Game on Mars 25, 2024 at 14:57, 12 players
1. 248 pts LongJump22
2. 133 pts Chelsea
3. 97 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 68 68 


1E 63 131 


G3 57 188 


9A 78 266 


I8 73 339 


5E 44 383 


8A 43 426 


13F 72 498 


2H 83 581 


11B 82 663 


1K 39 702 


M6 63 765 


12L 40 805 


O8 45 850 


2B 38 888 


6J 36 924 


1A 35 959 


14B 39 998 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 4:41 -750 248 1.8677 LongJump22 3 4:41 -750 248
Chelsea 0 2:46 -865 133 2.8490 Zuincunx 0 2:38 -914 84
moonmonkey 1 2:43 -901 97 3.8686 Quincunx 0 0:34 -953 45
Zuincunx 0 2:38 -914 84 4.8582 Vuincunx 0 0:55 -953 45
5. -
XXX333 1 1:56 -935 63 5.8329 Wuincunx 0 1:17 -953 45
Quincunx 0 0:34 -953 45 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 0 0:55 -953 45 1.7413 Chelsea 0 2:46 -865 133
Wuincunx 0 1:17 -953 45 2.7741 moonmonkey 1 2:43 -901 97
9. -
WWW333 1 1:57 -959 39 3.7676 HollyIvy 0 1:02 -959 39
HollyIvy 0 1:02 -959 39 4.7798 sicilianc5 0 1:23 -959 39
sicilianc5 0 1:23 -959 39 5.7732 Mycophot 0 1:44 -959 39
Mycophot 0 1:44 -959 39 Group: not rated
1. - XXX333 1 1:56 -935 63
2. - WWW333 1 1:57 -959 39
On 1st draw, (R)ADIATE H2 68 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: A(V)IATED H6 68, A(W)AITED H6 68, TIA(R)AED H6 68
Other moves: AI(R)DATE H3 66, AI(R)DATE H4 66, AI(R)DATE H6 66, AI(R)DATE H7 66, AI(R)DATE H8 66
A(W)AITED H6 68 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, TAXED 1E 63 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AXED 1F 60, DEX 1G 57, EAUX 1H 57, AXE 1F 54, TEX 1G 54
TAXED 1E 63 LongJump22, XXX333
On 3rd draw, ZEA(T)IN G3 57 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: (K)WANZA 3C 54, ZEA(L) G3 49, ZE(T)A G3 49, ZI(L)A G3 49, ZI(T)E G3 49
WI(R)E 2F 39 LongJump22
On 4th draw, ANTHERS 9A 78 --- ANTHER the part of the stamen that produces pollen [n]
Other tops: HARTENS 9A 78, THENARS 9A 78
Other moves: HARTENS F7 71, THENARS I8 68, ANTHERS F8 67, HETAIRAS 5D 44, SHAITAN 5E 40
HARTENS 9A 78 LongJump22
NAH 2D 29 Chelsea
On 5th draw, FURMETY I8 73 --- FURMETY a wheat dish boiled in milk and sweetened [n]
Other moves: FRUMENTY B4 70, FURMENTY B4 70, FURMETY E5 60, FAERY A8 45, MATEY A8 42
FAERY A8 45 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
YE 8A 32 Chelsea
On 6th draw, GUAIACOL 5E 44 --- GUAIACOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: BACULA A4 39, BACULA A8 33, COAGULA A3 33, COAGULA A7 33, BOA 8A 31
BACULA A4 39 Zuincunx
BOA 8A 31 Chelsea
On 7th draw, KAS 8A 43 --- KA to serve [v] --- KAS a large cupboard [n]
Other moves: ASKS H12 41, AUKS H12 41, TAKS H12 41, TSKS H12 41, KA 8A 38
TAKS H12 41 Chelsea
On 8th draw, GOITERED 13F 72 --- GOITERED afflicted with a goiter [adj]
Other moves: DERIG 2B 31, GEOID 2B 31, GORED 2B 31, GREED 2B 31, (R)OGERED 2H 27
On 9th draw, (R)EPOSURE 2H 83 --- REPOSURE reposing [n]
Other moves: PESTEROUS C6 74, REPOSURE K7 70, (R)EPOSER 2H 31, (R)EPOURS 2H 31, (R)EPURES 2H 31
On 10th draw, GAPEWORM 11B 82 --- GAPEWORM a worm that causes a disease of young birds [n]
Other moves: WAGER 1K 49, PAGER 1K 45, WARP 12L 37, WEEP O1 36, GAP 1M 35
On 11th draw, LINED 1K 39 --- LINE to mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) [v]
Other moves: LILIED 2A 31, NILLED 2A 31, DELI 12C 30, DENI 12C 30, LINED 12A 30
On 12th draw, CILIATED M6 63 --- CILIATED having cilia [adj]
Other moves: DELICATE O1 36, CILIA 12A 35, CITAL 12A 35, HEPATIC D9 34, CITE 12A 31
On 13th draw, BEVY 12L 40 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other tops: BEVY L12 40
Other moves: YOB 3K 35, YOM N10 35, PRIVY D11 34, BIRO 12C 33, MIRO 12C 33
On 14th draw, JONTY O8 45 --- JONTY a naval master-at-arms [n]
Other moves: JIMSON 14B 41, JIMSON 2A 40, JILTS 8K 39, JOLTS 8K 39, TIMON 12C 38
JOLTS 8K 39 HollyIvy, Mycophot
JILTS 8K 39 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, SLOOM 2B 38 --- SLOOM to slumber [v]
Other moves: MONOS 12A 35, MONO 12C 33, NOMOS 12A 33, SOLON 12C 32, MONO 12A 31
MONOS 12A 35 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, HUIC 6J 36 --- HUIC used to encourage hunting hounds [interj]
Other moves: BURIN 12A 35, RUBIN 12A 33, WHIN 3A 31, WHIR 3A 31, (T)ANH 6G 31
WIN 12C 27 moonmonkey
On 17th draw, QI 1A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: FINI 12A 35, FINO 12A 35
Other moves: NONI 12C 27, QI 12A 24, IF 12D 23, NONI 12A 23, OF 12D 23
FINI 12A 35 moonmonkey
On 18th draw, BOWFIN 14B 39 --- BOWFIN a freshwater fish [n]
Other tops: BOYF 14G 39
Other moves: WINO 12C 36, WOF 12C 36, FINO 12A 35, VINO 12A 35, WINO 12A 35
BOWFIN 14B 39 WWW333
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