Game on Mars 28, 2024 at 08:43, 7 players
1. 356 pts babsbedi
2. 237 pts LongJump22
3. 198 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


G5 29 93 


5F 76 169 


12A 68 237 


E6 78 315 


8A 42 357 


C2 78 435 


2B 38 473 


A10 45 518 


1E 31 549 


2J 40 589 


O1 45 634 


D4 31 665 


B12 27 692 


3K 30 722 


L2 20 742 


11H 82 824 


O7 45 869 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
babsbedi 1 10:20 -513 356 1.8660 LongJump22 4 4:32 -632 237
LongJump22 4 4:32 -632 237 2.8719 Quincunx 1 5:18 -671 198
Quincunx 1 5:18 -671 198 3.8235 Wuincunx 2 1:28 -747 122
Wuincunx 2 1:28 -747 122 4.8498 Vuincunx 3 3:45 -751 118
Vuincunx 3 3:45 -751 118 5.8586 Zuincunx 0 1:18 -806 63
Zuincunx 0 1:18 -806 63 Group: intermediate
7. -
PPP333 1 1:57 -824 45 1.6790 babsbedi 1 10:20 -513 356
Group: not rated
1. - PPP333 1 1:57 -824 45
On 1st draw, OSSI(C)LE H7 64 --- OSSICLE a small bone [n]
Other tops: ESLOI(N)S H2 64, ESLOI(N)S H3 64, ESLOI(N)S H4 64, ESLOI(N)S H6 64, ESLOI(N)S H8 64, ISO(H)ELS H2 64, ISO(H)ELS H3 64, ISO(H)ELS H4 64, ISO(H)ELS H6 64, ISO(H)ELS H7 64, ISO(H)ELS H8 64, I(N)SOLES H2 64, I(N)SOLES H4 64, I(N)SOLES H6 64, I(N)SOLES H7 64, I(N)SOLES H8 64, LESIO(N)S H2 64, LESIO(N)S H3 64, LESIO(N)S H4 64, LESIO(N)S H6 64, LESIO(N)S H8 64, LIO(N)ESS H2 64, LIO(N)ESS H3 64, LIO(N)ESS H4 64, LIO(N)ESS H6 64, LIO(N)ESS H7 64, LIO(N)ESS H8 64, LISSO(M)E H2 64, LISSO(M)E H3 64, LISSO(M)E H4 64, LISSO(M)E H6 64, LISSO(M)E H8 64, LI(M)OSES H3 64, LI(M)OSES H4 64, LI(M)OSES H6 64, LI(M)OSES H7 64, LI(M)OSES H8 64, LOSSIE(R) H2 64, LOSSIE(R) H3 64, LOSSIE(R) H4 64, LOSSIE(R) H7 64, LOSSIE(R) H8 64, LO(O)SIES H3 64, LO(O)SIES H4 64, LO(O)SIES H6 64, LO(O)SIES H7 64, LO(O)SIES H8 64, LO(R)ISES H3 64, LO(R)ISES H4 64, LO(R)ISES H6 64, LO(R)ISES H7 64, LO(R)ISES H8 64, L(O)OSIES H2 64, L(O)OSIES H4 64, L(O)OSIES H6 64, L(O)OSIES H7 64, L(O)OSIES H8 64, OSSI(C)LE H2 64, OSSI(C)LE H3 64, OSSI(C)LE H4 64, OSSI(C)LE H6 64, SOLI(V)ES H2 64, SOLI(V)ES H3 64, SOLI(V)ES H4 64, SOLI(V)ES H6 64, SOLI(V)ES H7 64, S(M)OILES H2 64, S(M)OILES H4 64, S(M)OILES H6 64, S(M)OILES H7 64, S(M)OILES H8 64, (F)LOSSIE H2 64, (F)LOSSIE H3 64, (F)LOSSIE H6 64, (F)LOSSIE H7 64, (F)LOSSIE H8 64, (G)LIOSES H2 64, (G)LIOSES H3 64, (G)LIOSES H6 64, (G)LIOSES H7 64, (G)LIOSES H8 64, (R)ISSOLE H2 64, (R)ISSOLE H3 64, (R)ISSOLE H6 64, (R)ISSOLE H7 64, (R)ISSOLE H8 64
Other moves: ESLOI(N)S H5 62, ESLOI(N)S H7 62, ISO(H)ELS H5 62, I(N)SOLES H3 62, I(N)SOLES H5 62
LIO(N)ESS H4 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, HAKA G5 29 --- HAKA a Maori ceremonial war-dance [n]
Other tops: DOH I7 29, HOKA G5 29, KOA G7 29
Other moves: DHAK G4 28, KHANDA G3 28, HANK G4 27, HONK G4 27, KOHA G5 26
KOA G7 29 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, THRONGED 5F 76 --- THRONG to crowd into [v]
Other moves: RONDE H1 29, TRODE H1 29, GORED F2 27, DRONE H1 26, GENRO H1 26
