Game on Mars 21, 2024 at 07:30, 15 players
1. 491 pts fatcat
2. 367 pts Chelsea
3. 198 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


9G 67 89 


L5 76 165 


O8 33 198 


10G 30 228 


F10 29 257 


N9 32 289 


K3 36 325 


15H 100 425 


M12 36 461 


12C 70 531 


15A 57 588 


3H 32 620 


H1 36 656 


2A 76 732 


14J 42 774 


A1 30 804 


B5 72 876 


8A 42 918 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 3 13:39 -427 491 1.8683 LongJump22 4 2:31 -720 198
Chelsea 3 10:08 -551 367 2.8380 Zuincunx 1 2:47 -835 83
LongJump22 4 2:31 -720 198 3.8490 Wuincunx 1 3:50 -835 83
HollyIvy 0 2:59 -778 140 4.8547 Quincunx 1 1:25 -886 32
moonmonkey 1 4:42 -781 137 5.8692 Vuincunx 0 0:29 -891 27
Zuincunx 1 2:47 -835 83 Group: advanced
Wuincunx 1 3:50 -835 83 1.7391 Chelsea 3 10:08 -551 367
CCCCCC1112 0 1:44 -864 54 2.7706 HollyIvy 0 2:59 -778 140
Quincunx 1 1:25 -886 32 3.7708 moonmonkey 1 4:42 -781 137
ShotPut22 0 0:23 -886 32 4.7693 Mycophot 0 0:27 -888 30
BBBBBB1112 0 0:44 -886 32 5.7959 sicilianc5 0 1:29 -890 28
Mycophot 0 0:27 -888 30 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 0 1:29 -890 28 1.6414 fatcat 3 13:39 -427 491
Vuincunx 0 0:29 -891 27 2.6679 CCCCCC1112 0 1:44 -864 54
Discus22 0 1:56 -900 18 3.6793 ShotPut22 0 0:23 -886 32
4.6820 BBBBBB1112 0 0:44 -886 32
5.6773 Discus22 0 1:56 -900 18
On 1st draw, GOX H8 22 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other tops: GOX H6 22, GOX H7 22
Other moves: AXE H6 20, AXE H7 20, AXE H8 20, EXO H6 20, EXO H7 20
GOX H7 22 fatcat, LongJump22
On 2nd draw, FORESAIL 9G 67 --- FORESAIL the lowest sail on a foremast [n]
Other moves: FILERS I9 32, FIARS I9 31, FIERS I9 31, FILAR I9 31, FILER I9 31
FORESAIL 9G 67 LongJump22
FIXERS 10F 26 fatcat
On 3rd draw, MONTAGED L5 76 --- MONTAGE to combine into a composite picture [v]
Other moves: DEMOTING M4 63, MONGED 8J 47, TONGED 8J 39, DOEN 8L 30, MOD 10J 27
MONTAGED L5 76 LongJump22
DEX 10F 20 fatcat
On 4th draw, ASTONE O8 33 --- ASTONE to amaze or shock [v]
Other tops: ATONES O4 33
Other moves: AEONS O5 27, ANTES O5 27, ETNAS O5 27, NATES O5 27, NEATS O5 27
ATONES O4 33 fatcat, Chelsea, LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 5th draw, AXED 10G 30 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADAGE K3 27, ADAGES 14J 27, AGUES K5 27, ADAGES K1 26, AGUED K2 25
ADAGES 14J 27 Vuincunx, HollyIvy, Chelsea, moonmonkey
AGED K3 23 fatcat
On 6th draw, REBID F10 29 --- BID to make a bid (an offer of a price) [v] --- REBID to bid again [v]
Other tops: RICED F10 29
Other moves: BRIDE M3 28, CEBID 14K 28, BICE K11 27, BIDER K11 27, CEBID 11C 27
CEBID 14K 28 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
RICED 14K 24 Chelsea
CRIED 14K 24 fatcat
On 7th draw, LUPINE N9 32 --- LUPINE a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: LUPINE(S) N9 32, PINIE(S) 14J 32, PINIE(S) 15A 32, PUI(S)NE 15C 32
