Game on Mars 24, 2024 at 16:58, 9 players
1. 212 pts LongJump22
2. 125 pts Pacific
3. 117 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


5D 86 162 


4A 50 212 


A4 66 278 


F2 63 341 


2E 68 409 


1K 43 452 


11A 39 491 


C2 32 523 


6J 33 556 


I7 29 585 


12C 45 630 


O4 43 673 


J10 37 710 


13C 46 756 


15G 27 783 


M3 36 819 


14F 34 853 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 3 2:21 -641 212 1.9759 Pacific 2 5:32 -728 125
Pacific 2 5:32 -728 125 Group: expert
Wuincunx 2 4:15 -736 117 1.8726 LongJump22 3 2:21 -641 212
Quincunx 1 1:32 -782 71 2.8273 Wuincunx 2 4:15 -736 117
Vuincunx 1 2:18 -782 71 3.8712 Quincunx 1 1:32 -782 71
6. -
MMM333 1 1:26 -787 66 4.8681 Vuincunx 1 2:18 -782 71
7. -
GGG333 1 1:56 -787 66 5.8456 Zuincunx 1 0:26 -810 43
8. -
CCC333 1 1:57 -807 46 Group: not rated
Zuincunx 1 0:26 -810 43 1. - MMM333 1 1:26 -787 66
2. - GGG333 1 1:56 -787 66
3. - CCC333 1 1:57 -807 46
On 1st draw, MINORED H4 76 --- MINOR to pursue a specific subordinate course of study [v]
Other moves: MINORED H6 74, MINORED H2 72, MINORED H3 72, MINORED H7 72, MINORED H8 72
MINORED H4 76 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, IRE(N)ICAL 5D 86 --- IRENICAL peaceful in purpose [adj]
Other moves: CLAR(T)IER 8A 80, C(H)ARLIER 8A 80, CRA(W)LIER 8A 77, CALI(B)ER G3 76, CALI(P)ER G3 76
IRE(N)ICAL 5D 86 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, ZILA 4A 50 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: KAZIS 4J 44, ZA G7 44, KAZI 4J 42, KAY G7 41, KAY 4D 39
ZILA 4A 50 LongJump22, Pacific
On 4th draw, ZYMOGEN A4 66 --- ZYMOGEN a substance that develops into an enzyme when suitably activated [n]
Other moves: ZINGY A4 54, ZYGON A4 54, OYEZ A1 48, GINZO A1 45, GEMINY B1 40
ZYMOGEN A4 66 MMM333, GGG333
On 5th draw, UNLETTED F2 63 --- LET to allow to go or come [adj] --- UNLETTED not rented [adj]
Other moves: UNLETTED 9E 61, ELD 11A 27, END 11A 27, ED 11A 26, ELT 11A 26
On 6th draw, OU(T)LOVES 2E 68 --- OUTLOVE to surpass in loving [v]
Other moves: SLOVE 11A 39, SLOVE(N) 11A 39, SOLVE 11A 39, SOLVE(D) 11A 39, SOLVE(R) 11A 39
LOOVES B9 28 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 7th draw, BAKEN 1K 43 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other moves: BLEAK C3 42, BAKEN 3B 39, BAKEN 1A 38, TAKEN 1K 35, TAKEN 3B 33
BAKEN 1K 43 Zuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 8th draw, SATAY 11A 39 --- SATAY marinated meat that is skewered and broiled and dipped in peanut sauce [n]
Other moves: ANTSY 1A 32, NASTY 1A 32, NATTY 1A 32, SATAY 1A 32, TANSY 1A 32
On 9th draw, UPLEAD C2 32 --- UPLEAD to lead up [v]
Other moves: CAPED I5 31, COPED I5 31, EUPAD 1A 30, FOALED C1 30, FOULED C1 30
On 10th draw, WAITE 6J 33 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other tops: WAITE 12D 33
Other moves: WICE 6J 32, AWEE 12C 31, WAIT 6J 30, WATE 12B 30, WATE 6J 30
WATE 6J 30 Pacific
On 11th draw, FENI I7 29 --- FENI an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n]
Other moves: ENUF 12C 25, FEE I7 25, FEN I7 25, NEF I7 25, FUTON C9 24
On 12th draw, OXO 12C 45 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: IXORAS D7 45
Other moves: SIX 12B 42, SOX 12B 42, SIX O6 39, SOX O6 39, OX 12C 38
OXO 12C 45 Pacific
On 13th draw, BUDOS O4 43 --- BUDO the philosophy of martial art [n]
Other tops: PUDUS O4 43
Other moves: UPDOS O4 37, DOUPS O6 34, DOBS O6 31, DOPS O6 31, DOUP O6 31
On 14th draw, POISHA J10 37 --- POISHA the paisa of Bangladesh [n]
Other moves: PATHOS J10 31, PITHOS J10 31, POTASH J10 31, SPAHI J9 31, HAPS 4J 30
On 15th draw, GENIC 13C 46 --- GENIC pertaining to genes [adj]
Other moves: CENT 13C 38, GENT 13C 34, GEN 13C 32, NICE 13A 32, TICE 13A 32
GENIC 13C 46 Wuincunx, CCC333
On 16th draw, REGATTA 15G 27 --- REGATTA a boat race [n]
Other tops: REGATTA 15D 27
Other moves: GRATER 15H 24, TARTARE 15F 24, TARTARE 15I 24, AGATE 15H 21, ERRATA 15G 21
On 17th draw, WRITHER M3 36 --- WRITHER one that writhes [n]
Other moves: J*WJEW 14M 35, HEJIRA M10 32, WRITHE M3 32, HEJRA M11 30, HIJRA M11 30
On 18th draw, FUR 14F 34 --- FUR to cover with fur (a dressed animal pelt) [v]
Other moves: IF 14E 33, FUJI L8 29, QUIRT L11 28, QI I12 26, QUIT L12 26
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