Game on Mars 30, 2024 at 22:01, 7 players
1. 830 pts LongJump22
2. 291 pts roocatcher
3. 126 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5D 82 114 


8B 67 181 


D8 74 255 


14C 67 322 


K4 66 388 


15G 107 495 


8K 24 519 


L1 30 549 


11C 68 617 


10B 41 658 


4A 35 693 


1L 54 747 


13G 43 790 


15A 35 825 


2J 35 860 


B2 36 896 


M8 34 930 


N12 25 955 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 9 17:21 -125 830 1.8715 LongJump22 9 17:21 -125 830
roocatcher 2 8:08 -664 291 Group: advanced
HollyIvy 0 4:40 -829 126 1.7553 HollyIvy 0 4:40 -829 126
sicilianc5 0 2:58 -866 89 2.7708 sicilianc5 0 2:58 -866 89
5. -
YYY333 1 0:56 -923 32 Group: intermediate
6. -
OOO333 1 1:18 -923 32 1.6962 roocatcher 2 8:08 -664 291
7. -
DDD333 1 1:39 -923 32 Group: not rated
1. - YYY333 1 0:56 -923 32
2. - OOO333 1 1:18 -923 32
3. - DDD333 1 1:39 -923 32
On 1st draw, YOWIES H4 32 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other tops: YOWED H4 32
Other moves: YOWES H4 30, YOWIE H4 30, YOWED H8 28, WEIDS H4 26, WIDES H4 26
YOWED H4 32 LongJump22, YYY333, OOO333, DDD333
On 2nd draw, (H)ISTOGEN 5D 82 --- HISTOGEN inferior plant tissue [n]
Other tops: ES(C)OTING 5E 82, (M)ITOGENS 5E 82
Other moves: EGESTIN(G) 8H 77, EGESTI(O)N 8H 77, E(G)ESTING 8H 77, E(U)GENIST 8H 77, E(X)IGENTS 8H 77
(H)ISTOGEN 5D 82 LongJump22
(H)ISTOGEN 5D 32 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, UNFO(R)MED 8B 67 --- FORM to shape or produce [adj] --- UNFORM to unmake [v]
Other moves: FO(R)UM 6J 38, FUM(A)DO 6J 38, FUM(E)D 6J 37, F(A)NUM 6J 37, FOUND 6J 36
UNFO(R)MED 8B 67 LongJump22
F(A)NUM 6J 37 HollyIvy
On 4th draw, FORELAIN D8 74 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: LAGEND I3 23, NEROLI 4A 20, REASON 9E 20, AWOL 6G 18, EOLIAN 4J 18
FORELAIN D8 74 LongJump22
On 5th draw, SINGABLE 14C 67 --- SING to utter with musical inflections of the voice [adj] --- SINGABLE able to be sung [adj]
Other moves: SIGNABLE 14C 65, B(R)ANGLES F7 64, BANGS L1 31, BELGA C11 31, BESANG L3 31
SINGABLE 14C 67 LongJump22
On 6th draw, ANNULARS K4 66 --- ANNULAR the ring-finger [n]
Other moves: ANNULARS K3 58, AALS 15H 28, AAL 15H 25, AAS 15H 25, SAUBA H11 24
ANNULARS K4 66 LongJump22
On 7th draw, YEARNED 15G 107 --- YEARN to have a strong or deep desire [v]
Other tops: YEAREND 15G 107
Other moves: DEANERY 15G 105, YARNED 15H 58, YEANED 15G 57, YARD 15H 49, YEARD 15G 48
YEARNED 15G 107 LongJump22
YEARNED 15G 57 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, LEDGE 8K 24 --- LEDGE a narrow, shelflike projection [n]
Other tops: DAINE E11 24, DIENE E11 24, GORED E7 24
Other moves: EIGNE E11 23, GREED 4A 23, DAINE 15A 22, DARG L1 22, DEAIRED M9 22
DAINE 15A 22 LongJump22
On 9th draw, PLIM L1 30 --- PLIM to swell [v]
Other tops: MAPS C11 30, PALM L1 30, PAMS C11 30
Other moves: PIMA L1 26, LIMPID M3 24, MAIN E11 24, PIMA 4A 24, TAMS C11 24
PALM L1 30 LongJump22
On 10th draw, RETIARIUS 11C 68 --- RETIARIUS a gladiator armed with a net [n]
Other moves: IRRUPT 1H 24, AITU M1 23, ATRIP 1H 21, TUINA 15A 19, AUREI J2 18
IRRUPT 1H 24 LongJump22
On 11th draw, TEREK 10B 41 --- TEREK a sandpiper [n]
Other moves: KELTER 2J 40, RAKE 10D 38, REKE 10D 38, KA 10F 34, VALETE 2J 34
KELTER 2J 40 LongJump22
RAKE 10D 38 roocatcher
On 12th draw, VICED 4A 35 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: VELDT 2J 34, VILDE 2J 34, VOLED 2J 34, COPIED 1J 33, COVED 4A 33
VOLED 2J 34 LongJump22
DEPICT 1J 33 roocatcher
On 13th draw, PHIZ 1L 54 --- PHIZ a face or facial expression [n]
Other moves: AZINE 15A 46, PIZE 1L 45, ZEIN 15A 41, HAZE 14L 40, HAZE 13J 38
PHIZ 1L 54 LongJump22
PIZE 1L 45 roocatcher
On 14th draw, JO 13G 43 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOGTROT N6 33, JATO G3 29, JOTA G3 29, TAJ M3 29, GAJO N8 28
JOGTROT N6 33 LongJump22
JAG N6 27 roocatcher
On 15th draw, AXON 15A 35 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: BOX 14L 31, PAX 14L 31, POX 14L 31, TAX M3 29, APEX L6 28
AXON 15A 35 roocatcher
BOX 14L 31 LongJump22
On 16th draw, PALET 2J 35 --- PALET a small bract [n]
Other moves: PARTLET 2H 31, PARVE A1 30, PERV A1 27, QAT G3 27, TARTED M3 25
PALET 2J 35 roocatcher
PARTLET 2H 31 LongJump22
On 17th draw, BRITH B2 36 --- BRITH (Hebrew) a Jewish circumcision rite [n]
Other moves: WHIO 1G 34, HOW 6F 32, WHO 1H 31, WITH 14L 28, HOW 14L 26
WHIO 1G 34 LongJump22
HOW 6F 32 roocatcher
On 18th draw, DIQUAT M8 34 --- DIQUAT an herbicide [n]
Other moves: QAID M12 28, QUAD M12 28, QUID M12 28, QAT G3 27, FACT 14L 26
QUITE O4 24 roocatcher
A(R) F7 1 LongJump22
On 19th draw, WOF N12 25 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WOO 1H 22, COO 1H 19, WO A1 19, WOO N12 19, COFT G2 18
WOO 1H 22 roocatcher
O(R) F7 1 LongJump22
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