Game on Mars 18, 2024 at 09:03, 14 players
1. 291 pts Chelsea
2. 209 pts LongJump22
3. 187 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 20 20 


11D 82 102 


8H 77 179 


L11 30 209 


15G 30 239 


O2 67 306 


N1 47 353 


D6 68 421 


1H 30 451 


14K 37 488 


8A 33 521 


O12 33 554 


7I 30 584 


6F 39 623 


13B 24 647 


B10 32 679 


5H 29 708 


10D 28 736 


9K 33 769 


13L 20 789 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 12:26 -498 291 1.8496 LongJump22 4 2:31 -580 209
LongJump22 4 2:31 -580 209 2.8311 Zuincunx 4 6:26 -602 187
Zuincunx 4 6:26 -602 187 3.8480 Wuincunx 2 4:58 -665 124
sicilianc5 1 5:37 -655 134 4.8541 Quincunx 1 1:45 -738 51
Mycophot 1 4:46 -660 129 5.8614 Vuincunx 0 1:39 -762 27
Wuincunx 2 4:58 -665 124 Group: advanced
Quincunx 1 1:45 -738 51 1.7251 Chelsea 2 12:26 -498 291
babsbedi 1 1:21 -754 35 2.7886 sicilianc5 1 5:37 -655 134
Hammer22 0 0:48 -755 34 3.7681 Mycophot 1 4:46 -660 129
Discus22 0 1:11 -755 34 4.7036 Hammer22 0 0:48 -755 34
ShotPut22 0 1:28 -755 34 Group: intermediate
BBBBBB1112 0 1:50 -755 34 1.6783 babsbedi 1 1:21 -754 35
Vuincunx 0 1:39 -762 27 2.6779 Discus22 0 1:11 -755 34
CCCCCC1112 0 1:09 -767 22 3.6810 ShotPut22 0 1:28 -755 34
4.6826 BBBBBB1112 0 1:50 -755 34
5.6693 CCCCCC1112 0 1:09 -767 22
On 1st draw, STODGE H8 20 --- STODGE to stuff full with food [v]
Other tops: GEODES H4 20, GODETS H4 20
Other moves: DOGES H4 18, GEODE H4 18, GEODES H3 18, GEODES H7 18, GEODES H8 18
STODGE H8 20 LongJump22, babsbedi
On 2nd draw, NO(M)ADISE 11D 82 --- NOMADISE to lead a nomadic life [v]
Other tops: ANODISE(D) 11E 82, ANODISE(S) 11E 82, ANODI(S)ES 11E 82, ANODI(Z)ES 11E 82, A(M)IDONES 11E 82, NO(M)ADIES 11D 82
Other moves: ANO(M)IES 14B 75, A(G)ONIES 14B 75, A(T)ONIES 14B 75, A(Z)IONES 14B 75, E(P)INAOS 14B 75
ANODI(Z)ES 11E 82 LongJump22
ANODI(Z)ES 11E 32 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
ANODI(S)ES 11E 32 sicilianc5
NOISE(S) 14C 15 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, SEALINES 8H 77 --- SEALINE a coastline [n]
Other tops: SEALINE 14H 77, SEALINES 8A 77
Other moves: ALIENEES 13B 70, ALIENEES 13C 70, SELENIAN D4 68, SELENIAN D7 68, ALIENEES K5 66
SEALINE 14H 77 LongJump22
SEALINES 8H 27 Mycophot
SEALINE 14H 27 Vuincunx
On 4th draw, DOVEN L11 30 --- DOVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other tops: DEVON L11 30
Other moves: BONED 12A 29, DEVON 12A 28, DOVEN 12A 28, DEVON 14H 27, DOVEN 14H 27
DOVEN L11 30 LongJump22, Chelsea
On 5th draw, GOWLAN 15G 30 --- GOWLAN a flower [n]
Other tops: POWAN 15H 30
Other moves: AGLOW 12A 29, GALOP 12A 28, GOWAN 15H 27, PLOW 12B 27, WAGON 15H 27
POWAN 15H 30 Zuincunx
PLOW 12B 27 Chelsea
On 6th draw, HUMIDEST O2 67 --- HUMID having much humidity [adj]
Other moves: MEITH 10B 40, METH 10C 33, EDH 10D 32, ETH 10D 30, MEHNDI D8 30
MUTED 12A 29 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, sicilianc5, Chelsea, Mycophot
