Game on Mars 27, 2024 at 11:28, 12 players
1. 572 pts Chelsea
2. 524 pts roocatcher
3. 152 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


10F 28 54 


5E 28 82 


L1 36 118 


K8 81 199 


1J 36 235 


8K 30 265 


4A 37 302 


N4 63 365 


7A 69 434 


12F 70 504 


8A 68 572 


6B 73 645 


O11 29 674 


3C 39 713 


J12 29 742 


15G 32 774 


D7 34 808 


2J 34 842 


2B 28 870 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 6 16:30 -298 572 1.8688 LongJump22 3 4:01 -718 152
roocatcher 5 16:49 -346 524 2.8719 Quincunx 1 1:28 -834 36
LongJump22 3 4:01 -718 152 3.8498 Vuincunx 1 1:48 -834 36
4. -
XXX333 1 1:59 -802 68 4.8586 Zuincunx 0 1:56 -837 33
Quincunx 1 1:28 -834 36 5.8235 Wuincunx 1 1:10 -840 30
Vuincunx 1 1:48 -834 36 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 0 1:56 -837 33 1.7357 Chelsea 6 16:30 -298 572
Wuincunx 1 1:10 -840 30 Group: intermediate
9. -
NNN3333 1 1:57 -842 28 1.6909 roocatcher 5 16:49 -346 524
10. -
FFF333 1 1:00 -844 26 Group: not rated
11. -
III333 1 1:30 -844 26 1. - XXX333 1 1:59 -802 68
12. -
EEE333 1 1:57 -844 26 2. - NNN3333 1 1:57 -842 28
3. - FFF333 1 1:00 -844 26
4. - III333 1 1:30 -844 26
5. - EEE333 1 1:57 -844 26
On 1st draw, FO(O)DIE H4 26 --- FOODIE an enthusiast of foods and their preparation [n]
Other tops: DIEOF(F) H8 26, DIEO(F)F H7 26, FOE(T)ID H4 26, FOI(L)ED H4 26, FOI(N)ED H4 26, F(O)ODIE H4 26
Other moves: FEDE(X) H4 24, FEED(S) H4 24, FEOD(S) H4 24, FE(L)ID H4 24, FE(T)ED H4 24
DIEO(F)F H7 26 LongJump22, FFF333, III333, EEE333
On 2nd draw, WASTE 10F 28 --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v]
Other moves: NEWTS 10D 26, NOWTS 10D 26, SEWAN 10H 26, SOWNE 10H 26, TOWNS 10D 26
WASTE 10F 28 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, TENONER 5E 28 --- TENONER one that tenons [n]
Other moves: FERMENT 4H 24, MEETER 9G 24, METRE K7 23, REMEN K10 23, REMET K10 23
TENONER 5E 28 LongJump22, NNN3333
On 4th draw, WAMES L1 36 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: MEWLS L1 34, WALES L1 32, WEALS L1 32, WELTS L1 32, WETAS L1 32
WAMES L1 36 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Chelsea
On 5th draw, CURVIT(Y) K8 81 --- CURVITY the state of being curved [n]
Other moves: CURVITA(L) 2F 70, CU(L)TIVAR 2F 70, VIAT(I)C 2J 36, VRAIC 2J 36, VRAIC(S) 2J 36
CU(L)TIVAR 2F 70 LongJump22
CRAV(E) 2J 30 Chelsea
TWIC(E) 1K 27 roocatcher
On 6th draw, UNWARY 1J 36 --- UNWARY not wary [adj] --- WARY watchful [adj]
Other tops: YAWNER 1J 36
Other moves: CARNY 8K 33, CURNY 8K 33, YEARN 2J 32, AYE M2 30, NYE M2 30
UNWARY 1J 36 Chelsea
CURNY 8K 33 roocatcher
CARNY 8K 33 Zuincunx
On 7th draw, COBLE 8K 30 --- COBLE a small fishing boat [n]
