Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 19:08, 12 players
1. 373 pts roocatcher
2. 276 pts LongJump22
3. 256 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


12A 86 112 


A12 24 136 


E5 78 214 


8A 30 244 


15A 86 330 


B10 32 362 


B1 72 434 


A1 47 481 


13H 33 514 


6D 70 584 


L4 37 621 


14D 50 671 


10H 64 735 


8J 36 771 


G5 34 805 


K4 45 850 


O10 42 892 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 1 13:30 -519 373 1.8714 LongJump22 4 3:18 -616 276
LongJump22 4 3:18 -616 276 2.8332 Vuincunx 1 3:10 -825 67
Mycophot 2 6:54 -636 256 3.8613 Quincunx 0 2:12 -844 48
4. -
Zuincunx 5 8:38 -679 213 4.8491 Wuincunx 0 0:47 -859 33
Vuincunx 1 3:10 -825 67 5.8693 Xuincunx 0 1:29 -859 33
GLOBEMAN 0 1:27 -831 61 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 2:12 -844 48 1.7653 Mycophot 2 6:54 -636 256
Wuincunx 0 0:47 -859 33 2.7236 GLOBEMAN 0 1:27 -831 61
Xuincunx 0 1:29 -859 33 3.7175 sunshine12 0 1:07 -860 32
sunshine12 0 1:07 -860 32 4.7530 bumpkin 0 1:39 -863 29
bumpkin 0 1:39 -863 29 Group: intermediate
12. -
TTT333 1 1:33 -866 26 1.6988 roocatcher 1 13:30 -519 373
Group: not rated
1. - Zuincunx 5 8:38 -679 213
2. - TTT333 1 1:33 -866 26
On 1st draw, IXTLE H8 26 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: IXTLE H4 26
Other moves: IXTLE H5 24, IXTLE H6 24, IXTLE H7 24, DEX H6 22, DEX H7 22
IXTLE H4 26 LongJump22, TTT333, Zuincunx
On 2nd draw, FAVORITE 12A 86 --- FAVORITE a person or thing preferred above all others [n]
Other moves: OVERFAT 12F 26, OVERFIT 12F 26, FLAVOR 11G 24, FRIVOL 11C 24, FRATI I5 22
FAVORITE 12A 86 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, FIGS A12 24 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FAGS A12 24, FLAG A12 24
Other moves: AIS I10 22, GILAS G6 22, ISIT 13G 22, ISIT I11 22, TAS 13F 22
On 4th draw, NUR(T)URER E5 78 --- NURTURER one that nurtures [n]
Other moves: NUR(T)URER E7 64, NURTURE(D) 10E 61, NURTURE(R) 10E 61, NURTURE(S) 10E 61, NU(R)TURER 10E 61
NUR(T)URER E5 78 LongJump22
On 5th draw, PEWI(T) 8A 30 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other tops: WAIVE C9 30
Other moves: WAKE G6 29, WEKA G6 29, PIKA G6 28, PIKE G6 28, KEP F4 27
PEWI(T) 8A 30 Zuincunx
On 6th draw, SESAMOID 15A 86 --- SESAMOID a nodular mass of bone or cartilage [n]
Other moves: NOMADIES 5E 72, NOMADISE 5E 72, ATOMISED 10G 71, DAMES F4 38, DOMES F4 38
SESAMOID 15A 86 LongJump22
On 7th draw, BOAT(I)E B10 32 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other moves: BOG(L)E 14D 30, OB(O)E 14E 29, TOGE(S) F4 29, (O)BOE 14E 29, BEGO 14D 28
B(L)OG 14F 26 Quincunx
G(R)OVE D1 22 roocatcher
On 8th draw, DETAINEE B1 72 --- DETAINEE one who is detained [n]
Other moves: LINEATED 11H 68, ANTEED 14E 26, DETAIN 14D 25, EIDENT 14E 25, ENDITE 14E 25
DETAINEE B1 22 Quincunx
TAD 14D 21 roocatcher
DAE G8 20 Vuincunx
On 9th draw, APED A1 47 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: FAP 14D 33, APE A1 30, DEAF C2 30, FAND C2 30, FEND C2 30
APED A1 47 Vuincunx, Zuincunx
FAP 14D 33 roocatcher
On 10th draw, SURFER 13H 33 --- SURFER one that surfs [n]
Other moves: FARES F4 28, FAS 13F 28, FES 13F 28, FARSE D1 26, URARES F3 26
SURFER 13H 33 Zuincunx
FAE G7 23 roocatcher
On 11th draw, CUMULATE 6D 70 --- CUMULATE to heap [v]
Other moves: CALUMET G2 65, CALUMET I2 65, ACETUM F1 34, CAM C2 33, LUMA 14D 30
CAM C2 33 Wuincunx, Xuincunx, roocatcher
On 12th draw, ARSEY L4 37 --- ARSEY aggressive, irritable [adj]
Other tops: RESAY L4 37
Other moves: OYERS 12K 35, RAYS C2 34, AYRIES L1 33, AYS 14E 33, OYS 14E 33
RAYS C2 34 roocatcher, Mycophot
On 13th draw, HOWK 14D 50 --- HOWK to dig [v]
Other tops: HOWK 12L 50
Other moves: HOIK 12L 44, HONK 12L 44, WONK 12L 44, KOW 14D 41, HOW 14D 39
HOWK 12L 50 Mycophot, Zuincunx, roocatcher
On 14th draw, TALIONIC 10H 64 --- TALIONIC pertaining to a talion [adj]
Other moves: CALO C2 31, CYANO 8K 30, ALNICO 3H 29, OILCAN 3I 29, CLINIC D1 28
CLONAL H1 27 Zuincunx, Mycophot
CAN C2 27 roocatcher
On 15th draw, BEYOND 8J 36 --- BEYOND something that lies farther ahead [n]
Other moves: BEACON O7 33, BACON O8 30, CANNED O10 30, CANOED O10 30, CONNED O10 30
BEACON O7 33 Mycophot
DAB C2 30 roocatcher
On 16th draw, QUYTE G5 34 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: GAY C2 33, EYOT 12K 31, TAY C2 30, YOGA 12L 30, OYE 12K 29
GAY C2 33 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
EYOT 12K 31 Mycophot
On 17th draw, ZOEAE K4 45 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: GAZON N4 35, AZOIC D2 34, AZON N5 33, ZIN N6 32, ZOIC D3 32
ZOEAE K4 45 Mycophot
GAZON N4 35 roocatcher
On 18th draw, CHIGGA O10 42 --- CHIGGA a working-class person from Hobart [n]
Other moves: CAGING O10 36, HAGG 12L 34, HAG C2 33, HANG 12L 32, HAGG M1 31
CAGING O10 36 Mycophot
HANG 12L 32 roocatcher, sunshine12
HANG M1 29 bumpkin
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