Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 20:38, 8 players
1. 278 pts LongJump22
2. 268 pts Quincunx
3. 268 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 74 74 


3A 74 148 


A1 66 214 


C2 64 278 


G7 33 311 


I7 33 344 


J9 40 384 


12F 76 460 


M7 28 488 


8L 33 521 


J1 76 597 


13C 64 661 


1I 39 700 


D1 30 730 


E3 25 755 


D12 48 803 


N5 32 835 


15D 54 889 


O7 68 957 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 3:25 -679 278 1.8714 LongJump22 4 3:25 -679 278
Quincunx 5 8:53 -689 268 2.8613 Quincunx 5 8:53 -689 268
Vuincunx 5 9:45 -689 268 3.8332 Vuincunx 5 9:45 -689 268
Wuincunx 4 7:35 -706 251 4.8491 Wuincunx 4 7:35 -706 251
5. -
QQQ333 1 1:12 -891 66 Group: advanced
6. -
OOO333 1 1:34 -891 66 1.7761 Muincunx 0 0:24 -933 24
7. -
HHH333 1 1:55 -891 66 Group: not rated
Muincunx 0 0:24 -933 24 1. - QQQ333 1 1:12 -891 66
2. - OOO333 1 1:34 -891 66
3. - HHH333 1 1:55 -891 66
On 1st draw, SY(E)NI(T)E H3 74 --- SYENITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: E(L)YSI(A)N H2 74, IS(O)(G)ENY H6 74, SIN(S)Y(N)E H8 74, SIN(T)E(R)Y H6 74, SI(N)(S)YNE H8 74, SNI(D)E(L)Y H6 74, SYENI(T)(E) H3 74, SYNE(S)I(S) H3 74, SY(L)(V)INE H3 74, SY(R)IN(G)E H3 74, S(H)IN(N)EY H6 74, S(H)I(N)NEY H6 74, S(K)Y(L)INE H2 74, S(P)IN(N)EY H6 74, S(P)I(N)NEY H6 74, S(W)INE(R)Y H6 74, S(W)IN(N)EY H6 74, S(W)I(N)NEY H6 74, YES(K)IN(G) H4 74, YES(S)IN(G) H4 74, YE(E)(L)INS H4 74, YE(S)SIN(G) H4 74, Y(A)N(K)IES H4 74, Y(E)E(L)INS H4 74, Y(O)N(N)IES H4 74, Y(O)(N)NIES H4 74, (A)NY(W)ISE H2 74, (B)YS(S)INE H3 74, (B)Y(L)INES H3 74, (B)Y(R)NIES H3 74, (B)Y(S)SINE H3 74, (C)YS(T)EIN H3 74, (C)YS(T)INE H3 74, (C)Y(A)NISE H3 74, (D)ENSI(F)Y H6 74, (D)ENSI(T)Y H6 74, (D)ES(T)INY H6 74, (D)IN(G)EYS H7 74, (D)IN(K)EYS H7 74, (D)YEIN(G)S H3 74, (D)YNEI(N)S H3 74, (D)Y(N)EINS H3 74, (G)YN(N)IES H3 74, (G)Y(N)NIES H3 74, (J)I(T)NEYS H7 74, (K)EYIN(G)S H2 74, (K)I(D)NEYS H7 74, (K)Y(A)NISE H3 74, (L)INSEY(S) H7 74, (L)IN(N)EYS H7 74, (L)IN(S)EYS H7 74, (L)I(N)NEYS H7 74, (L)YSINE(S) H3 74, (L)Y(S)INES H3 74, (M)EIN(E)YS H7 74, (M)YE(L)INS H3 74, (M)(E)INEYS H7 74, (P)EYSIN(G) H2 74, (P)IN(K)EYS H7 74, (P)I(G)SNEY H6 74, (P)I(O)NEYS H7 74, (S)INSY(N)E H8 74, (S)I(N)SYNE H8 74, (S)YNESI(S) H3 74, (S)YNE(S)IS H3 74, (T)ENSI(T)Y H6 74, (T)INSEY(S) H7 74, (T)IN(S)EYS H7 74, (W)INSEY(S) H7 74, (W)IN(C)EYS H7 74, (W)IN(S)EYS H7 74, (W)I(T)NEYS H7 74
Other moves: EN(D)YSI(S) H3 68, EN(D)YSI(S) H4 68, EN(D)YSI(S) H7 68, EN(D)YSI(S) H8 68, EN(D)Y(S)IS H3 68
YES(S)IN(G) H4 74 LongJump22
YES(S)IN(G) H4 24 Muincunx
On 2nd draw, PLUNDERS 3A 74 --- PLUNDER to rob of goods by force [v]
Other moves: PLUNDER G9 72, UNDERLIP 7B 66, DUPER G5 27, DUPER G7 26, DUPLE G7 26
PLUNDERS 3A 74 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, QOPH A1 66 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: QI G7 43, FOHN I7 37, FOH I7 36, IF 2E 29, OF 2E 29
QOPH A1 66 LongJump22, QQQ333, OOO333, HHH333
On 4th draw, MUTICATE C2 64 --- MUTICATE in botany, lacking a point [adj]