THRONGED 5F 76 LongJump22
On 4th draw, INTERNAL 12A 68 --- INTERNAL an inner attribute [n]
Other moves: ENTRAIN F8 64, TRANNIE F8 64, TRIENNIA 10B 62, TRIENNIA 10F 62, NAR(C)EIN 11E 24
INTERNAL 12A 68 LongJump22
TEAR 4L 17 babsbedi
On 5th draw, HAVEOURS E6 78 --- HAVEOUR behaviour [n]
Other moves: HAVER H1 36, HOVER H1 36, SHAVIE A8 36, HAVE 4L 35, HOVE 4L 35
SHAVIE A8 36 Quincunx
HIVES A11 33 babsbedi
On 6th draw, BOLIVIAS 8A 42 --- BOLIVIA a soft fabric [n]
Other moves: STOLID F4 35, BINDIS B10 30, LIBIDOS A9 30, BOLD 4L 29, LIDO F7 29
LIBIDOS A9 30 Vuincunx
BOLD 4L 29 babsbedi
On 7th draw, WEEP(H)OLE C2 78 --- WEEPHOLE a hole in a wall through which water escapes [n]
Other moves: WEEP 4L 37, WE(E)P 4L 35, WEEPIE(S) D4 34, W(E)EP 4L 34, POWER H1 33
WEEP 4L 37 babsbedi, Wuincunx
On 8th draw, TWINY 2B 38 --- TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
Other moves: YITE 6J 36, YETT D1 33, YIN 6J 32, TINY 4L 29, YETI 4L 29
YITE 6J 36 Zuincunx
NITTY A11 24 babsbedi
On 9th draw, SMILAX A10 45 --- SMILAX a twining plant [n]
Other moves: MAX 1F 43, MUX 1F 43, LIMAX A11 42, ASSUMER 13C 41, RELAX L4 40
MAX 1F 43 babsbedi, Quincunx
On 10th draw, ANCORA 1E 31 --- ANCORA encore [adv]
Other tops: EARCON 1E 31
Other moves: TAROC B2 30, ANCORA 1F 29, ARCANE 1F 29, ONCER 1E 28, ACORN 1F 26
EARCON 1E 31 Vuincunx
ACORN 1F 26 babsbedi
On 11th draw, MEDINA 2J 40 --- MEDINA the native quarter of a North African city [n]
Other tops: MAIDEN 2J 40, MAINED 2J 40, MEDIAN 2J 40
Other moves: MANDI 2J 38, MANED 2J 38, MEDIA 2J 38, MENAD 2J 38, MINED 2J 38
MAIDEN 2J 40 Wuincunx
MI B14 25 babsbedi
On 12th draw, JABOT O1 45 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: BAJU O1 42, JOUR 4I 40, JAW O1 39, JAB O1 36, JATO O1 36
JABOT O1 45 Wuincunx
JAW O1 39 babsbedi
On 13th draw, FEU D4 31 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other moves: FUB 3M 28, WEFTE 13G 28, REF 3K 27, TEF 3K 27, WEFT 13G 27
FUB 3M 28 babsbedi
REF 3K 27 Zuincunx
On 14th draw, NIDI B12 27 --- NIDUS a nest or breeding place [n]
Other tops: NODI B12 27
Other moves: DI B14 21, GI B14 21, LOIDS 13A 21, DEB 3M 20, DOB 3M 20
NODI B12 27 babsbedi
NIDI B12 27 Vuincunx
On 15th draw, DEF 3K 30 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other tops: DIF 3K 30, DOF 3K 30
Other moves: FIDO 4L 29, FED 3K 28, FID 3K 28, FOB 3M 28, FUB 3M 28
DIF 3K 30 Vuincunx
FOB 3M 28 babsbedi
On 16th draw, DETERGE L2 20 --- DETERGE to cleanse [v]
Other moves: RAJ 1M 18, TEGG 3E 17, TERGA 3E 17, ERGATE 13H 16, GOAT B7 16
TEGG 3E 17 Quincunx
On 17th draw, (C)LAQUEUR 11H 82 --- CLAQUEUR a member of a claque [n]
Other moves: LEQUEAR 13G 57, QUELEA 8J 45, QUEUER 8J 45, SQUARE 9H 36, EQUAL K8 30
LEQUEAR 13G 57 Quincunx
On 18th draw, PRIORY O7 45 --- PRIORY a religious house [n]
Other moves: YIP 12J 40, RIOTRY O7 39, PRIORY O10 36, RIPT 12J 35, GIP 12J 34
PRIORY O7 45 Quincunx, PPP333
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