Other tops: BLIMPS 3I 30, CIBOL 8K 30, CLIPE 8K 30, CLIPS 8K 30, CLOPS 8K 30, COPES 8K 30, COPSE 8K 30
Other moves: LEIPOAS 2G 29, BLIMP 3I 28, ELOPES 9D 27, SPEAL 2I 27, *B*SABOS M1 26
COPES 8K 30 Chelsea
COPSE 8K 30 Wuincunx
CLOPS 8K 30 roocatcher
On 8th draw, BUMPED 4A 37 --- BUMP to knock against [v]
Other moves: BUMPED 11B 34, BAMMED 3I 32, BUMMED 3I 32, BUMP J12 31, RAMPED N1 30
BUMPED 4A 37 Chelsea
BEAM 6C 26 roocatcher
On 9th draw, IDEALIST N4 63 --- IDEALIST an adherent of idealism [n]
Other moves: BASTIDE A4 30, ABIDES A3 27, BAITED A4 27, BASTED A4 27, BEDSIT A4 27
BAITED A4 27 roocatcher, Chelsea
On 10th draw, JARGONED 7A 69 --- JARGON to speak or write an obscure and often pretentious kind of language [v]
Other moves: AJEE 9F 45, JERBOA A1 45, BANJO A4 42, JAGIR 12H 42, JETON 13I 40
BANJO A4 42 Chelsea
JADE F2 28 roocatcher
On 11th draw, OTALGIAS 12F 70 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: AG 8A 39, JAGAS A7 39, JAGA A7 36, JAGS A7 36, JATOS A7 36
AG 8A 39 Chelsea
GLOBS A1 24 roocatcher
On 12th draw, AXE 8A 68 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 8A 63, AXE 3A 41, ARE 8A 40, AD 8A 39, AXE M1 37
AXE 8A 68 Chelsea, roocatcher, XXX333
On 13th draw, ZO 6B 73 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEE 9G 47, ZHO 9C 47, ZEL 9C 44, ZIN 9C 44, ZOL 9C 44
ZO 6B 73 roocatcher
ZIN 9C 44 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ORGIC O11 29 --- ORGIC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other moves: OTITIC 13J 25, CRIB A1 24, GRIOT 11C 21, ORIBI A1 21, ROC 11E 21
CRIB A1 24 Chelsea, roocatcher
On 15th draw, HUP 3C 39 --- HUP to go faster (by shouting hup to a horse) [v] --- HUP used to mark a marching cadence [interj]
Other moves: AHEAD 2I 35, KAPH 11C 35, KEHUA 2H 35, HEAD 2J 34, KAPH 2G 34
HAKE 9E 32 Chelsea
KA J14 31 roocatcher
On 16th draw, GIF J12 29 --- GIF if [conj]
Other moves: FE 6J 28, FILMI 3I 28, FLAME 3I 28, (O)AF 6H 28, FINIAL 13C 27
GIF J12 29 Chelsea, roocatcher
On 17th draw, KILT 15G 32 --- KILT to make creases or pleats in [v]
Other moves: TROKE 9D 30, KIT 15H 29, LOKE 9E 29, ROKE 9E 29, TOKE 9E 29
TROKE 9D 30 Chelsea, roocatcher
On 18th draw, GLAIVE D7 34 --- GLAIVE a sword [n]
Other moves: VEINAL 13C 27, VENIAL 13C 27, VINEAL 13C 27, ALVINE 13B 25, VALINE 13B 25
VILE 13C 16 roocatcher
VANE 9E 16 Chelsea
On 19th draw, HEAD 2J 34 --- HEAD to be chief of [v]
Other moves: HEAR 2J 32, HOAR 2J 32, DOH 2B 30, HORDE 13A 30, RHEA 2I 30
HEAD 2J 34 roocatcher
HOND 13A 28 Chelsea
On 20th draw, NOY 2B 28 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other moves: OYE 9F 24, YIN 9M 23, QI 14N 22, YARTO G9 22, ONY L8 21
OYE 9F 24 Chelsea, roocatcher
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