. elooost  14J    42   372   loose
 7. ?aiiqvz  O12    71   443   qadi
 8. eilnntv   K3    26   469   ventil
 9. beeinry   3I    30   499   yeven
10. eioottw  11J    33   532   yowe
11. aeinnor  11A    66   598   reanoint
12. dgilott   4H    30   628   godet
13. aaektvz   A8    39   667   tzar
14. acgiins   D5    74   741   incasing
15. adfijlo   B6    40   781   jiao
16. abcdhku   C3    38   819   haku
17. defgmow   E2    42   861   dowf
18. bceimtx  14A    46   907   cimex
19. abegrtu   B1    23   930   grub
20. adelrtv   2L    24   954   vade

Remaining tiles: lrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6447 Filefatcat      1  6:16  -659  295     1.7053 roocatcher  0  7:35  -722  232 
  2.7053 Fileroocatcher  0  7:35  -722  232     2.7583 GLOBEMAN    2  3:13  -801  153 
  3.7583 FileGLOBEMAN    2  3:13  -801  153     3.7437 sunshine12  2  4:02  -836  118 
  4.7437 Filesunshine12  2  4:02  -836  118     4.7530 bumpkin     1  2:56  -897   57 
  5.7530 Filebumpkin     1  2:56  -897   57     5.7730 lazy.lion   2  3:30  -907   47 
  6.7730 Filelazy.lion   2  3:30  -907   47            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6447 fatcat      1  6:16  -659  295 

On 1st draw, URETHRA H8 78 --- URETHRA the duct through which urine is discharged from the bladder [n]
Other moves: URETHRA H2 72, URETHRA H3 72, URETHRA H4 72, URETHRA H6 72, URETHRA H7 72
HEART H4 24 fatcat

On 2nd draw, HIMBO 12H 24 --- HIMBO a superficial, stupid man, who is overly concerned with his looks [n]
Other tops: BIMAH 12D 24, HAMBA 12H 24
Other moves: AMIA G9 21, OBIA G9 21, BIODATA 11C 20, DOMATIA 11D 20, HAOMA 12H 20
BEAM 10G 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, FUSEL 15D 69 --- FUSEL an oily liquid [n]
Other tops: FALLS 15D 69, FALSE 15D 69, FEALS 15D 69, FELLS 15D 69, FLEAS 15D 69, FLUES 15D 69, FUELS 15D 69, FULLS 15D 69
Other moves: FELLAS 15C 63, FELLAS 15G 63, ALEFS 15D 60, FELLAS 15E 60, FELLAS 15F 60
FALLS 15D 69 fatcat

On 4th draw, I(M)PREST M7 87 --- IMPREST an advance of money for a public purpose [n]
Other tops: PERI(O)ST M7 87, PER(S)IST M7 87, P(A)IREST M7 87, P(O)RIEST M7 87, P(U)IREST M7 87, R(O)PIEST M7 87
Other moves: PERSI(S)T M7 86, U(N)RIPEST 8H 86, PERSI(S)T M9 85, PI(A)STER M9 85, PI(A)STRE M9 85
PRIEST(S) M8 31 fatcat

On 5th draw, EPENDYMA J6 72 --- EPENDYMA a membrane lining certain body cavities [n]
Other moves: Y(M)PE 8L 36, DA(M)PY 8K 33, YEANED N2 27, APED 11K 26, EANED 11J 26
DA(M)PY 8K 33 fatcat

On 6th draw, LOOSE 14J 42 --- LOOSE not firm, taut, or rigid [adj] --- LOOSE to set free [v]
Other moves: LETS 14J 34, LOOS 14J 34, LOTS 14J 34, TAELS 14G 28, EATS 14G 27
SO 14J 23 fatcat

On 7th draw, QA(D)I O12 71 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: A(D)Z O13 38, VI(Z)ZIE 10C 37, VI(N)A O12 35, VI(S)A O12 35, QIVI(U)T 11C 34
(M)IZ 8M 33 fatcat

On 8th draw, VENTIL K3 26 --- VENTIL a valve in wind instruments [n]
Other moves: INTENTLY 11C 24, INVENT N2 24, VENIN K4 24, LEVIN 14A 23, LIVEN 14A 23
VENT K3 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, YEVEN 3I 30 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: BRINE 14B 29, BREY 14B 28, BEVER 3I 26, RENEY 14A 26, VIBEY 3K 26
VINY 3K 20 fatcat
VIBE 3K 18 roocatcher

On 10th draw, YOWE 11J 33 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other moves: TOW 2H 32, OW 2I 31, WEET L1 26, TOYO 11H 24, WITE 2L 21
TOW 2H 32 roocatcher, fatcat

On 11th draw, REANOINT 11A 66 --- ANOINT to apply oil to as a sacred rite [v] --- REANOINT to anoint again [v]
Other moves: NARINE 14A 27, RANINE 14A 27, INANER 4G 25, IRONE 14B 25, RAINE 14B 25
NEAR 2G 15 roocatcher

On 12th draw, GODET 4H 30 --- GODET a piece of cloth placed in a seam [n]
Other moves: TOLED 4H 27, TOTED 4H 27, OLDIE 10D 23, GELID B10 22, GEOID B10 22

On 13th draw, TZAR A8 39 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: KAZI F8 37, ZAKAT C10 36, ZEK B10 36, KAE 10F 35, ZEK 10C 35
KAZI F8 37 roocatcher

On 14th draw, INCASING D5 74 --- INCASE to put in a case [v]
Other moves: TZARINAS A8 54, CASINI 14A 31, GENIC B10 31, ACINI 14B 29, AGEN B9 27
SAN 12A 23 roocatcher

On 15th draw, JIAO B6 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JAIL 2L 34, JIAO 2L 34, JAI 2L 32, JOL 2L 32, FOALED B7 29
JAIL 2L 34 roocatcher

On 16th draw, HAKU C3 38 --- HAKU the kingfish (Maori) [n]
Other moves: KAE 10F 35, KUE 10F 35, HACK 2L 34, HUCK 2L 34, HABU C3 32
KAE 10F 35 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, DOWF E2 42 --- DOWF dull [adj]
Other tops: GOWF E2 42
Other moves: MOWED E1 38, WOF E3 38, DEF E3 34, DOF E3 34, GOWD E2 34
WOF E3 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 18th draw, CIMEX 14A 46 --- CIMEX a bedbug [n]
Other tops: BEMIX 14A 46
Other moves: IBEX 14B 40, EX 15K 36, MIXT 2L 33, MIXTE N4 33, MIX 2L 31
MIXT 2L 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, bumpkin

On 19th draw, GRUB B1 23 --- GRUB to dig [v]
Other tops: BEE 10F 23, GRAB B1 23
Other moves: BERG 2L 21, BURG 2L 21, GAB B2 21, GUB B2 21, BA 13B 20
BEE 10F 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, lazy.lion

On 20th draw, VADE 2L 24 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other tops: AGED 1A 24, EGAD 1A 24, VELD 2L 24, VERD 2L 24
Other moves: VADE F1 23, VALE 2L 22, VARE 2L 22, VEAL 2L 22, VELA 2L 22
VADE 2L 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, bumpkin, lazy.lion

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