Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 08:23, 9 players
1. 440 pts Chelsea
2. 335 pts BBBBBB1112
3. 303 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 70 70 


13G 80 150 


O7 85 235 


10D 68 303 


N10 40 343 


E5 44 387 


8A 81 468 


15L 50 518 


F4 51 569 


C3 44 613 


I5 40 653 


J6 36 689 


14A 77 766 


H1 40 806 


B10 35 841 


A12 58 899 


15F 41 940 


11K 22 962 


4A 22 984 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 1 9:18 -544 440 1.8725 LongJump22 4 4:08 -681 303
BBBBBB1112 3 8:26 -649 335 2.8576 Quincunx 1 2:23 -896 88
LongJump22 4 4:08 -681 303 3.8332 Vuincunx 0 3:06 -921 63
Quincunx 1 2:23 -896 88 4.8645 Zuincunx 1 1:23 -940 44
5. -
EEE333 1 1:55 -903 81 5.8491 Wuincunx 1 1:50 -940 44
Vuincunx 0 3:06 -921 63 Group: advanced
7. -
KKK333 1 1:57 -926 58 1.7384 Chelsea 1 9:18 -544 440
Zuincunx 1 1:23 -940 44 Group: intermediate
Wuincunx 1 1:50 -940 44 1.6708 BBBBBB1112 3 8:26 -649 335
Group: not rated
1. - EEE333 1 1:55 -903 81
2. - KKK333 1 1:57 -926 58
On 1st draw, ONSTAGE H7 70 --- ONSTAGE being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj]
Other moves: ONSTAGE H2 68, ONSTAGE H3 68, ONSTAGE H4 68, ONSTAGE H6 68, ONSTAGE H8 68
ONSTAGE H7 70 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, HERN(I)ATE 13G 80 --- HERNIATE to protrude through an abnormal bodily opening [v]
Other tops: HEARTEN(S) 13G 80, HEART(I)NG 12A 80, NEATHER(D) 13C 80, (L)EATHERN 13C 80, (W)ATERHEN 13B 80, (W)REATHEN 13B 80
Other moves: TRAN(C)HE G2 75, TRAN(C)HE I2 75, A(D)HERENT 13C 74, EARTH(I)NG 12A 74, HATEREN(T) 13C 74
(W)REATHEN 13B 80 LongJump22
HAT I9 23 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, OOLITES O7 85 --- OOLITE a variety of limestone [n]
Other moves: OSTIOLE 14A 73, STOOLIE 14A 73, STOOLIE G3 68, OSTIOLE G2 64, STOOLIE G2 64
OOLITES O7 85 LongJump22
LOOSIE O10 32 Chelsea
On 4th draw, SEDATELY 10D 68 --- SEDATE calm [adv] --- SEDATELY in a sedate manner [adv]
Other moves: DELAYS N2 38, ALEYED N9 37, ALEYES N9 35, LAYED N10 33, SAYED N10 33
SEDATELY 10D 68 LongJump22
On 5th draw, PETER N10 40 --- PETER to diminish gradually [v]
Other moves: OFTER 14J 36, POVERTY K4 30, PROF 11B 30, TORPEFY K4 30, FETA 11E 29
PETER N10 40 Chelsea
PROF 11B 30 BBBBBB1112, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, TOWELED E5 44 --- TOWEL to wipe with a towel (an absorbent cloth) [v]
Other moves: WOOED I7 31, LOWTED N2 27, TOLEDO 14B 27, WOOLED N2 27, ALOED 11H 26
TOWELED E5 44 BBBBBB1112, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
WOOD 11B 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, WEIZE 8A 81 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: WEAZE(N) 8A 81, WEIZE(D) 8A 81, WEIZE(S) 8A 81
Other moves: WA(N)ZE 8A 78, WE(I)ZE 8A 78, WI(N)ZE 8A 78, W(E)IZE 8A 78, A(G)RIZE 14B 73
WEIZE 8A 81 BBBBBB1112, EEE333
(G)RAZE 8A 69 Chelsea
On 8th draw, FASH 15L 50 --- FASH to bother or annoy [v]
Other moves: FUSC 15L 47, CASH 15L 44, CUSH 15L 44, CHUFAS D1 38, CHAY F3 35
FASH 15L 50 BBBBBB1112
CHAY F3 35 Chelsea
On 9th draw, GIBED F4 51 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: BED F6 46, GIBBED D1 33, GIBBED N2 31, GIBE F4 30, CEBID F2 29
BED F6 46 Chelsea
On 10th draw, (R)OMAJI C3 44 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: JUTE 12L 42, (L)OGJAM 14B 41, J(E)TE 12L 39, J(U)TE 12L 39, (L)OGJAM N2 38
JUTE 12L 42 Chelsea, BBBBBB1112
On 11th draw, MOXA I5 40 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other tops: NOMAD B2 40
Other moves: MONAD B2 38, BOX I5 37, MAX I5 37, MYXO(I)D K9 36, NOX I5 35
MAX I5 37 Chelsea
OXO 8M 10 BBBBBB1112
On 12th draw, DYNEL J6 36 --- DYNEL a synthetic fiber [n]
Other moves: DEY B4 35, DYE J6 34, DEY J4 32, DENY J4 31, UEY J4 31
DEY B4 35 Chelsea
OY 4C 10 BBBBBB1112
On 13th draw, LIPURIA 14A 77 --- LIPURIA fat in the urine [n]
Other moves: PILAU H1 28, RUPIA H1 28, APLITE 12J 27, LAP B4 27, UP B5 24
On 14th draw, BARCA H1 40 --- BARCA a double-ended boat [n]
Other moves: BARRA H1 28, ABATE 12K 25, CABA B2 25, AB B5 24, BARCA K2 22
ABATE 12K 25 Chelsea
ROB 4B 10 BBBBBB1112
On 15th draw, QUINIE B10 35 --- QUINIE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: EQUINE K1 34, QI N6 33, QUAI 2F 33, VELE A12 33, VILE A12 33
QUA 2F 32 Chelsea
On 16th draw, KILT A12 58 --- KILT to make creases or pleats in [v]
Other tops: KELT A12 58
Other moves: KIER D1 31, KETE 12L 30, KITE 12L 30, TIKE 15G 30, TREK 15G 30
KILT A12 58 Quincunx, KKK333
On 17th draw, FORCE 15F 41 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [v]
Other moves: ENUF B3 35, FOUER 15F 35, FUERO D1 35, FROUNCE 3G 34, NEF B4 33
NEF B4 33 Vuincunx
On 18th draw, UNGET 11K 22 --- UNGET to disown [v]
Other tops: GRUNION 3G 22, ROVING 3H 22
Other moves: VIG N6 20, KING 12A 18, VIN N6 18, VUG B2 18, GON B4 17
On 19th draw, VROU 4A 22 --- VROU a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VIVO N4 20, VIN N6 18, RIVO N4 17, KINO 12A 16, KIRN 12A 16
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