Game on Mars 30, 2024 at 14:18, 12 players
1. 430 pts Chelsea
2. 233 pts LongJump22
3. 208 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 76 76 


11E 60 136 


10J 35 171 


M5 62 233 


N1 38 271 


O5 28 299 


8E 67 366 


1K 33 399 


6A 75 474 


A4 39 513 


G4 46 559 


B9 30 589 


B2 25 614 


H1 32 646 


A12 55 701 


C11 37 738 


15C 39 777 


M1 40 817 


A1 35 852 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 3 10:42 -422 430 1.8750 LongJump22 4 3:40 -619 233
LongJump22 4 3:40 -619 233 2.8487 Wuincunx 3 6:39 -644 208
Wuincunx 3 6:39 -644 208 3.8845 Zuincunx 3 7:15 -669 183
Zuincunx 3 7:15 -669 183 4.8713 Quincunx 1 5:57 -705 147
Quincunx 1 5:57 -705 147 5.8515 Vuincunx 1 7:14 -705 147
Vuincunx 1 7:14 -705 147 Group: advanced
7. -
JJJ333 1 1:05 -792 60 1.7382 Chelsea 3 10:42 -422 430
8. -
RRR333 1 1:29 -792 60 Group: not rated
9. -
DDD333 1 1:55 -792 60 1. - JJJ333 1 1:05 -792 60
10. -
HHH333 1 1:18 -797 55 2. - RRR333 1 1:29 -792 60
11. -
UUU333 1 1:42 -797 55 3. - DDD333 1 1:55 -792 60
12. -
FFF333 1 1:59 -813 39 4. - HHH333 1 1:18 -797 55
5. - UUU333 1 1:42 -797 55
6. - FFF333 1 1:59 -813 39
On 1st draw, GALLIUM H6 76 --- GALLIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: GALLIUM H4 74, GALLIUM H2 72, GALLIUM H3 72, GALLIUM H7 72, GALLIUM H8 72
GALLIUM H6 76 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, INJURED 11E 60 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other moves: JEED G7 46, JEE G7 41, JEERING 6B 33, JERID I3 31, REJIG 6D 29
INJURED 11E 60 LongJump22, JJJ333, RRR333, DDD333
On 3rd draw, WARIER 10J 35 --- WARY watchful [adj]
Other tops: WAILER 10J 35, WALIER 10J 35
Other moves: WALER 10J 34, WARRE 10J 34, WIRER 10J 34, WIRRA 10J 34, WAIL 10J 31
WAILER 10J 35 LongJump22
On 4th draw, HONE(Y)ING M5 62 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HONE(Y)ING E6 61, REH(A)NG O10 39, REH(U)NG O10 39, GER(A)H O8 36, GORHEN O8 33
HONE(Y)ING M5 62 LongJump22
HORN(I)NG O8 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, COURED N1 38 --- COUR to cover [v]
Other moves: ACRED N2 36, ARCED N2 36, CARED N2 36, CORED N2 36, CORRADE O7 36
COURED N1 38 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
CEDE 8L 30 Chelsea
On 6th draw, TEASER O5 28 --- TEASER one that teases [n]
Other tops: SAETER O5 28, SEATER O5 28
Other moves: STEAM 12D 27, AERIEST O8 24, SAICE 1K 24, SAUCE 1K 24, SERIATE O8 24
TEASER O5 28 Chelsea
SEATER O5 28 Zuincunx
On 7th draw, EM(U)LATIVE 8E 67 --- EMULATIVE [adj]
Other moves: VI(Z)AMENT F5 66, VITAM(I)NE F5 64, V(I)TAMINE F5 64, VITAMI(N)E E6 62, ME(D)IVAC 1H 51
A(D)VICE 1J 42 Chelsea
On 8th draw, WILCO 1K 33 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: LAWINS 13C 31, LOWANS 13C 31, WAILS L1 31, WAINS L1 31, WALIS L1 31
WILCO 1K 33 Zuincunx
WAILS 12A 26 Chelsea
On 9th draw, SKEARING 6A 75 --- SKEAR to scare [v]
Other moves: SNEAKIER E2 74, REINKS 13C 41, KINASE 12A 34, ANKERS 13C 33, INKERS 13C 33
KINES 12A 30 Chelsea
On 10th draw, FOSSAE A4 39 --- FOSSA a anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FOSSA A4 36, FOSSE A4 36, FOSSAE A3 30, OAFS 7A 30, FAAS 5C 27
OAFS 7A 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, PONZ(U) G4 46 --- PONZU (Japanese) a type of sauce made from orange juice, sake, sugar, soy sauce and red pepper [n]
Other moves: ZO 5D 37, ZO 2J 36, COZEN C3 34, FUTZ 4A 32, PONZU 3J 32
ZO 5D 37 Chelsea
ZO 2J 36 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 12th draw, SPOILT B9 30 --- SPOIL to impair the value or quality of [v]
Other moves: PILOTS 13C 29, ZAPS 7G 27, LIPO H1 26, PISO H1 26, TOPI H1 26
PILOTS 13C 29 Zuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx
PLODS 12A 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, TRAIK B2 25 --- TRAIK to trudge [v]
Other moves: TEAR A12 22, TEER A12 22, ARTI C10 20, ARTI H1 20, EPURATE 4F 20
TEER A12 22 Wuincunx
TEAR A12 22 Chelsea, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 14th draw, DOVE H1 32 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other tops: NOGGED 12J 32, VEGO H1 32
Other moves: VINED 12A 29, VIDEO 12A 28, GIVED 12A 27, DOGE H1 26, GOVERNED E2 26
PONGED 4G 22 Quincunx, Vuincunx
QI 12A 21 Chelsea
On 15th draw, HAUF A12 55 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other moves: BEAU A12 38, BEGO 5D 25, FAE 7C 24, FAUGH 4A 24, FEU 7C 24
HAUF A12 55 Wuincunx, HHH333, UUU333
On 16th draw, UNBED C11 37 --- UNBED to rouse [v]
Other moves: UNBE C11 33, ANCE C10 32, BEAU C11 31, DEB C11 31, AMEND 12G 30
On 17th draw, DANCEY 15C 39 --- DANCEY relating to dance music [adj]
Other moves: YANQUI 3J 36, QI A1 35, CAIQUE 3J 34, CINQUE 3J 34, QAT J6 32
DANCEY 15C 39 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
QI A1 35 Chelsea
On 18th draw, LOX M1 40 --- LOX liquid oxygen [n] --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other moves: BOXY 14H 39, BOGGY 12J 36, PEGBOX 4G 36, XI 7C 36, BOX 14H 35
LOX M1 40 Chelsea
XU 3M 18 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 19th draw, QI A1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 10E 28, FATTY 4A 22, WITTY K1 22, BITTY 14H 19, ZATI 7G 19
QI A1 35 Chelsea
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