Game on Mars 25, 2024 at 08:52, 13 players
1. 316 pts Chelsea
2. 235 pts LongJump22
3. 89 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 66 66 


11E 36 102 


7G 70 172 


9H 65 237 


10D 58 295 


O8 140 435 


6L 34 469 


N12 62 531 


M9 37 568 


14F 40 608 


12A 27 635 


A6 42 677 


L3 28 705 


B1 38 743 


1A 33 776 


4B 34 810 


2F 51 861 


1H 36 897 


5D 24 921 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 2 10:43 -605 316 1.8618 LongJump22 3 4:01 -686 235
LongJump22 3 4:01 -686 235 2.8712 Quincunx 0 2:48 -832 89
Quincunx 0 2:48 -832 89 3.8456 Zuincunx 0 1:16 -865 56
Zuincunx 0 1:16 -865 56 4.8303 Wuincunx 0 1:34 -865 56
Wuincunx 0 1:34 -865 56 5.8681 Vuincunx 0 1:52 -865 56
Vuincunx 0 1:52 -865 56 Group: advanced
babsbedi 0 2:11 -884 37 1.7393 Chelsea 2 10:43 -605 316
8. -
NNN3333 1 1:28 -885 36 Group: intermediate
9. -
BBB333 1 1:54 -885 36 1.6798 babsbedi 0 2:11 -884 37
Discus22 0 1:11 -885 36 2.6897 Discus22 0 1:11 -885 36
ShotPut22 0 1:35 -885 36 3.6819 ShotPut22 0 1:35 -885 36
BBBBBB1112 1 0:33 -887 34 4.6875 BBBBBB1112 1 0:33 -887 34
CCCCCC1112 1 0:59 -887 34 5.6862 CCCCCC1112 1 0:59 -887 34
Group: not rated
1. - NNN3333 1 1:28 -885 36
2. - BBB333 1 1:54 -885 36
On 1st draw, ERASION H7 66 --- ERASION the act of rubbing out [n]
Other tops: ERASION H2 66, ERASION H3 66, ERASION H4 66, ERASION H6 66, ERASION H8 66
Other moves: ERASION H5 64, ARIOSE H3 14, ARIOSE H4 14, ARIOSE H7 14, ARIOSE H8 14
ERASION H3 66 LongJump22
NOSIER H4 14 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, TABINET 11E 36 --- TABINET a delicate material [n]
Other tops: PATIENT 11E 36
Other moves: BEPAT G7 35, PEBA G7 32, BAP G7 29, BATTEN G9 28, PATTEN G9 28
TABINET 11E 36 LongJump22, NNN3333, BBB333
BAP G9 23 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, VENTAYLE 7G 70 --- VENTAYLE the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n]
Other moves: VENTAYLE J4 68, VENTAYLE 7A 66, EYAS 10E 34, YENTA 10J 33, NEATLY 12J 30
VENTAYLE J4 68 LongJump22
On 4th draw, ANTHODIA 9H 65 --- ANTHODIA flower heads of certain plants [n] --- ANTHODIUM the flower head of certain plants [n]
Other moves: ANTHODIA 9A 64, HAINT 8K 42, NOAH 6K 37, DONAH 10B 36, DAINT 8K 34
ANTHODIA 9H 65 LongJump22
HIANT 10J 33 Quincunx
On 5th draw, GAJ(O)S 10D 58 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: HAJ 10D 56, H(A)J 10D 54, JAGHI(R)E O8 54, (R)AJAH O8 54, (H)AJ 10D 52
HAJ 10D 56 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, (G)AROUPAS O8 140 --- GAROUPA the groper in Chinese cookery [n]
Other tops: PAROUS(I)A O8 140
Other moves: PAROUS(I)A O2 95, UPROA(R)S O1 92, UP(R)OARS O1 92, UP(S)OARS O1 92, (G)OPURAS O1 92
SAPOUR(S) 14H 36 Discus22, ShotPut22
On 7th draw, NEF 6L 34 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: EF 6M 28, FAINE 12A 27, FAVE 12J 27, FIVE 12J 27, FA 6N 26
NEF 6L 34 BBBBBB1112, CCCCCC1112
On 8th draw, MOZE N12 62 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other moves: MOZ N12 58, MOZ 5K 46, POZ 5K 46, ZO N14 46, HOME 10J 44
On 9th draw, DAWED M9 37 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: DAW M11 35, DEW M11 35, LAW M11 33, LEW M11 33, AW M12 31
DEW 12D 30 Chelsea
On 10th draw, QIS 14F 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IDLERS O1 31, QIS 5J 30, QIS O4 29, SIDLER 12A 29, SLIDER 12A 29
QIS 14F 40 Chelsea
On 11th draw, RULIER 12A 27 --- RULY orderly [adj]
Other moves: LITER 12B 23, LURER 12B 23, LUTER 12B 23, RULER 12B 23, TILER 12B 23
TRIER 12B 23 Chelsea
On 12th draw, BLUCHER A6 42 --- BLUCHER a half boot [n]
Other moves: BOUCHE B10 38, BROCH A11 36, BURHEL A10 33, CHOLER A7 33, HE 10J 33
BROCH A11 36 Chelsea
On 13th draw, FAWNY L3 28 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other moves: FEOD 5J 26, WOAD 5J 26, DOWNY L3 24, FAD 5K 24, WAD 5K 24
WEENY L3 22 Chelsea
On 14th draw, MICKLE B1 38 --- MICKLE a large amount [n] --- MICKLE large [adj] --- MICKLE much or great [adj]
Other tops: MUCKLE B1 38
Other moves: KULFI 3I 34, LUCKIE B1 34, ICKLE B2 32, CLEM M1 30, CLIME B2 28
MEU B10 26 Chelsea
On 15th draw, EMIGRE 1A 33 --- EMIGRE an emigrant [n]
Other tops: EMEROID 1A 33
Other moves: EMEROD 1A 30, KEDGIER 4B 28, REDO K2 28, DREG M1 25, ERUGO B10 25
REDO K2 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, KAYOING 4B 34 --- KAYO to knock out [v] --- KAYOING the act of a knockout [n]
Other moves: YA 10J 33, YO 10J 33, OKAYING 4A 32, DAY M1 30, DOY M1 30
DAY M1 30 Chelsea
On 17th draw, XIS 2F 51 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI 2F 50, OXO 5D 45, OX 5D 41, FIXT 3L 28, XIS I2 27
OXO 5D 45 Chelsea
On 18th draw, OPTED 1H 36 --- OPT to choose [v]
Other tops: OOPED 1H 36, OUPED 1H 36
Other moves: UPDO 5D 32, TOPO K2 31, OUTED 1H 30, POUFED 3I 30, OPED 1H 27
OPTED 1H 36 Chelsea
On 19th draw, ORDO 5D 24 --- ORDO a calendar of religious directions [n]
Other tops: ODOUR 5E 24
Other moves: OUTROW 5G 23, DRIFT 3I 22, TOROID 15B 22, OOTID 15C 21, UDO 5D 21
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