Game on Mars 21, 2024 at 14:20, 5 players
1. 241 pts LongJump22
2. 181 pts Mycophot
3. 175 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 66 66 


12E 74 140 


11D 28 168 


M6 75 243 


8K 42 285 


N1 23 308 


2J 34 342 


8A 86 428 


3I 55 483 


11K 46 529 


B2 78 607 


A1 36 643 


O3 29 672 


E1 76 748 


1D 45 793 


1M 47 840 


O10 42 882 


14J 34 916 


G7 51 967 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 3:07 -726 241 1.8683 LongJump22 3 3:07 -726 241
Mycophot 3 4:45 -786 181 2.8380 Zuincunx 2 2:18 -852 115
moonmonkey 1 5:39 -792 175 Group: advanced
CCCCCC1112 1 7:35 -792 175 1.7674 Mycophot 3 4:45 -786 181
Zuincunx 2 2:18 -852 115 2.7716 moonmonkey 1 5:39 -792 175
Group: intermediate
1.6744 CCCCCC1112 1 7:35 -792 175
On 1st draw, URINANT H7 66 --- URINANT diving head downward [adj]
Other tops: URINANT H2 66, URINANT H3 66, URINANT H4 66, URINANT H6 66, URINANT H8 66
Other moves: URINANT H5 64, INTURN H3 14, INTURN H4 14, INTURN H7 14, INTURN H8 14
URINANT H8 66 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, WAIN(S)COT 12E 74 --- WAINSCOT to line the walls of with wooden paneling [v]
Other moves: WAIN(S)COT 10E 70, TWITC(H) 13H 28, AC(K)NOW 10E 24, TWAIT(E) 13H 24, TAW(A)I I9 23
WAIN(S)COT 12E 74 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, BOP 11D 28 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: PONIED G9 27, BEEP 11K 26, DOB 11D 26, DOP 11D 26, OPED I6 26
PENED 11K 26 LongJump22
On 4th draw, HOLLERS M6 75 --- HOLLER to yell [v]
Other moves: HOLLERS I1 65, HORSE M9 37, HOLLER 13A 29, HOSEL M10 29, HOSER M10 29
HOLLERS M6 75 LongJump22
HOLLER 13A 29 moonmonkey, CCCCCC1112
On 5th draw, SHLEP 8K 42 --- SHLEP to schlep [v]
Other moves: ASHLER 8J 39, HEAPS 10B 39, HEARS 10B 35, HEPARS L1 35, PHARES N2 35
SHLEP 8K 42 CCCCCC1112, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, ETOILE N1 23 --- ETOILE a star [n]
Other tops: LENITE N1 23, LIONET 13A 23, OLEINE N1 23
Other moves: ELINT 13B 21, ELITE N2 21, INLET 13B 21, INTEL 13B 21, LENTI N2 21
On 7th draw, QANAT 2J 34 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: VEER 1L 33, EARN O1 28, ERVEN 1K 27, NEVER 1K 27, QUARE 7G 27
VEER 1L 33 moonmonkey, CCCCCC1112
On 8th draw, FA(I)RGOER 8A 86 --- FAIRGOER one who attends a fair [n]
Other moves: FORAGE(D) G3 74, FORAGE(D) I3 74, FORAGE(S) G3 74, FORAGE(S) I3 74, FRO(M)AGE G4 72
FA(D)ER 1K 33 CCCCCC1112
On 9th draw, KIMONO 3I 55 --- KIMONO a loose robe [n]
Other moves: MAKO M1 38, KNIVE L1 34, MAIK M1 34, MAK M1 34, VIMEN 13B 31
On 10th draw, JERID 11K 46 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JIRD 11K 44, JIRRE 11K 44, JAMMED K1 36, JAMMER K1 34, DJIN 13B 30
JERID 11K 46 Mycophot
JIRD 11K 44 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, GIARDIAS B2 78 --- GIARDIA a protozoan inhabiting the intestines [n]
Other moves: GIARDIAS B6 68, SAD 4J 33, SAG 4J 33, GRADS 10B 31, DISA 4H 30
AS O1 27 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 12th draw, VADE A1 36 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other moves: DIVED O11 33, VAILED 13A 32, VALE A1 32, VIALED 13A 32, DAVEN O11 30
On 13th draw, STIR O3 29 --- STIR to pass an implement through in circular motions [v]
Other tops: SIN 4J 29, SIR 4J 29, SIT 4J 29, SNIT O3 29, SUN 4J 29, SUR 4J 29
Other moves: INTIS 4K 26, KNURRS I3 26, STUN(S) I8 24, RUTINS 13A 23, TUIS 4G 23
SIN 4J 29 Mycophot
On 14th draw, YODELING E1 76 --- YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other moves: YODEL 1K 46, DYNEL O11 39, DONEE 1K 34, LODEN 1K 34, DIOL H1 32
DOILY 13B 32 Mycophot
On 15th draw, CYMAE 1D 45 --- CYMA a curved moulding [n]
Other moves: CAYMAN 1C 42, MANAGER D2 38, GYNAE 1D 33, MEGARA D4 33, AMEN F1 32
On 16th draw, BEZ 1M 47 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: BIZE 6D 35, WAGER D4 35, WIZ 6D 35, BAIZE 9F 34, BIZ 6D 34
BEZ 1M 47 Mycophot
On 17th draw, ADVERT O10 42 --- ADVERT to call attention [v]
Other moves: DEVOT O11 30, DOVER O11 30, DRAVE O11 30, DROVE O11 30, DUVET O11 30
DROVE O11 30 Zuincunx
On 18th draw, FOUTER 14J 34 --- FOUTER to mess around [v]
Other moves: EFT C2 33, OFT C2 33, FETOR D4 32, FOOT F6 30, FEG D4 29
FOUTER 14J 34 Zuincunx
On 19th draw, YEX G7 51 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: WEX D4 47, YEX D4 47, YUNX 13C 46, WEXE G5 39, WEY 15H 35
YEX G7 51 Zuincunx
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