Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 16:04, 11 players
1. 241 pts LongJump22
2. 112 pts Pacific
3. 57 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 30 30 


I5 43 73 


G7 34 107 


5I 20 127 


O1 46 173 


2H 84 257 


1B 92 349 


E1 72 421 


8A 30 451 


4J 39 490 


J9 65 555 


15F 45 600 


B1 36 636 


K10 33 669 


14B 80 749 


12H 30 779 


N9 32 811 


9B 41 852 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 3 2:51 -611 241 1.9762 Pacific 1 2:19 -740 112
Pacific 1 2:19 -740 112 Group: expert
Quincunx 0 1:41 -795 57 1.8806 LongJump22 3 2:51 -611 241
4. -
YYY333 1 1:59 -809 43 2.8576 Quincunx 0 1:41 -795 57
Vuincunx 0 1:31 -810 42 3.8332 Vuincunx 0 1:31 -810 42
ArcticFox 1 1:40 -811 41 4.8693 Xuincunx 0 0:28 -823 29
7. -
BBB333 1 0:49 -822 30 5.8491 Wuincunx 0 1:35 -830 22
8. -
OOO333 1 1:11 -822 30 Group: intermediate
9. -
UUU333 1 1:32 -822 30 1.6955 ArcticFox 1 1:40 -811 41
Xuincunx 0 0:28 -823 29 Group: not rated
Wuincunx 0 1:35 -830 22 1. - YYY333 1 1:59 -809 43
2. - BBB333 1 0:49 -822 30
3. - OOO333 1 1:11 -822 30
4. - UUU333 1 1:32 -822 30
On 1st draw, ZOBU H6 30 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU H5 30, ZOBU H7 30, ZOBU H8 30
Other moves: BIZ H6 28, BIZ H7 28, BIZ H8 28, IZAR H5 26, IZAR H6 26
ZOBU H7 30 LongJump22, UUU333
ZOBU H8 30 BBB333, OOO333
On 2nd draw, FAYER I5 43 --- FAY slightly mad [adj]
Other tops: F(L)AYER I4 43, (W)AFERY I5 43
Other moves: FAY(E)R I5 41, F(A)YER I5 41, F(O)YER I5 41, (L)EAFY I4 41, AFIRE I6 40
F(L)AYER I4 43 LongJump22, YYY333
On 3rd draw, HOLS G7 34 --- HOLS a vacation [n]
Other tops: HONS G7 34
Other moves: HON G7 33, HOS G7 33, AHIS 10E 31, OHIAS J2 31, HAS 10F 30
On 4th draw, FRIEND 5I 20 --- FRIEND to enter into a warm association with [v]
Other tops: FINDER 5I 20, FOINED 5I 20, FONDER 5I 20
Other moves: FIEND 5I 18, FINED 5I 18, FIORD 5I 18, FIRED 5I 18, FRIED 5I 18
On 5th draw, KHAT(S) O1 46 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: HAKA(S) O1 46, HAKU(S) O1 46
Other moves: HA(I)K 4L 44, (S)HAKT O5 43, HA(P)UKA F2 40, KA(N)THA F2 40, KUT(C)HA F2 40
On 6th draw, (D)ISVOUCH 2H 84 --- DISVOUCH to disavow [v]
Other moves: COVIN(O)US M1 76, C(O)VINOUS M1 76, DISVOUC(H) N5 67, UNVOIC(E)S M4 66, C(A)IDS N2 35
C(O)VINOUS M1 76 LongJump22
On 7th draw, TWIDDLE 1B 92 --- TWIDDLE to play idly with something [v]
Other moves: TWIDDLE 3B 77, WILDED 1D 51, WILTED 1D 48, WIDDLE 1C 39, DWILE 1D 36
TWIDDLE 1B 92 LongJump22, Pacific
TWIDDLE 1B 42 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 8th draw, DISLODGE E1 72 --- DISLODGE to remove from a firm position [v]
Other moves: DISLODGE N5 67, ERGS J4 36, GODLESS 10B 31, ERG J4 25, GIED 2A 24
WODGES C1 22 Wuincunx
On 9th draw, ETAPE 8A 30 --- ETAPE a warehouse [n]
Other tops: ELOPE 8A 30
Other moves: PELOTA D8 29, POOTLE D8 29, PALET D8 27, PAOLO D8 27, PELTA D8 27
POOTLE D8 29 Xuincunx
On 10th draw, UPBEAT 4J 39 --- UPBEAT an unaccented beat in a musical measure [n]
Other moves: SLURP J2 33, URP J4 31, UPBLEW D7 29, BESAW 3C 28, ALBE 4J 26
On 11th draw, EATERIE J9 65 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: EATERIE C7 18, PEATIER D8 18, WAITER C1 18, WEETER C1 18, RIA I1 17
TEE 2A 15 Quincunx
On 12th draw, RAMJET 15F 45 --- RAMJET a type of engine [n]
Other moves: JANTEE 15E 39, JANTEE 15F 39, RAJ 7A 39, TAJ 7A 39, JETSAM 3B 36
On 13th draw, TINGLY B1 36 --- TINGLY tingling [adj]
Other moves: TOYING B1 28, TYEING B1 28, YGO 6L 27, ELOGY 4D 26, GYNIE 14B 26
On 14th draw, WAME K10 33 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: MANENT K10 30, WEM K10 29, MAW 9A 27, MEW 9A 27, WANE K10 27
On 15th draw, ORIGANE 14B 80 --- ORIGANE marjoram [n]
Other moves: IGNARO L7 37, ERINGO L7 36, ORANGE L7 36, AGONE L10 35, GENRO L8 35
On 16th draw, FREMIT 12H 30 --- FREMIT a stranger [n]
Other moves: FIREMAN 12G 26, FREIT 13I 24, FRENA 13I 24, RIF I1 23, AFIRE 13G 22
IF 15A 20 Pacific
On 17th draw, CAUSEN N9 32 --- CAUSEN (Spenser) to cause (no separate inflections) [v]
Other moves: URSA J4 30, ICES L12 29, CUES 15A 28, ANES 9B 26, ONES 9B 26
On 18th draw, OXO 9B 41 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: NIX 9A 39, NOX 9A 39, XI 9C 38, OX 15A 36, OX 9B 36
OXO 9B 41 ArcticFox
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