Game on Mars 18, 2024 at 22:40, 6 players
1. 324 pts LongJump22
2. 292 pts sicilianc5
3. 156 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 82 82 


11E 86 168 


15D 96 264 


8G 60 324 


12K 20 344 


10C 30 374 


14H 60 434 


13L 36 470 


C3 72 542 


8A 36 578 


D1 44 622 


A6 65 687 


1D 33 720 


2F 43 763 


3G 27 790 


B4 25 815 


12C 28 843 


N2 20 863 


O1 35 898 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:12 -574 324 1.8541 LongJump22 4 3:12 -574 324
sicilianc5 3 8:58 -606 292 2.8249 Zuincunx 0 4:29 -772 126
HollyIvy 1 4:21 -742 156 Group: advanced
queen66 1 5:30 -742 156 1.7894 sicilianc5 3 8:58 -606 292
Zuincunx 0 4:29 -772 126 2.7671 HollyIvy 1 4:21 -742 156
6. -
JJJJJJ1142 1 1:53 -802 96 3.7874 queen66 1 5:30 -742 156
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1142 1 1:53 -802 96
On 1st draw, (O)VERWET H8 82 --- OVERWET to wet too much [v]
Other tops: (O)VERWET H3 82
Other moves: (O)VERWET H2 76, (O)VERWET H6 76, (O)VERWET H7 76, (O)VERWET H4 74, (O)VERWET H5 74
(O)VERWET H3 82 LongJump22
(O)VERWET H3 32 HollyIvy, queen66, Zuincunx
On 2nd draw, NARRATED 11E 86 --- NARRATE to tell a story [v]
Other moves: TARTANED 14H 72, NARRATED 11F 68, TARTANED 14E 63, NARRATE 11E 28, AERATED 13C 22
NARRATED 11E 86 LongJump22
NARRATED 11E 36 HollyIvy, Zuincunx, queen66
On 3rd draw, JADE(S) 15D 96 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: ENJA(M)BED 13B 94, JANE(S) 15D 93, JEAN(S) 15D 93, BANJA(X)ED F7 87, ENJA(M)BED 13H 86
JADE(S) 15D 96 LongJump22, JJJJJJ1142
On 4th draw, G(O)LLERED 8G 60 --- GOLLER to make a loud sound [v]
Other moves: GELLED 12A 25, GELDER 12A 24, GLEED 10B 24, GREED 10B 24, LEDGE 12K 24
G(O)LLERED 8G 60 LongJump22
On 5th draw, SAUNA 12K 20 --- SAUNA a Finnish steam bath [n] --- SAUNA to take a dry heat bath [v]
Other tops: ANOAS 12J 20
Other moves: ANAS 12J 18, ANIS 12J 18, ANOA 12J 18, ANOAS 10J 18, UNAIS 10J 18
On 6th draw, SLAY 10C 30 --- SLAY to amuse overwhelmingly [v] --- SLAY to kill violently [v]
Other moves: LAY 10D 29, LOY 10D 29, RAY 10D 29, SAY 10D 29, SOY 10D 29
SLAY 10C 30 HollyIvy, queen66
On 7th draw, TAXITES 14H 60 --- TAXITE a volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: XENIAS N10 58, XENIA N10 56, TEXAS 9K 44, EXIT 9L 41, SEX 9K 39
XENIAS N10 58 queen66, HollyIvy, Zuincunx, sicilianc5
On 8th draw, FROG 13L 36 --- FROG to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) [v]
Other moves: FROE 13L 33, FOP 15M 31, FORGE 12A 29, FRO 13L 29, FOG 15M 28
FORGE 12A 29 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, OUTDOERS C3 72 --- OUTDOER one that outdoes [n]
Other moves: OUTDREW 12B 34, DOUTER 12A 27, OUTRED 12A 26, ROOTED 12A 26, ROUTED 12A 26
On 10th draw, NEEMB 8A 36 --- NEEMB an East Indian tree [n]
Other tops: BIOME D1 36, BREME 8A 36, BROME D1 36
Other moves: MOIRE D4 34, BERM D1 32, BORM D1 32, BRIM D1 32, INORBED N2 32
BIOME D1 36 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, KISH D1 44 --- KISH solid graphite which separates from hot cast-iron [n]
Other moves: KAIM D1 40, HAKIM 12B 39, KHIS D1 38, QADIS N6 37, MASH D1 36
KISH D1 44 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, PENTOMIC A6 65 --- PENTOMIC made up of five battle groups [adj]
Other moves: PICKET 1A 42, POCKET 1A 42, KEMPT 1D 39, MECK 1A 36, M*CKMICK 1A 36
POCKET 1A 42 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, KIBLA 1D 33 --- KIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other tops: BLOKE 1A 33
Other moves: BALK 1A 30, BEAK 1A 30, BILK 1A 30, BOAK 1A 30, GLIKE 1A 30
BLOKE 1A 33 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, YONIC 2F 43 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [adj] --- YONIC pertaining to the yoni [adj]
Other moves: YINCE 2F 39, YONI 2F 34, YIN 2F 33, YON 2F 33, CONY 12C 30
YO 2F 30 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, OAF 3G 27 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: FETA 13G 24, OAF 7K 23, CONFIT 13A 22, FAN 7M 22, FAN 9M 22
TAJ D13 10 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, PIU B4 25 --- PIU more -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other tops: PIE B4 25
Other moves: PING 12C 24, PUNG 12C 24, GIP 12D 23, GIP B2 23, INGINE 12A 23
PENE M7 10 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, GREW 12C 28 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other tops: TOWER 7K 28
Other moves: TREW 12C 26, OWER 7L 25, OWE 7L 24, REW 12D 24, ROW G11 24
On 18th draw, TENIOID N2 20 --- TENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: NETE 13G 18, TENE 13G 18, ENE 13H 16, EUOI 7K 15, NOTE 7K 15
On 19th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUINO 6J 34, VINO O1 31, QUINO 4K 30, QUINE K4 28, QUOIN 4J 28
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