Game on Mars 21, 2024 at 09:50, 12 players
1. 355 pts Chelsea
2. 300 pts LongJump22
3. 285 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 72 72 


G7 58 130 


11D 98 228 


D8 50 278 


I6 38 316 


12D 35 351 


H11 27 378 


E5 33 411 


14H 90 501 


O8 36 537 


5G 25 562 


N9 40 602 


L2 72 674 


15B 68 742 


D1 40 782 


B10 40 822 


M3 38 860 


1D 33 893 


J2 27 920 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 10:15 -565 355 1.8683 LongJump22 4 3:49 -620 300
LongJump22 4 3:49 -620 300 2.8490 Wuincunx 0 2:50 -851 69
Papa_Sloth 3 11:27 -635 285 3.8380 Zuincunx 0 2:50 -851 69
Wuincunx 0 2:50 -851 69 4.8692 Vuincunx 0 1:32 -883 37
Zuincunx 0 2:50 -851 69 5.8547 Quincunx 0 1:49 -883 37
6. -
PPPPPP1118 1 1:59 -862 58 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 0 1:32 -883 37 1.7410 Chelsea 2 10:15 -565 355
Quincunx 0 1:49 -883 37 Group: intermediate
ShotPut22 0 0:57 -889 31 1.6739 Papa_Sloth 3 11:27 -635 285
BBBBBB1112 0 1:21 -889 31 2.6797 ShotPut22 0 0:57 -889 31
CCCCCC1112 0 1:50 -889 31 3.6820 BBBBBB1112 0 1:21 -889 31
Discus22 0 1:57 -893 27 4.6679 CCCCCC1112 0 1:50 -889 31
5.6773 Discus22 0 1:57 -893 27
Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1118 1 1:59 -862 58
On 1st draw, (E)BRIATE H3 72 --- EBRIATE intoxicated [adj]
Other tops: ARBITE(R) H2 72, A(R)BITER H2 72, BAITER(S) H4 72, BARE(F)IT H4 72, BARITE(S) H4 72, BAT(T)IER H4 72, BA(T)TIER H4 72, BEATI(E)R H4 72, BIRET(T)A H4 72, BIRE(T)TA H4 72, B(E)ATIER H4 72, EBRIAT(E) H3 72, RA(R)EBIT H8 72, REBAIT(S) H2 72, TAB(L)IER H2 72, TRIAB(L)E H8 72, (L)IBRATE H2 72, (R)AREBIT H8 72, (V)IBRATE H2 72
Other moves: ARBITE(R) H3 68, ARBITE(R) H4 68, ARBITE(R) H7 68, ARBITE(R) H8 68, ATEBRI(N) H2 68
BAT(T)IER H4 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, ZUP(A)N G7 58 --- ZUPAN a governor of a zupa [n]
Other moves: ZEP G7 57, ZEP(S) G7 57, ZUP(A) G7 57, Z(A)P G7 55, Z(E)P G7 55
ZUP(A)N G7 58 LongJump22, PPPPPP1118
On 3rd draw, DAMNDEST 11D 98 --- DAMNDEST utmost [n]
Other moves: MADDEST 12B 90, D(E)MASTED 3G 82, DEMAST(E)D 3B 78, STAMPEDED 9C 68, SMARTED 5E 40
DAMNDEST 11D 98 LongJump22
On 4th draw, QAIDS D8 50 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: AHIS 12D 45, HALES 12C 44, DHALS H11 39, HALSE L8 37, SELAH L11 37
QIS 12C 32 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 5th draw, OPEN I6 38 --- OPEN affording unobstructed access, passage, or view [adj] --- OPEN to cause to become open [v]
Other moves: PENIE I7 37, PAN I7 35, PEA I7 35, PEN I7 35, IN(E)BRIATE H1 30
PENIE I7 37 Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 6th draw, SEASON 12D 35 --- SEASON to heighten or improve the flavor of by adding savory ingredients [v]
Other moves: SANTO 12G 32, SEASE 12D 32, SENTE 12G 32, SANT 12G 29, SEAT 12G 29
On 7th draw, DOVER H11 27 --- DOVER to doze [v]
Other moves: FERVOUR 5B 26, FERVOR 5C 24, FOE G3 24, FOU G3 24, FUHRER 5C 24
DOVER H11 27 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, HOMIE E5 33 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: ZAPTIEH 7G 25, FOE G3 24, FOTHER 5C 24, HM C9 24, HOE G3 24
HIM E7 23 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ENHALOED 14H 90 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: ENHALOED 14B 78, ENHALO(E)D 3B 78, (E)NHALOED 3H 74, DONAH F2 39, HALOED D1 36
DAH F4 33 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, TRIFOLD O8 36 --- TRIFOLD having three parts [adj]
Other tops: FIDO O12 36
Other moves: FRO 15M 34, FIRLOT D1 33, LOOF F3 33, ROOF F3 33, OOF F4 32
FIDO O12 36 Chelsea
FRO 15M 34 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, ARCTAN 5G 25 --- ARCTAN a trigononometric inverse function [n]
Other tops: ARCTAN D1 25, CARTA D1 25
Other moves: CAGAN(E)R 3C 22, CARNAG(E) 3B 22, CARTAG(E) 3B 22, CRAG D3 22, CRANAG(E) 3B 22
TAG 13K 18 Chelsea
On 12th draw, UKE N9 40 --- UKE a small guitar-like instrument [n]
Other tops: AKE N9 40
Other moves: LEAK N7 38, REAK N7 38, AUK N8 37, EUK N8 37, LEK 13K 30
AKE N9 40 Papa_Sloth
LEAK N7 38 Chelsea
On 13th draw, CANNOLIS L2 72 --- CANNOLI a tube of pastry with a sweet filling [n]
Other tops: CANNOLIS L3 72
Other moves: CANSO L8 33, IN(E)BRIATE H1 30, CONIAS D1 29, SCALL L11 29, SALIC M5 28
CANNOLIS L3 72 LongJump22
CLAN 13J 27 Chelsea
CASINO M3 27 Discus22
On 14th draw, REFIGURE 15B 68 --- FIGURE to compute [v] --- REFIGURE to figure again [v]
Other moves: FUGIE D1 31, FIERE D1 29, FEG 13K 27, GRUFE D1 27, REFUG(E)E 3C 26
FUGIE D1 31 ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
FEG 13K 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, GARVEY D1 40 --- GARVEY a small flat-bottomed boat [n]
Other moves: WAVEY D2 38, YAW 13K 35, YEW 13K 35, GRAVER B10 28, GRAYER B10 28
YEW 13K 35 Chelsea
YAW 13K 35 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, BOWYER B10 40 --- BOWYER a maker of archery bows [n]
Other moves: OBEY 13J 39, WEARY 2B 38, BEATY 2B 36, BOWET 14A 36, BOWGET 1A 36
YEW 13K 35 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, XU M3 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: DUX I1 35, LUX I1 34, TIX I1 34, TUX I1 34, DOUX 6K 31
XU M3 38 Papa_Sloth, Chelsea
On 18th draw, GODWIT 1D 33 --- GODWIT a wading bird [n]
Other tops: DROW A8 33
Other moves: TROW A8 30, TOWARD 2A 28, WORRIT(E)D 3B 28, TIGROID 1B 27, IDIOT A7 24
ODE C13 21 Chelsea
DOW G1 19 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, JILT J2 27 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: JILL L12 24, JILT L12 24, JOG M13 22, JOL M13 20, JOR M13 20
JILT L12 24 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth
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