Other moves: LIPIN(S) N9 30, LUPIN(E) N9 30, LUPIN(S) N9 30, LIPI(D)E N9 29, LUPI(N)E N9 29
PINIE(S) 14J 32 Quincunx, moonmonkey
PINE N11 20 Chelsea
PUBE 12D 16 fatcat
On 8th draw, RUMBA K3 36 --- RUMBA to perform a ballroom dance [v]
Other moves: MABE E11 35, RUMBA M3 33, BLAME K3 32, BLUME K3 32, BRAME K3 32
MABE E11 35 HollyIvy
BRAME K3 32 Chelsea
BLAME K1 26 fatcat
On 9th draw, COYPOU(S) 15H 100 --- COYPOU an aquatic rodent [n]
Other moves: COYPU(S) 15A 53, COP(S)Y 15K 44, CO(S)Y 15L 41, POYOU(S) 15A 41, PO(S)Y 15L 41
COYPOU(S) 15H 50 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
CO(S)Y 15L 41 Chelsea
COOP(E)D 14A 20 fatcat
On 10th draw, JA M12 36 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO M12 36
Other moves: J*WJEW 11E 35, JAWED 14B 32, JOWED 14B 32, FAW K11 31, FEW K11 31
JOWED 14B 32 Chelsea
OF 14I 31 fatcat
On 11th draw, (A)TEBRINS 12C 70 --- ATEBRIN an anti-malaria powder [n]
Other tops: TRIB(U)NES 12C 70, T(U)RBINES 12C 70
Other moves: ERINIT(E)S 13B 68, INSERT(E)R 3G 68, INS(E)RTER 3G 68, INTR(O)RSE 3F 68, IN(C)ITERS 13C 68
TRINES 15A 30 Mycophot
TR(A)INS 15A 27 fatcat
I(N)NERS 15A 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, LAZIES 15A 57 --- LAZY to move or lie sluggishly [v]
Other tops: AIZLES 15A 57, ULZIES 15A 57
Other moves: AZURES 3H 50, ZIL(A)S C9 46, SIZY J12 36, LAZES 15B 33, ZA J2 33
LAZIES 15A 57 Chelsea
ZA J2 33 fatcat
On 13th draw, TWIRLY 3H 32 --- TWIRLY curved [adj]
Other tops: WARILY 3I 32, W(A)LTZ C11 32
Other moves: WARTY 3I 30, WALI 13C 26, WAY 13A 26, WILI 13C 26, YAW 13A 26
WARTY 3I 30 fatcat
WAY 13A 26 Chelsea
On 14th draw, GATH H1 36 --- GATH part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other tops: GOTH H1 36, QAT H1 36
Other moves: QUA 2F 34, EATH H1 33, OATH H1 33, QUAG 2G 32, AH 2I 31
QAT H1 36 Chelsea, fatcat
On 15th draw, VELATURA 2A 76 --- VELATURA a method of glazing a painting [n]
Other moves: VELATUR(A) C5 62, VALETE 11A 25, VELATE 11A 25, VELURE 11A 25, VAUTE 11B 23
VALE 13A 18 Discus22
EARTH 4D 16 fatcat
RET E11 12 Chelsea
On 16th draw, KON 14J 42 --- KON to know [v]
Other moves: KO 14J 39, OAKEN 1B 33, KAVA D1 32, AKENE 11B 29, KAON 14I 29
KAVA D1 32 ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
CAKE D1 26 fatcat
On 17th draw, IVIED A1 30 --- IVIED covered with ivy [adj]
Other moves: DATIVE D1 24, VADE D1 24, DAVIT D1 22, LIVEDO C2 22, VIDE 13A 22
VIDE 13A 22 CCCCCC1112
LOVED C2 18 fatcat
On 18th draw, ARCHFOE B5 72 --- ARCHFOE a principal foe [n]
Other moves: CHAFE 11B 42, FEH E11 33, ARCHFOE D2 32, COHERE 11A 32, HOC J5 32
FACER D1 28 fatcat
On 19th draw, THEW 8A 42 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other moves: WHITEN 8A 39, OINT A8 36, THEOW 8A 36, WHINE 8A 36, WHITE 8A 36
WHINE 8A 36 fatcat
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