Game on Mars 29, 2024 at 22:56, 9 players
1. 212 pts roocatcher
2. 176 pts sunshine12
3. 170 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 44 44 


G3 22 66 


F6 82 148 


10A 63 211 


F2 35 246 


3D 24 270 


A3 83 353 


B3 29 382 


8H 98 480 


D1 32 512 


K5 94 606 


N8 36 642 


O11 42 684 


4K 24 708 


3L 44 752 


M13 30 782 


12D 34 816 


H12 30 846 


1A 33 879 


2M 26 905 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
roocatcher 2 6:23 -693 212 1.8714 LongJump22 1 3:18 -805 100
sunshine12 1 8:23 -729 176 2.8713 Quincunx 0 1:26 -863 42
GLOBEMAN 2 8:20 -735 170 3.8845 Zuincunx 0 1:44 -863 42
LongJump22 1 3:18 -805 100 4.8487 Wuincunx 0 1:12 -881 24
5. -
CCC333 1 1:42 -861 44 5.8520 Vuincunx 0 1:33 -881 24
Quincunx 0 1:26 -863 42 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 0 1:44 -863 42 1.7175 sunshine12 1 8:23 -729 176
Wuincunx 0 1:12 -881 24 2.7269 GLOBEMAN 2 8:20 -735 170
Vuincunx 0 1:33 -881 24 Group: intermediate
1.6998 roocatcher 2 6:23 -693 212
Group: not rated
1. - CCC333 1 1:42 -861 44
On 1st draw, XENIC H4 44 --- XENIC of a culture medium, growing with unknown other microbiota [adj]
Other moves: INDEX H8 42, XENIC H8 34, EXING H8 30, NIXED H8 30, EXING H4 28
XENIC H4 44 CCC333
On 2nd draw, MOTU G3 22 --- MOTU a small reef island [n]
Other moves: GRUM I2 21, GUM I3 21, RUMOR G1 21, TUMOR G1 21, GOURMET 5C 20
On 3rd draw, BEGORAH F6 82 --- BEGORAH used as mild oath [interj]
Other moves: REHAB F2 49, BAH F4 45, BEGAR F2 39, BAGH F4 37, BREGMA 3C 37
On 4th draw, TEVATRON 10A 63 --- TEVATRON a particle accelerator [n]
Other moves: MAVEN 3G 29, OVEN F1 29, VAN F2 28, ATONE E8 26, NOTATE E9 25
On 5th draw, KAB F2 35 --- KAB an ancient Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other tops: KEB F2 35
Other moves: GAMBET A5 33, KEG F2 33, EMBOX 4D 32, GAMBADE D6 32, KEMB F1 32
On 6th draw, ULAMAS 3D 24 --- ULAMA a Muslim scholar [n]
Other tops: OUTLIES A8 24, OUTSAIL A8 24, SITULAE A8 24
Other moves: LAMAS 3E 23, AMAS 3F 22, ULAMA 3D 22, ISOLATE A5 21, LAMA 3E 21
On 7th draw, IDEALIST A3 83 --- IDEALIST an adherent of idealism [n]
Other moves: IDEALISE B8 68, ALGICIDES 8D 65, IDEALISE B3 61, DIALIST A4 30, DETAILS A8 27
On 8th draw, FANG B3 29 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other moves: FAAING D8 28, FORA G9 27, GNARR B2 27, FARRING D9 26, FURRING D2 26
On 9th draw, CORDWA(I)(N) 8H 98 --- CORDWAIN a fine leather [n]
Other tops: CRA(B)WO(O)D 8H 98, CRA(B)W(O)OD 8H 98
Other moves: C(H)AWDRO(N) 8H 92, COWARD(E)(D) 8H 89, COWARD(L)(Y) 8H 89, COWARD(R)(Y) 8H 89, COWAR(D)(E)D 8H 89
On 10th draw, SQUIER D1 32 --- SQUIER a carpenter's square [n]
Other tops: ROADIES K5 32, SQUARE D1 32, SQUIRE D1 32
Other moves: QAIDS K5 30, QUAIRS D2 30, QUIRES D2 30, QAID K5 28, QUAIR D2 28
On 11th draw, EPIDOTES K5 94 --- EPIDOTE a mineral [n]
Other moves: POETISED K1 72, POETRIES J4 64, EPIDOTE K5 40, BOXIEST 4F 34, LOPS 7A 34
On 12th draw, (I)NHERED N8 36 --- INHERE to be an essential characteristic [v]
Other moves: HEADER 11D 34, HOARED 11D 33, OTHER E9 33, THEED E10 33, HONORED G9 32
HEND L12 30 roocatcher
On 13th draw, REMAP O11 42 --- MAP to delineate on a map (a representation of a region) [v] --- REMAP to map again [v]
Other moves: MOPER M11 35, AMPERE 2I 34, EMPARE 2I 34, MOPE M11 33, POME M11 33
REMAP O11 42 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 14th draw, LOREL 4K 24 --- LOREL a scamp [n]
Other moves: ILLER 4J 22, OLLER 4J 22, OLLIE 4J 22, NEROLI H10 21, NIELLI H10 21
LIVIER C8 20 sunshine12
On 15th draw, ZED 3L 44 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: AVIZED D10 42, ZEDS 1A 42, IODIZE G9 38, VIZIED C10 38, AVIZE D10 34
ZEDS 1A 42 LongJump22, sunshine12, Quincunx, roocatcher, Zuincunx
On 16th draw, GOV M13 30 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: GON M13 24, GOVS 1A 24, GUVS 1A 24, VIGS 1A 24, VUGS 1A 24
GOV M13 30 LongJump22
VIGS 1A 24 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
VUGS 1A 24 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 17th draw, CAHOW 12D 34 --- CAHOW a sea bird [n]
Other moves: NOCTUA H10 33, UNTHAW 12C 32, WAUCHT 12B 28, CAWS 1A 27, COWS 1A 27
WAUCHT 12B 28 LongJump22
COWS 1A 27 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 18th draw, WINY H12 30 --- WINY having the taste or qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: UNITY J10 26, SYN I3 25, NUTSY 1A 24, YINS 1A 21, TINY J11 19
YINS 1A 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, JINS 1A 33 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JINNI 14F 30, FINNY 14F 27, JINN 14F 27, FIN 2M 26, FIT 2M 26
On 20th draw, FIT 2M 26 --- FIT in a good healthy condition [adj] --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other tops: FOY I7 26, FY I13 26
Other moves: FITT 13G 21, FY 5M 21, FIT 13G 20, FOU I7 20, DEFY N3 19
FIT 2M 26 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
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