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Game on Mars 22, 2024 at 05:29, 1 player
1. 537 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beiosxy   H4    34    34   boxes
 2. aderrsw   8A    92   126   wardress
 3. ?aeilov   E5    90   216   ovariole
 4. aailrtu   G3    26   242   talars
 5. aiilmno  11A    60   302   monilial
 6. ?eeepuv   C4    68   370   supervene
 7. deeegir  13A    40   410   rede
 8. adgnory  12H    79   489   organdy
 9. dekoost  14D    70   559   stooked
10. afimost  15G    63   622   motifs
11. aeilnot   H1    53   675   teaboxes
12. abgilno   1A    86   761   obligant
13. egiinqr   I5    25   786   reg
14. achhnuy  B10    53   839   honey
15. iiqttuw  F10    28   867   wit
16. acchinz  N10    74   941   zayin
17. chijtuu   4A    36   977   just
18. ehiinqu   L5    71  1048   heniquin

Remaining tiles: ccfipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6421 Filefatcat      2 10:46  -511  537     1.6421 fatcat      2 10:46  -511  537 

On 1st draw, BOXES H4 34 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: BOXY H5 32, BOXY H6 32, BOXY H7 32, BOXY H8 32, BOXES H8 30
BOXES H4 34 fatcat

On 2nd draw, WARDRESS 8A 92 --- WARDRESS a female warden [n]
Other moves: WARDERS G7 78, REWARDS G7 72, REDRAWS G7 70, REDWARES 7G 66, REDWARES 7B 65
WAXED 6F 28 fatcat

On 3rd draw, OVARI(O)LE E5 90 --- OVARIOLE one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed [n]
Other tops: OVERLAI(D) E5 90, OVERLAI(N) E5 90, OVER(S)AIL E5 90, VALORI(S)E E4 90, VALORI(Z)E E4 90, VOLARIE(S) E4 90, (O)VARIOLE E5 90
Other moves: ARVI(C)OLE C7 80, VIOLA(T)ED D1 80, BLOVIA(T)E 4H 76, DOVE(T)AIL D8 74, OBVIA(B)LE 4G 74
VEX 6F 21 fatcat

On 4th draw, TALARS G3 26 --- TALAR a long cloak [n]
Other moves: ARIA I4 23, ARIL I4 23, TARSAL G5 22, TARSIA G5 22, LAARI I2 21
BUILT 4H 14 fatcat

On 5th draw, MONILIAL 11A 60 --- MONILIAL pertaining to monilia [adj]
Other moves: MONIAL F10 29, MILIA F10 28, MONAL F10 28, AMINO D11 26, AMNIO D11 26
MOAN D12 22 fatcat

On 6th draw, (S)UPERVENE C4 68 --- SUPERVENE [v]
Other moves: MVU(L)E A11 39, EMPU(S)E A10 36, P(A)RVENUE C6 32, (D)EV I5 31, (R)EV I5 31
PEE I5 25 fatcat

On 7th draw, REDE 13A 40 --- REDE to advise [v]
Other tops: EIDE 13A 40, GED 13A 40, GID 13A 40, RIDE 13A 40
Other moves: IDE 13B 38, RED 13A 38, RID 13A 38, DE 13C 36, DI 13C 36
MERGE A11 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, ORGANDY 12H 79 --- ORGANDY a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: LYARD H11 39, DOYEN B10 38, REDENY 12B 38, MARDY A11 36, MARRY A11 33
MARRY A11 33 fatcat

On 9th draw, STOOKED 14D 70 --- STOOK to stack upright in a field for drying, as bundles of grain [v]
Other moves: DOOKETS 14D 69, KET(O)SE 10B 45, DOEKS 11K 40, DOOKS 11K 40, DOEK 11K 38
LOOKS H11 27 fatcat

On 10th draw, MOTIFS 15G 63 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other moves: MOTIF 15G 57, STOMIA 15C 57, FOAM 15F 56, TOMIA 15D 54, FOMES B10 53
FOAM 15F 56 fatcat

On 11th draw, TEABOXES H1 53 --- TEABOX a box for storing tea leaves [n]
Other moves: LATEN I3 29, OATEN I3 29, ALIEN 11J 27, ALOIN 11J 27, AMORET A10 27
MERIT A11 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, OBLIGANT 1A 86 --- OBLIGANT a person bound by themself to a duty or payment [n]
Other moves: BLOATING 1D 64, BAYING N10 36, BOYING N10 36, BOING 11K 34, BOYLA N10 32
BAYING N10 36 fatcat

On 13th draw, REG I5 25 --- REG a regulation [n]
Other moves: MIRIN A11 24, QI D3 24, GEN I5 23, REIN 2A 22, QI(S) 4A 21
QI(S) 4A 21 fatcat

On 14th draw, HONEY B10 53 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: MARCH A11 39, HYE 10A 37, YUAN 11K 34, HANDY M9 32, AYE 10A 31
HANDY M9 32 fatcat

On 15th draw, WIT F10 28 --- WIT intelligence [n] --- WIT to know [v]
Other moves: QUAI K10 26, QUAT K10 26, QAT K11 24, QI D3 24, QUA K10 24
QUAT K10 26 fatcat

On 16th draw, ZAYIN N10 74 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: ZA 11K 46, CHAZAN K8 40, HAIN 11K 34, HAZAN K9 34, ZAG J10 33
ZA 11K 46 fatcat

On 17th draw, JU(S)T 4A 36 --- JUST acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj] --- JUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other moves: THUJA K8 30, HUIA 11K 29, UH 2E 29, JIG J10 27, JUG J10 27
JU(S)T 4A 36 fatcat

On 18th draw, HENIQUIN L5 71 --- HENIQUIN a fibre used to make ropes [n]
Other moves: QUINZE 10J 44, QUIN J2 37, EQUINIA K6 32, HUIA 11K 29, UH 2E 29
UH 2E 29 fatcat

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