Game on Mars 23, 2024 at 01:12, 5 players
1. 383 pts roocatcher
2. 362 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 328 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 78 78
2. 3C 76 154
3. 2J 38 192
4. D1 36 228
5. 2A 36 264
6. 1A 56 320
7. 5H 78 398
8. 8H 83 481
9. E5 96 577
10. 11A 62 639
11. 8A 39 678
12. N7 74 752
13. 1M 47 799
14. B10 68 867
15. O12 46 913
16. H10 33 946
17. 3M 41 987
18. 14F 35 1022
19. F6 29 1051
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6955 roocatcher 4 12:37 -668 383 1.7237 GLOBEMAN 4 11:10 -689 362
2.7237 GLOBEMAN 4 11:10 -689 362 2.7384 sunshine12 3 11:02 -723 328
3.7384 sunshine12 3 11:02 -723 328 3.7730 lazy.lion 4 8:34 -785 266
4.7730 lazy.lion 4 8:34 -785 266 Group: intermediate
5.6783 Papa_Sloth 2 10:23 -796 255 1.6955 roocatcher 4 12:37 -668 383
2.6783 Papa_Sloth 2 10:23 -796 255
On 1st draw, DIVI(N)ER H2 78 --- DIVINER one that divines [n]
Other tops: DIVI(D)ER H2 78, IV(O)RIED H3 78, VERIDI(C) H4 78, VI(V)IDER H4 78, (D)IVIDER H2 78, (L)IVIDER H2 78, (V)IVIDER H2 78
Other moves: DIVI(D)ER H4 74, DIVI(N)ER H4 74, IV(O)RIED H6 74, VERIDI(C) H8 74, VI(V)IDER H8 74
V(A)RIED H4 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 2nd draw, INFERIAE 3C 76 --- INFERIAE offerings to the spirits of the dead [n]
Other moves: INFERIAE 3H 74, INFERIAE 5C 72, INFERIAE 5H 72, FREDAINE 2E 66, DEFINER 2H 38
FAINER G7 25 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, MARAES 2J 38 --- MARAE a Maori meeting-place [n]
Other tops: MAIRES 2J 38, MARIES 2J 38
Other moves: MAARE 2J 36, MAARS 2J 36, MAIRE 2J 36, MAIRS 2J 36, MAISE 2J 36
MAIRES 2J 38 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 4th draw, BANJOS D1 36 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: BHAJIS 5D 36, HAJ G7 36, HIJABS 5G 36
Other moves: BANJO D1 34, BHAJI 5D 34, HIJAB 5G 34, HEJABS F2 32, BAH 3M 31
HOA 1M 31 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 5th draw, UNSAID 2A 36 --- UNSAY to retract something said [v]
Other moves: SUDSING O2 33, DYINGS 4J 30, DINGY E5 28, DRYINGS L1 28, Y*DSYIDS E5 28
Y*DS E5YIDS E5 28 roocatcher
On 6th draw, XU 1A 56 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: X(I) 1A 52, X(U) 1A 52, EX 3L 38, EXE(C) I6 38, EXE(D) I6 38
XU 1A 56 roocatcher, Papa_Sloth, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 7th draw, INFUSORY 5H 78 --- INFUSORY containing minute organisms [adj]
Other moves: FOYS E5 32, FOU 1M 31, FRO 1M 31, YOU 1M 31, FOY E5 30
YOU 1M 31 sunshine12
On 8th draw, RECTORAL 8H 83 --- RECTORAL of God as a ruler [adj]
Other moves: SECTORAL L5 72, LOCATER C5 67, RECTORAL N5 64, RELOCATE 7G 63, CORELATE 7E 62
YEAR O5 21 Papa_Sloth
CLOTE 5B 14 sunshine12
On 9th draw, POOT(L)ED E5 96 --- POOTLE to travel in no particular hurry [v]
Other moves: P(H)OTOED E5 95, (S)TOOPED E5 90, PRO(M)OTED M7 78, TO(R)PEDO E6 70, T(R)OOPED E6 70
TOP(E)E 1K 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 10th draw, BLENDING 11A 62 --- BLEND to mix smoothly and inseparably together [v] --- BLENDING the act of blending [n]
Other moves: BENNI 1K 41, BENIGN D10 27, BINGLE D10 27, GIBE 4K 27, BLENT 8A 24
BE F6 23 sunshine12
BE 1N 22 roocatcher
On 11th draw, WRAPT 8A 39 --- WRAP to enclose in something wound or folded about [v]
Other moves: OWLIER B9 34, PLOWER B10 34, BOWER A11 33, BOWIE A11 33, PEWIT 8A 33
BOWER A11 33 Papa_Sloth
AWE 1M 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, DANEGELT N7 74 --- DANEGELT a tenth century defence tax [n]
Other moves: BEDEL A11 27, BEGET A11 27, BETED A11 27, BLEED A11 27, BLEND A11 27
BLEED A11 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, KYE 1M 47 --- KYE a Korean village fund which lends for weddings, funerals etc [n]
Other moves: GEEKY H11 42, YGOE 6J 39, YOKE 4K 39, TEEK 10C 38, BOGEY A11 36
KYE 1M 47 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, lazy.lion
EEK 10D 35 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, ZLOTE B10 68 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: BLAZE A11 51, GLAZE H11 48, GLOZE H11 48, ABVOLT A10 45, AZO 4L 41
BLAZE A11 51 lazy.lion, sunshine12
On 15th draw, HAET O12 46 --- HAET a small amount [n]
Other moves: GHAUT H11 39, ETH 3L 37, DEATH F2 36, THE F5 35, VIHUELA 13I 34
HAET O12 46 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, lazy.lion
AH 7B 20 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, AGOGIC H10 33 --- AGOGIC accenting a note by dwelling on it [adj]
Other moves: CH F6 29, HI F6 29, HIC F10 29, HO F6 29, OHIA F9 29
HA(L)O 9C 23 lazy.lion
On 17th draw, WAT 3M 41 --- WAT a hare [n] --- WAT wet [adj]
Other moves: MAT 3M 37, ATOM 4L 36, TWO F5 35, MIAOW F10 34, MOWA 4K 33
TWO F5 35 lazy.lion
WO F6 29 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, QUIM 14F 35 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: HM F6 33, HI F6 29, HIM F10 29, HI(L)UM 9C 29, HO F6 29
QUIM 14F 35 lazy.lion, Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, HI F6 29 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: HO F6 29
Other moves: EH 10E 26, HI F10 26, HI(L)LO 9C 25, HEIL I7 23, HI(L)I 9C 23
HO F6 29 lazy.lion
HI F10 26 Papa_Sloth
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