Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 09:55, 15 players
1. 603 pts Chelsea
2. 442 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 238 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 62 62 


14H 88 150 


9B 63 213 


8A 25 238 


15L 41 279 


J6 35 314 


15B 125 439 


A12 126 565 


E5 47 612 


8J 33 645 


B12 42 687 


O5 59 746 


C11 41 787 


N10 37 824 


13H 47 871 


L3 22 893 


F1 82 975 


1F 48 1023 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 3 15:44 -420 603 1.8729 LongJump22 4 4:23 -785 238
Papa_Sloth 3 16:39 -581 442 2.8776 Xuincunx 2 5:30 -842 181
LongJump22 4 4:23 -785 238 3.8332 Vuincunx 1 1:05 -849 174
Xuincunx 2 5:30 -842 181 4.8576 Quincunx 0 2:27 -955 68
5. -
EEE333 2 2:57 -849 174 5.8491 Wuincunx 0 1:03 -975 48
Vuincunx 1 1:05 -849 174 Group: advanced
7. -
KKK333 1 1:25 -897 126 1.7364 Chelsea 3 15:44 -420 603
8. -
SSS333 1 1:44 -897 126 Group: intermediate
Quincunx 0 2:27 -955 68 1.6803 Papa_Sloth 3 16:39 -581 442
Wuincunx 0 1:03 -975 48 2.6618 BBBBBB1112 1 0:39 -981 42
11. -
Zuincunx 0 1:22 -975 48 3.6970 Hammer22 0 1:04 -994 29
BBBBBB1112 1 0:39 -981 42 4.6862 Discus22 0 1:27 -994 29
Hammer22 0 1:04 -994 29 5.6813 ShotPut22 0 1:46 -994 29
Discus22 0 1:27 -994 29 Group: not rated
ShotPut22 0 1:46 -994 29 1. - EEE333 2 2:57 -849 174
2. - KKK333 1 1:25 -897 126
3. - SSS333 1 1:44 -897 126
4. - Zuincunx 0 1:22 -975 48
On 1st draw, OUTL(I)N(E) H7 62 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other tops: LOUT(I)N(G) H2 62, LOUT(I)N(G) H3 62, LOUT(I)N(G) H4 62, LOUT(I)N(G) H7 62, LO(C)(K)NUT H3 62, LO(C)(K)NUT H4 62, LO(C)(K)NUT H6 62, LO(C)(K)NUT H7 62, LO(C)(K)NUT H8 62, L(E)NTOU(S) H2 62, L(E)NTOU(S) H4 62, L(E)NTOU(S) H7 62, L(E)NTOU(S) H8 62, L(I)NO(C)UT H2 62, L(I)NO(C)UT H4 62, L(I)NO(C)UT H6 62, L(I)NO(C)UT H7 62, NO(C)TUL(E) H3 62, NO(C)TUL(E) H4 62, NO(C)TUL(E) H7 62, NO(C)TUL(E) H8 62, OUTL(A)N(D) H2 62, OUTL(A)N(D) H3 62, OUTL(A)N(D) H4 62, OUTL(A)N(D) H7 62, OUTL(A)(I)N H2 62, OUTL(A)(I)N H3 62, OUTL(A)(I)N H4 62, OUTL(A)(I)N H6 62, OUTL(I)N(E) H2 62, OUTL(I)N(E) H3 62, OUTL(I)N(E) H4 62, OUT(P)L(A)N H2 62, OUT(P)L(A)N H3 62, OUT(P)L(A)N H4 62, OUT(P)L(A)N H6 62, OUT(P)L(A)N H8 62, O(I)LNUT(S) H2 62, O(I)LNUT(S) H4 62, O(I)LNUT(S) H7 62, O(I)LNUT(S) H8 62, O(P)UL(E)NT H2 62, O(P)UL(E)NT H4 62, O(P)UL(E)NT H6 62, O(P)UL(E)NT H7 62, TOLU(E)N(E) H2 62, TOLU(E)N(E) H3 62, TOLU(E)N(E) H4 62, TOLU(E)N(E) H7 62, TO(R)UL(I)N H3 62, TO(R)UL(I)N H4 62, TO(R)UL(I)N H6 62, TO(R)UL(I)N H8 62, ULT(I)ON(S) H2 62, ULT(I)ON(S) H3 62, ULT(I)ON(S) H4 62, ULT(I)ON(S) H7 