On 7th draw, (T)AXUS N1 47 --- TAXUS an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: AX(E)S N2 44, (J)AXY 12C 43, (P)YX 12C 43, (W)AXY 12C 43, SAX(E) N1 42
(J)AXY 12C 43 Mycophot, sicilianc5
S(E)XY 12C 41 Chelsea
On 8th draw, INTRANET D6 68 --- INTRANET internal computer network akin to the internet [n]
Other moves: REATTAINS J3 63, INTER(M)AT F6 61, TENTORIA E7 58, TEARING 12B 25, EARING 12C 23
TITRAN(T) 1H 21 Quincunx
TATER 12A 18 Chelsea
On 9th draw, CIGARE(T) 1H 30 --- CIGARET a narrow roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking [n]
Other tops: CREATIVE 13F 30
Other moves: CATTIE 8A 24, TIETAC 8A 24, CAVIER 13J 22, TIRAGE C2 22, TRIAGE C2 22
CIGARE(T) 1H 30 Quincunx, sicilianc5, Mycophot
CAVIER 13J 22 Chelsea
On 10th draw, JELAB 14K 37 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other moves: AJWAN 10A 33, JOLT 8A 33, AJOWAN K1 32, AJWAN J5 31, JEAN 14K 31
JOWL C3 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FICTOR 8A 33 --- FICTOR a person who makes images from clay [n]
Other moves: CORBE O11 30, COFT 8A 27, FICE C12 27, FICO C12 27, FITTER 8A 27
FICTOR 8A 33 Zuincunx, Chelsea
On 12th draw, NABK O12 33 --- NABK a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn [n]
Other moves: DVORNIK L3 30, VODKA C2 28, DORBA O11 27, DRANK C2 26, DANK C12 25
NABK O12 33 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
DARK C12 25 Chelsea
On 13th draw, HEAP 7I 30 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: HAO 10F 28, HAPU C12 27, HEAP C12 27, EATHE 9F 26, PUHA C12 26
HEAP 7I 30 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 14th draw, QUIT 6F 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUOTA N10 38, QUIRT 6B 36, QUIRT B6 36, QUAI 10B 35, QUAT 10B 35
QUIRT B6 36 Chelsea
QUBIT C2 34 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112
On 15th draw, OBTRUDE 13B 24 --- OBTRUDE to thrust forward [v]
Other moves: DAUB G10 23, BIRD C12 22, BUDI C12 22, BUDO C12 22, BURD C12 22
BIRD C12 22 CCCCCC1112
On 16th draw, PIVOT B10 32 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other moves: PERV 5H 29, TROPIC C3 29, POETIC C3 27, PE 14F 25, PI 14F 25
On 17th draw, MEOW 5H 29 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other tops: MEWL 5H 29
Other moves: EMO 14E 28, ME 14F 25, MI 14F 25, MO 14F 25, FILE 2I 23
On 18th draw, AZO 10D 28 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZO 4J 27, FEZ K10 26, RIZA N11 26, FRONT 9K 25, ZOO 10G 25
On 19th draw, FRY 9K 33 --- FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil [v]
Other tops: FEY 9K 33
Other moves: RENY 9J 31, FINE 2I 23, FIRE 2I 23, NY 9L 23, REEFY N7 23
On 20th draw, VELA 13L 20 --- VELUM a thin membranous covering or partition [n]
Other tops: VENA 13L 20
Other moves: REW I13 19, ENE 14E 16, ERE 14E 16, LICE C6 16, IRE 2J 14
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