Game on Mars 21, 2024 at 13:36, 5 players
1. 277 pts LongJump22
2. 225 pts queen66
3. 145 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 74 74 


10H 30 104 


K8 72 176 


15G 45 221 


8K 30 251 


13C 40 291 


8A 92 383 


12A 50 433 


M1 92 525 


1H 36 561 


A12 39 600 


E5 40 640 


3G 65 705 


C3 22 727 


4K 28 755 


B2 33 788 


9G 47 835 


D2 33 868 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 3:26 -591 277 1.8683 LongJump22 3 3:26 -591 277
queen66 2 5:07 -643 225 Group: advanced
sicilianc5 1 4:07 -723 145 1.7844 queen66 2 5:07 -643 225
ShotPut22 1 4:48 -723 145 2.7876 sicilianc5 1 4:07 -723 145
5. -
JJJJJJ1142 1 1:59 -818 50 Group: intermediate
1.6872 ShotPut22 1 4:48 -723 145
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1142 1 1:59 -818 50
On 1st draw, (T)RADUCE H7 74 --- TRADUCE to defame [v]
Other tops: AC(C)RUED H3 74, AD(D)UCER H8 74, A(C)CRUED H2 74, A(D)DUCER H8 74, CARDE(C)U H4 74, CAU(L)DER H4 74, CRU(S)ADE H4 74, CUD(B)EAR H4 74, CURA(T)ED H4 74, DECUR(I)A H2 74, DURA(N)CE H7 74, U(N)RACED H8 74, (C)ARDECU H7 74, (S)CAURED H3 74
Other moves: AC(C)RUED H6 72, AD(D)UCER H3 72, A(C)CRUED H6 72, A(D)DUCER H2 72, CAU(L)DER H8 72
U(N)RACED H8 74 LongJump22
U(N)RACED H8 24 sicilianc5, ShotPut22
On 2nd draw, DOWLNEY 10H 30 --- DOWLNEY fluffily soft [adj]
Other moves: AYE G8 24, OYE G8 24, WAN I9 24, WEN I9 24, WON I9 24
On 3rd draw, GALLIUMS K8 72 --- GALLIUM a metallic element [n]
Other tops: GALLIUMS K7 72
Other moves: MILAGES 13C 26, GAMA 9G 24, MUNGAS L8 24, GLAUM G5 23, LIMAS 14D 23
GALLIUMS K7 72 LongJump22
On 4th draw, CREASY 15G 45 --- CREASY having folds or wrinkles [adj]
Other moves: GYRED 8K 42, SCARY 15K 39, SCRAY 15K 39, ARTSY 15H 36, CARSEY 15H 36
SCARY 15K 39 LongJump22, sicilianc5, ShotPut22
On 5th draw, GANEF 8K 30 --- GANEF a thief [n]
Other tops: GANOF 8K 30, GONEF 8K 30, GONIF 8K 30
Other moves: AMNIO 14J 27, NIEF G6 25, AUF G7 24, FAE 9M 24, FAN 9M 24
On 6th draw, SHRIVED 13C 40 --- SHRIVE to hear the confession of and grant absolution to [v]
Other moves: VARNISH L7 39, SHRIVE 13C 32, HA J14 28, HM 14J 28, HURDIES 13C 26
SHRIVED 13C 40 ShotPut22, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, BREATHER 8A 92 --- BREATHER a rest to recover breath [n]
Other moves: BREATHER E6 76, BREATHE G1 66, BREATHE I1 66, BREATHES C6 65, HARTBEES C6 65
BREATHER 8A 92 LongJump22
BREATHER 8A 42 sicilianc5, ShotPut22
On 8th draw, JIAO 12A 50 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JAVELIN M2 36, JIAO 12B 36, JARVIE B6 34, VIAE 12A 34, AMOVE 14J 33
JIAO 12A 50 queen66, JJJJJJ1142
On 9th draw, M(U)SKOXEN M1 92 --- MUSKOX a large bovid of arctic regions [n]
Other moves: EXOT(I)SM E5 60, EXAM 9F 53, JE(U)X A12 51, (E)XAM 9F 51, EM(B)OXES C3 48
JE(U)X A12 51 queen66
On 10th draw, FOLIUM 1H 36 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other moves: JOIN A12 33, FINELY N5 32, FILE N5 27, FINE N5 27, IONIUM 1H 27
JOIN A12 33 queen66
On 11th draw, JIBE A12 39 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: EMBOW 14J 39, JOBE A12 39
Other moves: BOTTINE E5 36, JEON A12 33, JOIN A12 33, OBI N4 28, BENTO 11B 27
JOBE A12 39 queen66
On 12th draw, WITTIER E5 40 --- WITTY humorously clever [adj]
Other moves: IWI N4 30, TWOER 11B 30, TORI N3 27, WIRE N5 27, WITE N5 27
WITE N5 27 queen66
On 13th draw, PONGIEST 3G 65 --- PONGY smelly [adj]
Other moves: POTG(U)N 2I 33, OPINE N4 32, TOPI N3 31, EMONG 14J 29, PION N2 28
PINE N5 25 queen66
On 14th draw, TENONED C3 22 --- TENON to unite by means of a tenon (a projection on the end of a piece of wood) [v]
Other moves: MODEL 14K 21, MONDE 14K 21, MOTED 14K 21, DOH F6 20, HOD F8 20
On 15th draw, OAKER 4K 28 --- OAKER a pigment derived from natural clays [n]
Other tops: NAKER 4K 28, OAKEN 4K 28
Other moves: AMNIO 14J 27, AMOUR 14J 27, TORI N3 25, AKIN 4L 24, AUREI B2 24
On 16th draw, AUDITOR B2 33 --- AUDITOR one that audits [n]
Other moves: ODAHS F5 29, STUDIO B1 29, DIOTA D1 28, AIDOS B2 27, AUDIO B2 27
On 17th draw, SAZ 9G 47 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other moves: SEZ G7 46, ZAG A1 45, QAT A1 41, ZAG D2 39, ZA A1 35
On 18th draw, PAV D2 33 --- PAV short form of pavlova, a sweet meringue [n]
Other moves: LAV D2 29, PLAN D1 29, TAV D2 29, CAVING 12H 27, VAG A1 27
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