Game on Mars 25, 2024 at 17:54, 14 players
1. 198 pts LongJump22
2. 167 pts Pacific
3. 91 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 30 30 


I7 45 75 


H12 46 121 


10H 42 163 


L6 34 197 


M1 77 274 


J1 70 344 


1G 30 374 


6A 67 441 


A4 72 513 


N6 32 545 


L2 28 573 


E6 74 647 


D11 28 675 


N2 25 700 


15A 30 730 


4A 28 758 


K9 31 789 


M12 22 811 


J14 64 875 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 4 3:43 -677 198 1.9750 Pacific 2 5:36 -708 167
Pacific 2 5:36 -708 167 Group: expert
ArcticFox 0 4:22 -784 91 1.8619 LongJump22 4 3:43 -677 198
Quincunx 0 3:51 -794 81 2.8686 Quincunx 0 3:51 -794 81
Zuincunx 0 4:40 -794 81 3.8490 Zuincunx 0 4:40 -794 81
6. -
MMM333 2 3:20 -800 75 4.8582 Vuincunx 1 0:10 -845 30
7. -
BBB333 1 1:53 -829 46 5.8329 Wuincunx 0 1:56 -848 27
Vuincunx 1 0:10 -845 30 Group: intermediate
Hammer22 1 0:25 -845 30 1.6964 ArcticFox 0 4:22 -784 91
Discus22 1 0:52 -845 30 2.6970 Hammer22 1 0:25 -845 30
ShotPut22 1 1:11 -845 30 3.6869 Discus22 1 0:52 -845 30
BBBBBB1112 1 1:37 -845 30 4.6762 ShotPut22 1 1:11 -845 30
13. -
ZZZ333 1 1:49 -845 30 5.6837 BBBBBB1112 1 1:37 -845 30
Wuincunx 0 1:56 -848 27 Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 2 3:20 -800 75
2. - BBB333 1 1:53 -829 46
3. - ZZZ333 1 1:49 -845 30
On 1st draw, MEZE H6 30 --- MEZE a Greek or Middle Eastern appetizer [n]
Other tops: MEZE H5 30, MEZE H7 30, MEZE H8 30, MZEE H5 30, MZEE H6 30, MZEE H7 30, MZEE H8 30
Other moves: TREZ H5 26, TREZ H6 26, TREZ H7 26, TREZ H8 26, ZED H6 26
MEZE H6 30 LongJump22, MMM333, ZZZ333
On 2nd draw, FAMINE I7 45 --- FAMINE extreme scarcity of food in a district [n]
Other moves: FAME I7 43, FANE I7 35, MEANY I6 35, FAE I7 34, FAN I7 34
FAMINE I7 45 LongJump22, MMM333
On 3rd draw, BRIK H12 46 --- BRIK a Tunisian filled pastry [n]
Other tops: BIRK H12 46, BORK H12 46
Other moves: DIRK H12 38, DORK H12 38, BIRD H12 37, BORD H12 37, BROD H12 37
BIRK H12 46 LongJump22, BBB333
On 4th draw, (S)IXTE 10H 42 --- SIXTE a fencing parry [n]
Other moves: (S)IX 10H 40, (D)ETOX J10 35, BEAUX(I)TE 12H 34, XU J8 33, (P)OTAE J8 33
XU J8 33 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, NOWHERE L6 34 --- NOWHERE a non-existent place [n]
Other tops: WHEREON L8 34
Other moves: BEWHORE L4 32, BEWHORE L9 32, BEWHORE 12H 30, WHEEN L8 30, WHERE L8 30
BETHORN K8 24 Quincunx
THROWN K10 24 Zuincunx
On 6th draw, P(A)TACAS M1 77 --- PATACA a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other tops: PAT(A)CAS M1 77
Other moves: AP(L)ASTIC 14B 76, C(H)APATIS 14B 76, PATAC(A)S M1 76, CAT(N)APS J1 74, PAT(A)CAS K1 74
PAT(A)CAS M1 77 LongJump22