62, ULT(I)ON(S) H8 62, UN(B)OLT(S) H3 62, UN(B)OLT(S) H4 62, UN(B)OLT(S) H7 62, UN(B)OLT(S) H8 62, UN(C)OLT(S) H3 62, UN(C)OLT(S) H4 62, UN(C)OLT(S) H7 62, UN(C)OLT(S) H8 62, (B)OTUL(I)N H2 62, (B)OTUL(I)N H3 62, (B)OTUL(I)N H6 62, (B)OTUL(I)N H8 62, (B)UT(A)NOL H2 62, (B)UT(A)NOL H3 62, (B)UT(A)NOL H6 62, (B)UT(A)NOL H7 62, (B)UT(A)NOL H8 62, (C)ON(S)ULT H2 62, (C)ON(S)ULT H3 62, (C)ON(S)ULT H6 62, (C)ON(S)ULT H7 62, (C)ON(S)ULT H8 62, (E)LUT(I)ON H2 62, (E)LUT(I)ON H3 62, (E)LUT(I)ON H6 62, (E)LUT(I)ON H7 62, (G)LUT(T)ON H2 62, (G)LUT(T)ON H3 62, (G)LUT(T)ON H6 62, (G)LUT(T)ON H7 62, (G)LU(T)TON H2 62, (G)LU(T)TON H3 62, (G)LU(T)TON H6 62, (G)LU(T)TON H7 62, (G)LU(T)TON H8 62, (M)OULT(E)N H2 62, (M)OULT(E)N H3 62, (M)OULT(E)N H6 62, (M)OULT(E)N H8 62, (P)LUTON(S) H2 62, (P)LUTON(S) H3 62, (P)LUTON(S) H7 62, (P)LUTON(S) H8 62, (P)ULTON(S) H2 62, (P)ULTON(S) H3 62, (P)ULTON(S) H7 62, (P)ULTON(S) H8 62, (P)ULTO(O)N H2 62, (P)ULTO(O)N H3 62, (P)ULTO(O)N H6 62, (P)ULTO(O)N H8 62, (P)ULT(O)ON H2 62, (P)ULT(O)ON H3 62, (P)ULT(O)ON H6 62, (P)ULT(O)ON H7 62, (V)OLUT(I)N H2 62, (V)OLUT(I)N H3 62, (V)OLUT(I)N H6 62, (V)OLUT(I)N H8 62, (Z)ONUL(E)T H2 62, (Z)ONUL(E)T H3 62, (Z)ONUL(E)T H6 62, (Z)ONUL(E)T H8 62
Other moves: LOUT(I)N(G) H5 60, LOUT(I)N(G) H6 60, LOUT(I)N(G) H8 60, LO(C)(K)NUT H2 60, LO(C)(K)NUT H5 60
OUTL(I)N(E) H4 62 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, RINGWAY 14H 88 --- RINGWAY a ring-road [n]
Other tops: W(E)ARYING 13G 88
Other moves: RINGWAY G1 78, RINGWAY I1 78, W(E)ARING 13G 30, WINGY G3 29, WINGY I3 29
W(E)ARYING 13G 88 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, RELOCATE 9B 63 --- RELOCATE to establish in a new place [v]
Other tops: CORELATE 9B 63
Other moves: CAR(I)OLE 11E 32, LOR(I)CAE 11E 32, OLEA 15L 28, ORAL 15L 28, ACEROLA M8 24
RELOCATE 9B 63 LongJump22
On 4th draw, GORE 8A 25 --- GORE to pierce with a horn or tusk [v]
Other moves: GOIER J6 23, GOITER J5 22, ROTE 8A 22, TORE 8A 22, TIGER J6 21
GORE 8A 25 Papa_Sloth, LongJump22, Chelsea
On 5th draw, ODAH 15L 41 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: COTH 10B 37, DHAL 10E 36, DOH 10D 36, HALT 10F 34, HOC 15M 34
DOH 10D 36 Quincunx
HALT 10F 34 Chelsea
HAD 15M 31 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, MULEY J6 35 --- MULEY a hornless cow [n]
Other moves: JAM 7B 32, JAY G5 26, JAY I5 26, LYME I6 26, MEALY G3 26
JAM 7B 32 Quincunx, Chelsea
On 7th draw, HAVINGS 15B 125 --- HAVING possession [n]
Other moves: SHAVELING D4 114, HAVINGS G1 72, SHAVING G1 72, HANGS 15D 60, HINGS 15D 60
HAVINGS 15B 75 Chelsea
HANGS 15D 60 Papa_Sloth
