Game on Mars 18, 2024 at 18:54, 6 players
1. 254 pts LongJump22
2. 193 pts Wuincunx
3. 130 pts Zuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


10E 27 57 


E5 114 171 


13C 85 256 


5G 78 334 


12G 82 416 


D1 51 467 


K4 76 543 


1C 45 588 


8J 39 627 


2F 39 666 


3B 36 702 


8A 42 744 


B2 30 774 


J8 27 801 


14B 35 836 


15D 36 872 


15A 29 901 


L8 28 929 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 2:57 -675 254 1.8517 LongJump22 3 2:57 -675 254
2. -
Wuincunx 2 6:45 -736 193 2.8249 Zuincunx 0 3:58 -799 130
Zuincunx 0 3:58 -799 130 3.8669 Vuincunx 0 1:21 -896 33
HollyIvy 0 4:08 -799 130 Group: advanced
5. -
JJJJJJ1142 1 1:58 -878 51 1.7671 HollyIvy 0 4:08 -799 130
Vuincunx 0 1:21 -896 33 Group: not rated
1. - Wuincunx 2 6:45 -736 193
2. - JJJJJJ1142 1 1:58 -878 51
On 1st draw, FECIAL H4 30 --- FECIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: FACILE H4 30
Other moves: CALIF H8 28, FECAL H4 28, FOCAL H4 28, FOLIC H4 28, CALIF H4 26
FACILE H4 30 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, AWNS 10E 27 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [n]
Other tops: SAWN 10H 27, UVAS 10E 27
Other moves: SAV 10H 26, SAW 10H 26, VAS 10F 26, WAS 10F 26, WUS 10F 26
UVAS 10E 27 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, AQ(U)ANAUT E5 114 --- AQUANAUT a scuba diver trained to live in underwater installations [n]
Other tops: AQUANA(U)T E5 114
Other moves: AQUANA(U)T 8H 101, AQ(U)ANAUT 8H 101, QUANTA(L) D4 89, QUA(R)TAN D7 89, AQUANA(U)T E7 82
AQUANA(U)T E5 114 LongJump22
AQUANA(U)T E5 64 Zuincunx, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, GUS(T)IER 13C 85 --- GUSTIE tasty [adj] --- GUSTY blowing in gusts [adj]
Other tops: GUS(H)IER 13C 85
Other moves: GRUS(H)IE 13B 83, GUISER(S) 13B 83, GU(T)SIER 13B 83, GUI(S)ERS 13B 82, (L)URGIES D8 82
GU(T)SIER 13B 83 LongJump22
GU(T)SIER 13B 33 HollyIvy, Zuincunx
On 5th draw, REVEHENT 5G 78 --- REVEHENT carrying back [adj]
Other moves: HEVEA 8A 36, HENT H12 33, HERE H12 33, HERN H12 33, HETE H12 33
VERT H12 33 Zuincunx, HollyIvy
VENT H12 33 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, GOONEYS 12G 82 --- GOONEY an albatross [n]
Other moves: NOYES 4J 37, SOOEY 4K 37, GENTY N2 34, GOETY N2 34, SNOOTY N1 34
On 7th draw, JOLLY D1 51 --- JOLLY cheerful [adj] --- JOLLY to put in a good humor for one's own purposes [v]
Other tops: JOY D8 51
Other moves: JOLLEY L1 48, JOY 11I 48, JOLTY N2 46, JOL D8 45, JOLLED L1 44
JOLLY D1 51 Wuincunx, JJJJJJ1142
On 8th draw, RHODONITE K4 76 --- RHODONITE [n]
Other moves: TORDION 14I 73, TANDOORI 8G 60, JOINT 1D 36, TOROID 4J 33, INDOW F6 30
On 9th draw, EJECTA 1C 45 --- EJECTA ejected material [n]
Other moves: ZA D8 44, ZEA C2 41, ZEE C2 41, CZAR 14I 40, ZARNEC M2 40
EJECTA 1C 45 Wuincunx
On 10th draw, SOFTIE 8J 39 --- SOFTIE a sentimental person [n]
Other moves: SEIF 13K 37, FAP D8 33, FRAISE 4J 33, SOPITE 8J 33, SATE 13K 31
On 11th draw, HEDER 2F 39 --- HEDER a Jewish school [n]
Other moves: OTHER 2D 37, DOTH 2C 36, DERTH B1 35, HEED 2F 35, HERD 2F 35
OTHER 2D 37 Wuincunx
On 12th draw, BELIED 3B 36 --- BELIE to misrepresent [v]
Other moves: BLEED 3C 34, DEBE B1 31, DIEB B1 31, ELIAD 3C 30, DAB B1 29
SABIN J8 27 Wuincunx
On 13th draw, MALVA 8A 42 --- MALVA a plant of the marrow genus [n]
Other moves: GAVIAL 8A 33, TAGMA 8A 33, AMIGA 8A 30, AVITAL 8A 30, TALMA 8A 30
On 14th draw, ABRIM B2 30 --- ABRIM in a brimming state [adv]
Other moves: SABIN J8 27, SOMAN J8 27, MORA 6J 26, EMOS J5 25, MAURI D11 24
On 15th draw, SAPAN J8 27 --- SAPAN a brazil-wood [n]
Other moves: EPOS J5 25, ARPA 4J 24, PAN J10 23, PIN J10 23, PUN J10 23
On 16th draw, ZIP 14B 35 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other tops: PUTZ N3 35
Other moves: RITZ N3 33, RITZ N7 33, ZIT 14B 29, ZIP 7G 27, SITZ M12 26
On 17th draw, OUTBID 15D 36 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: DOB 15A 35, BOD 15A 34, WOT 15A 33, OUTBID 1J 32, BOT 15A 30
On 18th draw, KO 15A 29 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other moves: WO 15A 26, OINK 13L 25, KNOWN M1 24, OIK 13L 23, KOTOWING N3 22
On 19th draw, FIX L8 28 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: NOX 6J 25, OX 13M 22, OX 9A 22, OX A4 22, XI 9B 22
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