CA(R)AP M3 31 Quincunx, Zuincunx
P(O)X J8 29 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, CALIGOS J1 70 --- CALIGO a reduction in vision [n]
Other moves: COSTA K7 33, OXALIC J9 33, ASPIC 1K 30, CAPOS 1K 30, COPAL 1K 30
GOX J8 29 ArcticFox
SP*C 1LSPIC 1L 27 Wuincunx
SCAGLIA 4G 26 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 8th draw, ORACY 1G 30 --- ORACY skill in oral communication [n]
Other tops: APAY 1L 30, SPAY 1L 30, SPRY 1L 30, YARCO 1G 30
Other moves: ARSY 13J 28, OOSY 13J 28, ROSY 13J 28, SOYA 13L 28, STAY K9 28
APAY 1L 30 Vuincunx
On 9th draw, VOLTAISM 6A 67 --- VOLTAISM electricity produced by chemical action [n]
Other moves: VIATORS 13C 37, VISTAL 13J 32, TAILORS 13C 31, VISTA 13J 30, VISTO 13J 30
On 10th draw, JIVED A4 72 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JAI 5E 42, TAJ L2 41, JEAT 5B 39, JA 5E 38, JUD L2 38
JIVED A4 72 Pacific
On 11th draw, WENS N6 32 --- WEN a benign tumor of the skin [n]
Other moves: WEN N6 31, OWES N1 30, OWSEN 13J 30, STOWN K9 30, UNSEW 13J 30
On 12th draw, DUH L2 28 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other tops: DAH L2 28
Other moves: HAD N2 27, AH O8 26, HAD L2 26, UH O8 26, DAH N2 25
On 13th draw, AERODYNE E6 74 --- AERODYNE an aircraft that is heavier than air [n]
Other moves: YONDER O8 50, EYED N1 42, YODE O8 41, YOND O8 41, EYEN N1 39
On 14th draw, FITT D11 28 --- FITT a song [n]
Other tops: F*RTFART D11 28, FIAR D11 28, FIAT D11 28
Other moves: FAR D11 26, FAT D11 26, FIR D11 26, FIT D11 26, AIRLIFT C3 24
On 15th draw, GAT N2 25 --- GAT a pistol [n]
Other tops: ORATOR B2 25
Other moves: LAG N2 24, JARL 4A 22, JATO 4A 22, JOLT 4A 22, JOTA 4A 22
On 16th draw, OLPE 15A 30 --- OLPE a Greek jug [n]
Other tops: LOPE 15A 30, NOPE 15A 30, PLUE 15A 30, POLE 15A 30, PONE 15A 30, PULE 15A 30
Other moves: JULEP 4A 28, JUPON 4A 28, JUPE 4A 26, POLLUTE D1 26, JELLO 4A 24
POLE 15A 30 Hammer22
PONE 15A 30 Discus22
PULE 15A 30 ShotPut22
NOPE 15A 30 BBBBBB1112
On 17th draw, JORDAN 4A 28 --- JORDAN a type of container [n]
Other moves: VORANT D1 26, ARVO B1 23, NOVA B1 23, AVO B2 21, OVA B2 21
OXO J9 17 Pacific
On 18th draw, ATEBRIN K9 31 --- ATEBRIN an anti-malaria powder [n]
Other moves: BURIAL B10 28, BEAN 3B 25, BEIN 3B 25, BANTERER 13A 22, BURNIE 2B 22
On 19th draw, GIVE M12 22 --- GIVE to transfer freely to another's possession [v]
Other moves: GOV M12 20, GUV M12 20, VIRILE C2 20, EGO J13 19, OGIVE 2C 19
VIN F2 14 Pacific
On 20th draw, QI J14 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 2F 33, QI 14J 31, QUILL B11 28, QUITE 13A 28, QUOLL B11 28
QI J14 64 Pacific
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