Other moves: ILEAC B2 35, HAME 4A 28, AIM 2D 26, CINEMA D1 26, MANTIC D1 26
MUTICATE C2 64 LongJump22
On 5th draw, KUDO G7 33 --- KUDO award; honor [n]
Other moves: UND(E)RGO 5E 32, DUNK B7 26, OUK G5 26, ROK G5 26, ROTUND 8A 24
KUDO G7 33 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, NAVE I7 33 --- NAVE the main body of a church [n]
Other moves: BOBA F8 32, NABOB I7 32, BOB F8 31, VANE D1 30, VENA D1 30
BOBA F8 32 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx
On 7th draw, AFARAS J9 40 --- AFARA an African tree [n]
Other tops: AFEARS J9 40, SAFER J8 40
Other moves: SAFE J8 39, AFARA J9 37, AFARS J9 37, AFEAR J9 37, AFAR J9 36
AFEARS J9 40 Wuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 8th draw, WATERING 12F 76 --- WATERING the act of one that waters [n]
Other tops: TWANGIER 12C 76
Other moves: AWEING B9 38, TWINGE B9 38, WAINAGE 11I 33, WANTAGE 11I 33, AWE 2E 32
On 9th draw, MOORAGE M7 28 --- MOORAGE the act of mooring [n]
Other tops: MOWER F10 28, MOWRA F10 28
Other moves: MORALE D7 27, EMO 2E 26, MANE D1 26, MANO D1 26, MENO D1 26
MOWER F10 28 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 10th draw, YONI 8L 33 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: ARTY 8A 33
Other moves: YAWN F10 31, YAW F10 30, YONI D1 30, YOW F10 30, AY 2E 29
YONI 8L 33 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 11th draw, COWPATS J1 76 --- COWPAT a dropping of cow dung [n]
Other moves: SPICA 5A 37, STIPA 5A 33, COPAYS L4 32, WAWS F10 31, WOWS F10 31
WATTS 8A 27 Wuincunx
On 12th draw, REDOX 13C 64 --- REDOX a type of chemical reaction [n]
Other moves: EXO K4 44, OXO K4 44, DETOX 8A 42, EXO 13F 42, OXO 13F 42
EXEC 1G 39 Wuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 13th draw, ECHOIST 1I 39 --- ECHOIST a person who repeats another person's words [n]
Other tops: TITCHES 1G 39
Other moves: TONISH D1 37, CHOTTS 1J 36, HOISE K2 36, ITCHES 1H 36, SITHE 8A 36
TITCHES 1G 39 Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 14th draw, VINE D1 30 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: VIBEY L4 30
Other moves: BENI D1 26, BINE D1 26, VITE 8A 24, BIG K11 23, BE 2F 22
VITE 8A 24 Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 15th draw, DAUBING E3 25 --- DAUB to smear [v] --- DAUBING the act of daubing [n]
Other tops: LINGUAE D7 25
Other moves: LAG 14D 24, LIG 14D 24, NAG 14D 24, BIG K11 23, BA 2F 22
On 16th draw, GEEZ D12 48 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: DEWATERING 12D 39, DIZEN N4 39, ZINE N6 39, B(E)GAZED 5G 38, ZED F2 38
GEEZ D12 48 Wuincunx
On 17th draw, DJIN N5 32 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JET 8A 30, JIN N6 30, JUN N6 30, JUT 8A 30, JEDI B7 28
DJIN N5 32 Wuincunx
On 18th draw, ZUFOLI 15D 54 --- ZUFOLO a small flute to train birds [n]
Other moves: FEELS 14F 43, FEE 14F 41, FEU 14F 41, FE 14F 40, FE 2F 28
On 19th draw, BILLETER O7 68 --- BILLETER one that billets [n]
Other moves: ABEAR 11J 24, BE 2F 22, BIT K11 20, TEIL K10 20, TRIE K10 20
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