Game on Mars 28, 2024 at 18:38, 8 players
1. 306 pts LongJump22
2. 102 pts Vuincunx
3. 98 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


8B 72 104 


C8 26 130 


J8 80 210 


5E 122 332 


B10 59 391 


15E 58 449 


H1 48 497 


14E 44 541 


A12 48 589 


11E 56 645 


13E 43 688 


4A 28 716 


L3 78 794 


6F 40 834 


A1 30 864 


M1 24 888 


1D 59 947 


2F 29 976 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:09 -670 306 1.8627 LongJump22 4 3:09 -670 306
Vuincunx 0 2:40 -874 102 2.8408 Vuincunx 0 2:40 -874 102
Quincunx 1 3:20 -878 98 3.8576 Quincunx 1 3:20 -878 98
4. -
SSS333 2 3:52 -888 88 4.8423 Wuincunx 0 1:58 -904 72
Wuincunx 0 1:58 -904 72 Group: not rated
6. -
JJJ333 1 1:33 -920 56 1. - SSS333 2 3:52 -888 88
7. -
KKK333 1 1:00 -944 32 2. - JJJ333 1 1:33 -920 56
8. -
RRR333 1 1:26 -944 32 3. - KKK333 1 1:00 -944 32
4. - RRR333 1 1:26 -944 32
On 1st draw, WORKS H4 32 --- WORK to exert one's powers of body or mind for some purpose [v]
Other moves: WORDS H4 26, WORKS H8 26, DIRKS H4 24, DORKS H4 24, WORKS H5 24
WORKS H4 32 LongJump22, KKK333, RRR333, SSS333
On 2nd draw, QABALIST 8B 72 --- QABALIST someone who finds hidden meanings in sacred texts [n]
Other moves: QAT G3 29, QIBLAS 8C 18, TALAQ I8 17, ABA G4 16, OBITAL 5H 16
QABALIST 8B 72 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, AVAILE C8 26 --- AVAILE to find benefit [v]
Other tops: VIAE 9A 26, VILE 9A 26
Other moves: ILEA 9B 25, WEEVIL 4H 24, BELIVE D8 22, BELOVE D8 22, WAIVE 4H 22
VILE 9A 26 Quincunx
On 4th draw, SANTE(R)O J8 80 --- SANTERO a priest of santeria [n]
Other tops: ATONE(R)S J2 80, AT(T)ONES J2 80, A(S)TONES J2 80, A(T)TONES J2 80, ETA(L)ONS J2 80, NO(T)ATES J2 80, ONSTA(G)E J6 80, ONSTEA(D) J6 80, ON(B)EATS J2 80, O(C)TANES J2 80, TEO(P)ANS J2 80, TO(L)ANES J2 80, T(R)EASON J4 80
Other moves: ASTONE(S) J2 79, ASTONE(D) J7 78, ASTONE(S) J7 78, ATON(I)ES J2 78, NOTA(T)ES J2 78
SANTE(R)O J8 80 LongJump22
SANTE(R)O J8 30 Vuincunx
On 5th draw, ENZO(O)TIC 5E 122 --- ENZOOTIC a type of animal disease [n]
Other tops: ENTOZ(O)IC 5E 122, ENZ(O)OTIC 5D 122, ZINCATE(S) E4 122
Other moves: Z(O)ETIC B10 108, ANTIC(I)ZE E8 86, ANT(I)CIZE E8 86, ENTOZ(O)IC 14G 86, ENT(O)ZOIC 5C 86
ZINCATE(S) E4 122 LongJump22
ZINCATE(S) E4 72 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, FOEMEN B10 59 --- FOEMAN an enemy in war [n]
Other moves: MOFETTE 11E 48, NETWORKS H1 45, FOEN B10 34, FOE B10 31, FOEMEN 12H 30
On 7th draw, HEXADS 15E 58 --- HEXAD a group of six [n]
Other moves: HEXACTS L1 46, AXSEED 12G 44, HEXACT L1 44, HEXAD 4A 43, TAXES 15F 43
On 8th draw, LEGWORKS H1 48 --- LEGWORK work that involves extensive walking [n]
Other moves: HELIO 14F 43, HAE 14F 38, HA 14F 35, HE 14F 35, LAH 14D 32
On 9th draw, EYOT 14E 44 --- EYOT a small island [n]
Other moves: TOYO 14D 42, OYE 14E 41, YORE 6F 40, YET 14F 38, YE 14F 35
On 10th draw, BEAU A12 48 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other tops: BENI A12 48
Other moves: YARE 6F 40, YARN 6F 40, BEANY 6B 39, YAR 6F 38, YEN 13E 33
On 11th draw, OUTJETS 11E 56 --- OUTJET a projection [n]
Other moves: JOUNCES L1 48, JETSON M2 47, JOUNCE L1 46, JONES M1 43, JOUST M2 43
OUTJETS 11E 56 JJJ333, SSS333
On 12th draw, PAW 13E 43 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PEW 13E 43
Other moves: RAPE 13E 39, RAW 13E 39, REW 13E 39, AWE 13F 36, PANE 13E 35
On 13th draw, HUDNA 4A 28 --- HUDNA (Arabic) in Islam, a truce or ceasefire for an agreed duration [n]
Other moves: HAUDING 3B 26, DUAR 6E 25, HUDNA 6B 25, HADING 3C 24, HIDING 3C 24
On 14th draw, DECODING L3 78 --- DECODE to convert a coded message into plain language [v]
Other moves: NIGHED A1 33, DEIGNED 12I 29, GIED 3B 27, GIEN 3B 24, GODDING 3H 24
On 15th draw, YARR 6F 40 --- YARR the corn spurrey [n]
Other moves: MYTHI A1 39, YAR 6F 38, MYTH A1 36, MATY M6 33, MITY M6 33
On 16th draw, RUCHE A1 30 --- RUCHE a pleated strip of fine fabric [n]
Other moves: OUCH A1 27, ROCH A1 27, EUGH A1 24, EGO 3A 22, RECOURE 2B 22
On 17th draw, GRIM M1 24 --- GRIM stern and unrelenting [adj]
Other tops: GLIM M1 24, GLOM M1 24
Other moves: MI 10F 22, OM 10E 22, MOIL M1 20, RIM M2 20, ROM M2 20
On 18th draw, ORILLION 1D 59 --- ORILLION part of a fortification which shields guns [n]
Other moves: OLEIN 12H 26, ORIGIN 1J 24, LOGIN 1K 21, LOGOI 1K 21, LOGON 1K 21
On 19th draw, FIE 2F 29 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other moves: RIF 9E 23, GIF 1M 21, IF 9F 20, FIT M6 18, GIP 1M 18
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