Game on Mars 31, 2024 at 08:55, 6 players
1. 286 pts LongJump22
2. 218 pts Zuincunx
3. 218 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


H8 39 65 


14B 76 141 


15H 89 230 


N8 86 316 


O4 100 416 


I3 67 483 


H1 53 536 


M11 51 587 


J6 78 665 


F7 72 737 


8A 24 761 


15A 35 796 


N5 28 824 


13C 43 867 


M1 29 896 


1J 33 929 


2M 36 965 


4K 24 989 


C2 26 1015 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 2 3:51 -729 286 1.8659 LongJump22 2 3:51 -729 286
Zuincunx 4 4:49 -797 218 2.8811 Zuincunx 4 4:49 -797 218
Wuincunx 4 5:09 -797 218 3.8498 Wuincunx 4 5:09 -797 218
HollyIvy 1 0:56 -979 36 Group: advanced
5. -
AAA333 1 0:51 -989 26 1.7553 HollyIvy 1 0:56 -979 36
6. -
PPP333 1 1:18 -989 26 Group: not rated
1. - AAA333 1 0:51 -989 26
2. - PPP333 1 1:18 -989 26
On 1st draw, POU(F)F H8 26 --- POUFF pouf [n] --- POUFF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other tops: PI(L)AF H8 26
Other moves: PI(L)AF H4 24, POUF(F) H4 24, POUF(S) H4 24, POU(F)F H4 24, FOUA(T) H4 22
PI(L)AF H8 26 AAA333, PPP333
On 2nd draw, POU(F)FING H8 39 --- POUFFE to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: GANOFS 13C 38, GONIFS 13C 38, FAGINS 13C 32, FANGOS 13C 32, SAFING 13H 32
GONIFS 13C 38 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SUBTREND 14B 76 --- SUBTREND a subordinate trend [n]
Other moves: BURSTED I3 75, OBTRUDES 9H 66, DOUBTERS 9G 65, SUBTRUDE 10C 65, SUBTRUDE 10G 65
SUBTREND 14B 76 LongJump22
On 4th draw, GORMIEST 15H 89 --- GORMY sticky [adj]
Other moves: SETI(F)ORM 11D 86, EROTISM J9 77, MORTISE J9 77, SETIFORM 12D 76, EROTISM I4 72
SETI(F)ORM 11D 86 LongJump22
On 5th draw, MEDIGAPS N8 86 --- MEDIGAP a supplemental health insurance [n]
Other moves: MEDIGAP I3 82, MEDIGAPS B7 66, PIMA 15A 38, DIME 15A 35, MADGES N10 32
MEDIGAPS N8 86 LongJump22
MEDIGAPS N8 36 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 6th draw, CLA(V)ATE O4 100 --- CLAVATE shaped like a club [adj]
Other moves: LACTA(S)E O2 95, LACTA(T)E O2 95, LAC(T)ATE O2 95, AC(Y)LATE O4 94, LAC(T)ATE O4 94
On 7th draw, LORINER I3 67 --- LORINER a maker of implements for harnesses and saddles [n]
Other moves: LORINERS B7 60, RORIE 15A 29, LINE 15A 24, LINO 15A 24, LIRE 15A 24
On 8th draw, THEW H1 53 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other moves: WHEN H1 38, WHET H1 38, HONE 15A 33, HOTE 15A 33, WINE 15A 33
THEW H1 53 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 9th draw, LUZ M11 51 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: FUTZING 12H 40, ZIN 15A 40, ZIT 15A 40, ZITIS 6F 36, FUZIL 12H 34
LUZ M11 51 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 10th draw, SENSORY J6 78 --- SENSORY pertaining to the senses or sensation [adj]
Other moves: NOSY 15A 48, ROSY 15A 48, NOSEYS J6 33, YORE 15A 33, NOSEY J6 32
On 11th draw, HAVOCKER F7 72 --- HAVOCKER one that havocs [n]
Other moves: KOHA 15A 48, CHOKE K4 44, HOKE K5 38, COKE K5 36, CHAV M6 35
On 12th draw, TEGULA 8A 24 --- TEGULA a scale on the wings of insects [n]
Other moves: GAT O13 21, GET O13 21, TEGULA M3 21, AGA 13B 20, AGLET E4 19
On 13th draw, BONIE 15A 35 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BINE 15A 30, BONA 15A 30, BONE 15A 30, BEAN K10 25, AINE 15A 24
BONIE 15A 35 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 14th draw, AY N5 28 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: RENAY M5 28, YEAN K10 28, YEAR K10 28
Other moves: TRAY M6 27, NAY M7 26, RAY M7 26, TAY M7 26, YEA K10 26
On 15th draw, JO 13C 43 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JINK 12C 30, JIN 13A 29, JOE B6 26, JOT K5 26, DINO 13A 24
JO 13C 43 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 16th draw, DAFTAR M1 29 --- DAFTAR a type of Indian office [n]
Other moves: IFTAR M2 25, AFAR M3 23, FIAR M3 23, DAFT J1 22, FARAD M1 22
On 17th draw, VOIDEE 1J 33 --- VOIDEE a light supper [n]
Other moves: VENAE 2J 32, ENDEW 1K 30, ENDOW 1K 30, EWE N1 30, INDEW 1K 30
On 18th draw, AX 2M 36 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX N1 36
Other moves: QAT 4K 24, AX 7C 23, XI 9B 23, AX 14K 22, AX 9A 20
EX N1 36 HollyIvy
On 19th draw, QAT 4K 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: AW M8 24, DAWING C3 24, IWI L1 24, WADING C3 24, WINDAC 11A 24
Other moves: AIDING C3 18, DWAAL 5K 18, QI G6 18, WAN 7B 18, AWNED B5 17
On 20th draw, DAWNING C2 26 --- DAWN to begin to grow light in the morning [v] --- DAWNING daybreak [n]
Other tops: DWINING C2 26, WINDING C2 26
Other moves: AW M8 24, DAWING C3 24, WADING C3 24, WAINING C2 24, WINDAC 11A 24
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