Game on Mars 27, 2024 at 13:00, 12 players
1. 201 pts Pacific
2. 144 pts LongJump22
3. 77 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 46 46 


5E 86 132 


8A 83 215 


4H 42 257 


3I 36 293 


C3 70 363 


7F 68 431 


K7 72 503 


14J 44 547 


15F 45 592 


14A 40 632 


2J 60 692 


O1 54 746 


O12 69 815 


A11 60 875 


D1 24 899 


1D 36 935 


12I 30 965 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 2 3:08 -764 201 1.9750 Pacific 2 3:08 -764 201
LongJump22 1 2:56 -821 144 Group: expert
ArcticFox 1 2:58 -888 77 1.8674 LongJump22 1 2:56 -821 144
Zuincunx 1 0:46 -896 69 2.8586 Zuincunx 1 0:46 -896 69
BBBBBB1112 2 2:39 -899 66 3.8719 Quincunx 0 1:24 -923 42
6. -
XXX333 1 1:56 -905 60 4.8235 Wuincunx 0 1:46 -923 42
Quincunx 0 1:24 -923 42 5.8498 Vuincunx 0 1:47 -923 42
Wuincunx 0 1:46 -923 42 Group: intermediate
Vuincunx 0 1:47 -923 42 1.6976 ArcticFox 1 2:58 -888 77
Hammer22 1 0:54 -929 36 2.6704 BBBBBB1112 2 2:39 -899 66
Discus22 1 1:15 -929 36 3.6973 Hammer22 1 0:54 -929 36
ShotPut22 1 1:35 -929 36 4.6869 Discus22 1 1:15 -929 36
5.6813 ShotPut22 1 1:35 -929 36
Group: not rated
1. - XXX333 1 1:56 -905 60
On 1st draw, JOKE(R) H4 46 --- JOKER one that jokes [n]
Other tops: JOKE(D) H4 46, JOKE(S) H4 46, JOKE(Y) H4 46, JOK(O)L H4 46, J(O)KOL H4 46, KHOJ(A) H4 46
Other moves: KO(P)JE H4 40, JEL(L)O H4 38, JE(L)LO H4 38, JOLE(D) H4 38, JOLE(S) H4 38
On 2nd draw, ALLOMON(E) 5E 86 --- ALLOMONE like a pheromone, but causing detriment to another species [n]
Other moves: ALLON(Y)M I1 85, ALLOMON(E) 5C 68, (P)OLLMAN G7 62, (T)OLLMAN G7 62, ALLOM(O)NE 7A 61
On 3rd draw, THRUSTE(R) 8A 83 --- THRUSTER one that thrusts [n]
Other moves: SHUTTER 9H 81, SHUTTER M5 72, TH(R)USTER 8F 61, HUERS 6J 34, HURST 6J 34
On 4th draw, JUPATI 4H 42 --- JUPATI a type of palm [n]
Other moves: HEPATIC B8 40, KAPUT 6H 34, KIPE 6H 32, TEACUP 4J 32, KEP 6H 29
On 5th draw, VAW 3I 36 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: WANE 6J 36, WANT 6J 36, WATE 6J 36, WEAN 6J 36, WENA 6J 36, WENT 6J 36, WETA 6J 36
Other moves: WAE 6J 35, WAN 6J 35, WAT 6J 35, WEN 6J 35, WET 6J 35
On 6th draw, TONSURES C3 70 --- TONSURE to shave the head of [v]
Other moves: STOUTENS F7 62, STOUTENS A4 59, STOUTENS A7 59, NOUSES N1 32, ONSETS N2 32
On 7th draw, ANEARING 7F 68 --- ANEAR to approach [v]
Other moves: ANGINA B10 22, INANGA B10 22, AGAIN B10 20, AGRIA B10 20, AGRIN B10 20
On 8th draw, INVOLUTE K7 72 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other moves: NOULE 8K 26, UNLOVE B10 26, OVULE B10 24, VETO 2F 24, NEUK 6E 22
On 9th draw, FEWMET 14J 44 --- FEWMET the dung of a deer [n]
Other moves: FETWA 14J 38, WAME J10 38, WEFTE 14J 38, FOAM D1 36, MEOW D1 36
On 10th draw, INBRED 15F 45 --- INBRED a product of inbreeding [n]
Other tops: BRINED 15F 45
Other moves: BRED 15H 39, BRIDIE B1 33, IRED 15H 33, NIED 15H 33, BIRDIE 15E 32
BRINED 15F 45 Pacific
On 11th draw, ADSORB 14A 40 --- ADSORB to gather on the surface in a condensed layer [v]
Other moves: ABOARD 14A 33, ABROAD 14A 33, RABATO O10 33, RABATS O10 33, RAWS L12 33
On 12th draw, CHIGOE 2J 60 --- CHIGOE a tropical flea [n]
Other moves: CHIAO 2J 56, OCHE 2I 48, OCH 2I 47, CHIAO A11 42, CHOTA O11 42
CHOTA O11 42 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 13th draw, PERFAY O1 54 --- PERFAY by my faith [interj]
Other moves: DEFRAY A10 51, DEFY O1 45, PERFAY A10 45, REEFY O1 45, DEAFER O1 42
DEFRAY A10 51 Pacific
DRAFTY O10 42 LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 14th draw, ZITE O12 69 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZATI O12 69, ZETA O12 69
Other moves: ZA J10 64, CZAR A12 54, DITZ O12 48, CRAZE B1 47, DAZE B2 43
ZITE O12 69 Pacific
ZETA O12 69 Zuincunx
On 15th draw, AXIAL A11 60 --- AXIAL pertaining to or forming an axis [adj]
Other moves: XI 15A 57, ILEX D1 44, DEX D2 42, LAX D2 40, LEX D2 40
AXIAL A11 60 LongJump22, XXX333
OX 15C 36 Pacific
On 16th draw, CIAO D1 24 --- CIAO used as an expression of greeting and farewell [interj]
Other moves: COGUE 12H 22, COOEE 4A 22, CAGE B2 21, SOCAGER E8 20, EIK 6F 19
TOE 13K 19 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, CIDERY 1D 36 --- CIDERY like cider [adj]
Other moves: COYED 1D 33, CYDER 1D 33, GRYCE 1A 33, CODGER 1D 30, COREY 1D 30
CIDERY 1D 36 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112
YE J10 28 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, EQUID 12I 30 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUID 12J 28, QI B2 25, QIS C12 24, DEG J10 21, DIG L10 21
EQUID 12I 30 BBBBBB1112, ArcticFox
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