LAVISH 8J 48 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 8th draw, ZEKS A12 126 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: OZEKIS A10 105, ZERKS A11 102, ZEROS A11 90, ZORIS A11 90, KIRS A12 84
ZEKS A12 126 Vuincunx, EEE333, Chelsea, KKK333, SSS333
ZOA G7 45 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, BRADOON E5 47 --- BRADOON a device used to control a horse [n]
Other moves: DONAH B11 43, ODAH B12 42, TORAH B11 41, TANDOOR E5 39, KAB 14A 32
DONAH B11 43 Xuincunx
ZONA 12A 26 Papa_Sloth
KAT 14A 26 Chelsea
On 10th draw, LOCUST 8J 33 --- LOCUST a migratory grasshopper [n] --- LOCUST to lay waste in the manner of locusts [v]
Other moves: KOP 14A 32, OUTST(E)P 13C 31, SCOUP 11J 29, SOUP K9 29, PRECUTS C7 28
KOP 14A 32 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth
SCOUP 11J 29 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
On 11th draw, ODAH B12 42 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: KAB 14A 32, KEB 14A 32, KOB 14A 32, BOLO 10B 29, DAH B13 29
ODAH B12 42 BBBBBB1112, Papa_Sloth, Xuincunx
KOB 14A 32 Chelsea
On 12th draw, INITIATE O5 59 --- INITIATE to begin or start [v]
Other tops: INITIATE O2 59
Other moves: ZOEA 12A 26, ZONA 12A 26, ZONE 12A 26, RETIA C8 17, ACETIN L7 16
ZOEA 12A 26 Papa_Sloth
ZONE 12A 26 Chelsea
On 13th draw, BASTA C11 41 --- BASTA enough [interj]
Other moves: AFF 10A 37, IFF 10A 37, FAB N10 35, FIB N10 35, BITOS K5 32
FAB N10 35 Papa_Sloth, Chelsea
On 14th draw, FEW N10 37 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: FAW N10 37
Other moves: FEM N10 35, SAFE N8 32, SOFA N8 32, WAMEFOU M2 32, FAE N10 31
FEW N10 37 Papa_Sloth
FAW N10 37 Chelsea
On 15th draw, (E)XEAT 13H 47 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other moves: EUT(E)XIA 13E 44, AP(E)X 13F 40, EXPIATOR B2 38, TAXI I11 38, EXTIRP 6A 37
AP(E)X 13F 40 Xuincunx, Papa_Sloth
T(E)X 13G 35 Chelsea
On 16th draw, EPODIC L3 22 --- EPODIC pertaining to an epode [adj]
Other moves: DIPS N5 20, DOPS N5 20, DOUPS N4 20, DUPS N5 20, PEDS N5 20
EPODIC L3 22 Xuincunx
DOPE K3 18 Chelsea
POA G7 17 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, JUMPIER F1 82 --- JUMPY nervous [adj]
Other moves: JUMPIER 3G 58, JIMPER 3H 36, JUMPER 3H 36, JIMP N2 34, JUMAR 7B 34
PERJURE C3 34 Xuincunx
JEEP 3K 26 Papa_Sloth
JUMP G4 25 Chelsea
On 18th draw, JIVIER 1F 48 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj] --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JIVER 1F 45, JIVE 1F 42, JILTER 1F 39, JILT 1F 33, JET 1F 30
JIVER 1F 45 Chelsea
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