Game on Mars 20, 2024 at 13:10, 14 players
1. 338 pts Chelsea
2. 202 pts LongJump22
3. 187 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 46 46 


6G 78 124 


L3 78 202 


O4 65 267 


3I 56 323 


M9 40 363 


8A 80 443 


14J 38 481 


O12 36 517 


N9 32 549 


10F 34 583 


4H 22 605 


B4 64 669 


A10 43 712 


E2 68 780 


2A 28 808 


N1 43 851 


O1 69 920 


L12 44 964 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Chelsea 3 9:24 -626 338 1.9637 Pacific 3 4:25 -777 187
LongJump22 3 1:45 -762 202 Group: expert
Pacific 3 4:25 -777 187 1.8683 LongJump22 3 1:45 -762 202
HollyIvy 1 5:00 -809 155 2.8380 Zuincunx 1 0:43 -918 46
sicilianc5 1 5:10 -809 155 3.8490 Wuincunx 1 1:07 -918 46
ArcticFox 1 3:00 -863 101 4.8692 Vuincunx 1 1:28 -918 46
Zuincunx 1 0:43 -918 46 5.8570 Quincunx 1 1:49 -918 46
Wuincunx 1 1:07 -918 46 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 1 1:28 -918 46 1.7377 Chelsea 3 9:24 -626 338
Quincunx 1 1:49 -918 46 2.7710 HollyIvy 1 5:00 -809 155
ShotPut22 0 0:27 -926 38 3.7904 sicilianc5 1 5:10 -809 155
Discus22 0 0:59 -926 38 Group: intermediate
BBBBBB1112 0 1:20 -926 38 1.6843 ArcticFox 1 3:00 -863 101
CCCCCC1112 0 1:41 -926 38 2.6780 ShotPut22 0 0:27 -926 38
3.6773 Discus22 0 0:59 -926 38
4.6820 BBBBBB1112 0 1:20 -926 38
5.6710 CCCCCC1112 0 1:41 -926 38
On 1st draw, JUICER H4 46 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE H4 44, JUICER H3 32, JUICER H7 32, JUICER H8 32, JUICE H8 30
JUICER H4 46 LongJump22, Chelsea, Zuincunx, ArcticFox, Wuincunx, Pacific, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 2nd draw, BIOGRAPH 6G 78 --- BIOGRAPH to write a biography of [v]
Other moves: POH I5 29, OPAH I2 26, ABHOR I1 25, BAH I3 25, BOH I3 25
BIOGRAPH 6G 78 LongJump22
POH I5 29 Chelsea
OH I6 22 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, KERATOID L3 78 --- KERATOID horny [adj]
Other moves: JOKED 4H 34, JOKIER 4H 34, TRAIKED L4 34, JOKER 4H 32, DROUK 5E 30
KERATOID L3 78 LongJump22
JOKED 4H 34 Chelsea
On 4th draw, HAYLE O4 65 --- HAYLE welfare (Spenser) [n]
Other moves: HYLA O5 50, HYLE O5 50, YEAH O6 50, YAH O6 47, YEH O6 47
HYE M2 38 ShotPut22, Discus22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
HAY M1 36 Chelsea
HOLLY 8K 33 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, Q(U)AKER 3I 56 --- QUAKER one that quakes [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AKE 3I 54, FAQ(I)R M9 52, F(I)REPAN M2 43, FAQ(I)R N8 41, FAN(N)ER M9 36
Q(U)A M1 34 Chelsea
On 6th draw, FAILED M9 40 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other moves: FELID M9 38, FIELD M9 38, FILED M9 38, AFLAJ 4D 30, FALAJ 4D 30
FAILED M9 40 Chelsea
On 7th draw, LIMON(E)NE 8A 80 --- LIMONENE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: MON(E)LLIN 12H 76, NOMIN(A)L G8 64, LIMON(E)NE 13F 61, LIMONEN(E) 13H 60, LIMONEN(E) 8C 60
MOIL N10 30 Chelsea
On 8th draw, VOIDED 14J 38 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: DOVEN K9 29, DOVIE K9 29, JINNEE 4H 29, DOVE K9 27, JINNE 4H 26
On 9th draw, WADE O12 36 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other tops: WADT O12 36
Other moves: WRETHE N2 33, TEAWARE K1 31, TERAPH N1 31, PAWER K2 29, WRATH N2 29
WADE O12 36 Chelsea, Pacific
On 10th draw, FETA N9 32 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: FETE N9 32, FLOE N9 32
Other moves: FROTH N2 29, AFORE K3 27, LOAFER K1 27, FLOTEL 12H 26, FOETAL 12H 26
FAT 2M 21 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NOSEY 10F 34 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other moves: NOYES 10D 32, NYES 10E 31, OYES 10E 31, RYES 10E 31, SEY 10H 30
NOYES 10D 32 HollyIvy, Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 12th draw, JIN 4H 22 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: LOANER K1 18, LOOIE 7B 18, MOLINE C8 18, MOULIN C8 18, NICE 7F 18
JIN 4H 22 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, CAUTIOUS B4 64 --- CAUTIOUS exercising prudence to avoid danger [adj]
Other moves: COIT L12 34, SAIC L12 34, AUTOBIOGRAPHY 6C 26, MOTUCAS C8 24, MUTUCAS C8 24
On 14th draw, NIMBUS A10 43 --- NIMBUS a luminous cloud [n]
Other moves: EMBUS A11 38, IMBUE A11 38, MANURES K2 38, BEIN L12 34, MANURE K2 34
IMBUE A11 38 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, INDOLENT E2 68 --- INDOLENT lazy [adj]
Other moves: LOANER K1 28, TONETIC 7B 27, LIROTH N1 25, INCAUTIOUS B2 24, NOTICE 7D 24
On 16th draw, EARWIG 2A 28 --- EARWIG to insinuate against in secret [v]
Other moves: AREW K5 25, AWE D4 25, OWE D4 25, GREW 11D 23, GROW 11D 23
AWE D4 25 sicilianc5
OWE D4 25 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, ZEROTH N1 43 --- ZEROTH being numbered zero in a series [adj]
Other moves: RITZ K6 36, SEZ A1 36, TOZIES C10 36, ZEE A1 36, TOZES C10 34
ZEE A1 36 Pacific, sicilianc5
SEZ A1 36 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, AX O1 69 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: RIZA 1L 42, AR O1 41, AS O1 41, AT O1 41, VEX A1 39
AX O1 69 Pacific
OI G10 2 sicilianc5
ES I10 2 HollyIvy
On 19th draw, SPIV L12 44 --- SPIV a petty criminal [n]
Other moves: SPIT L12 32, GIMPS C6 30, TIMPS C6 28, GIMP C6 26, STIR L12 26
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