Game on Mars 26, 2024 at 12:12, 8 players
1. 359 pts Chelsea
2. 289 pts LongJump22
3. 149 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


8A 95 159 


E3 80 239 


11A 50 289 


A11 27 316 


B8 41 357 


D1 36 393 


10G 71 464 


F2 34 498 


1A 45 543 


14H 35 578 


15L 47 625 


C3 51 676 


I3 47 723 


J4 59 782 


K1 27 809 


1H 140 949 


4H 48 997 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 1 12:22 -638 359 1.8621 LongJump22 4 3:32 -708 289
LongJump22 4 3:32 -708 289 2.8686 Quincunx 3 5:15 -848 149
Quincunx 3 5:15 -848 149 3.8454 Vuincunx 3 5:31 -848 149
Vuincunx 3 5:31 -848 149 4.8349 Wuincunx 1 5:37 -850 147
Wuincunx 1 5:37 -850 147 5.8545 Zuincunx 1 5:39 -850 147
Zuincunx 1 5:39 -850 147 Group: advanced
7. -
LLL333 1 1:57 -938 59 1.7359 Chelsea 1 12:22 -638 359
8. -
FFF333 1 1:57 -950 47 Group: not rated
1. - LLL333 1 1:57 -938 59
2. - FFF333 1 1:57 -950 47
On 1st draw, TUNIE(S)T H8 64 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other tops: NUTTIE(R) H2 64, NUTTIE(R) H3 64, NUTTIE(R) H4 64, NUTTIE(R) H7 64, NUTTIE(R) H8 64, TENUIT(Y) H2 64, TENUIT(Y) H3 64, TENUIT(Y) H4 64, TENUIT(Y) H7 64, TENUIT(Y) H8 64, TUNIE(S)T H2 64, TUNIE(S)T H3 64, TUNIE(S)T H4 64, TUNIE(S)T H6 64, (Q)UINTET H2 64, (Q)UINTET H3 64, (Q)UINTET H6 64, (Q)UINTET H7 64, (Q)UINTET H8 64
Other moves: NUTTIE(R) H5 62, NUTTIE(R) H6 62, TENUIT(Y) H5 62, TENUIT(Y) H6 62, TUNIE(S)T H5 62
NUTTIE(R) H8 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, OVERHEAT 8A 95 --- OVERHEAT to heat to excess [v]
Other moves: OVERHATE 14B 94, OVERHEAT 14A 82, OVERHATE 8B 65, EVOHE I6 32, THREAVE 14H 30
OVERHEAT 8A 95 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, METAPHOR E3 80 --- METAPHOR a type of figure of speech [n]
Other moves: EMPATRON 10A 70, TRAMPET 14B 34, METOPAE C7 30, PEART 7C 30, TEMPERA C7 30
METAPHOR E3 80 LongJump22
On 4th draw, HINDS 11A 50 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other tops: DUNSH 11B 50
Other moves: DISH 11C 48, DUSH 11C 48, Y*DSYIDS 11B 48, DISHY I6 46, HINS 11B 46
DUNSH 11B 50 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HONER A11 27 --- HONER one that sharpens [n]
Other tops: HERON A11 27, HONOR A11 27
Other moves: ANOA 12A 26, ARENA D1 22, AREA D3 20, EOAN D3 20, RANEE F4 19
On 6th draw, VICIO(U)S B8 41 --- VICIOUS dangerously aggressive [adj]
Other moves: C(O)OFS D1 40, CO(O)FS D1 39, FI(D)OS B10 37, FI(N)OS B10 37, C(O)OF D1 36
OF D3 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, DWAM D1 36 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other tops: DUNAM F2 36
Other moves: MAW F4 35, UNAIMED C3 35, DAW F4 33, AMID D3 31, NAW F4 31
DWAM D1 36 Quincunx, Vuincunx
MAW F4 35 Chelsea
On 8th draw, UNABATED 10G 71 --- ABATE to reduce in degree or intensity [adj] --- UNABATED not made less in degree [adj]
Other moves: ABATED F1 38, ABED C2 38, BATED F2 37, DEBATE C3 37, ABET C2 36
ABED C2 38 Chelsea
On 9th draw, VINES F2 34 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: VISIE F2 34
Other moves: DIVINES 1D 33, DEVILS 1D 30, DIVINE 1D 30, VENDIS 1A 30, NEVI C3 29
DIVINES 1D 33 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
DEVILS 1D 30 Chelsea
On 10th draw, ZONDA 1A 45 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: AZOTED N5 36, ZONED N6 35, AZOTE 14E 34, ZAMIA 3C 34, ZETAS 6B 34
ZONDA 1A 45 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
AZOTE 14E 34 Chelsea
On 11th draw, TOQUET 14H 35 --- TOQUET a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: TOQUE 14H 34, QUANGO K8 32, TOQUET L10 32, EQUANT K7 30, QUAG K8 28
TOQUET 14H 35 Quincunx, Vuincunx
QUATE K8 28 Chelsea
On 12th draw, FIGO 15L 47 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: FAIL 15L 44, FILA 15L 44, FILO 15L 44, FOAL 15L 44, FOIL 15L 44
FIGO 15L 47 FFF333
FOUL 15L 44 Chelsea
On 13th draw, ROWELED C3 51 --- ROWEL to prick with a spiked wheel in order to urge forward [v]
Other moves: WIDER 11K 36, OWED 11J 35, WILED 11K 35, WIRED 11K 35, WIDE 11K 34
OWED 11J 35 Chelsea
WIRED 11K 35 Wuincunx
WILED 11K 35 Zuincunx
On 14th draw, JAKEYS I3 47 --- JAKEY (Scots) a homeless alcoholic [n]
Other moves: YUK 9G 40, JAY 9K 37, JAKS I5 35, KYTES L8 34, JAKEYS M7 33
KYTES L8 34 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
JAKEY M7 32 Chelsea
On 15th draw, LAX J4 59 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other tops: TAX J4 59, TIX J4 59
Other moves: AX J5 56, AXIL 11J 48, AX 2A 47, AXIL J3 41, AX 11J 40
TAX J4 59 Chelsea
LAX J4 59 LLL333
On 16th draw, RAILE K1 27 --- RAILE to flow [v]
Other tops: AUREI K1 27, IRATE K1 27, TERAI K1 27, URAEI K1 27, URALI K1 27, URATE K1 27, URITE K1 27, UTILE K1 27
Other moves: ARET K2 25, ARLE K2 25, ARTI K2 25, IRATE 11J 25, LATE K2 25
On 17th draw, INTRIGUE 1H 140 --- INTRIGUE to arouse the curiosity of [v]
Other moves: TIERING 1H 27, TIGRINE 1H 27, URGENT 1J 27, GENII 11K 25, ENGIRT 1G 24
On 18th draw, FALLIBLY 4H 48 --- FALLIBLE capable of erring [adv] --- FALLIBLY in a fallible manner [adv]
Other moves: UGLIFY N1 42, FY L3 35, PLEBIFY 12F 34, GALLFLY 4H 32, FITLY L8 30
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