Game on Mars 31, 2024 at 11:15, 14 players
1. 503 pts Chelsea
2. 278 pts LongJump22
3. 177 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 94 94 


4H 74 168 


M3 72 240 


8J 45 285 


N6 38 323 


O11 74 397 


K4 90 487 


J7 27 514 


L11 33 547 


M12 34 581 


15E 80 661 


14A 31 692 


A12 66 758 


G9 36 794 


F10 37 831 


O1 24 855 


12D 36 891 


5B 78 969 


1H 89 1058 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 4 11:43 -555 503 1.8659 LongJump22 3 2:56 -780 278
LongJump22 3 2:56 -780 278 2.8683 Quincunx 1 3:47 -963 95
Papa_Sloth 0 8:21 -881 177 3.8624 Vuincunx 0 1:37 -1001 57
Quincunx 1 3:47 -963 95 4.8542 Wuincunx 0 0:57 -1028 30
5. -
TTT333 1 1:28 -984 74 5.8815 Zuincunx 0 1:18 -1028 30
6. -
AAA333 1 1:57 -984 74 Group: advanced
7. -
JJJ333 1 1:56 -992 66 1.7387 Chelsea 4 11:43 -555 503
Vuincunx 0 1:37 -1001 57 Group: intermediate
Discus22 1 1:19 -1021 37 1.6853 Papa_Sloth 0 8:21 -881 177
ShotPut22 1 1:37 -1021 37 2.6862 Discus22 1 1:19 -1021 37
BBBBBB1112 1 1:54 -1021 37 3.6813 ShotPut22 1 1:37 -1021 37
Wuincunx 0 0:57 -1028 30 4.6618 BBBBBB1112 1 1:54 -1021 37
Zuincunx 0 1:18 -1028 30 5.6805 CCCCCC1112 1 0:28 -1034 24
CCCCCC1112 1 0:28 -1034 24 Group: not rated
1. - TTT333 1 1:28 -984 74
2. - AAA333 1 1:57 -984 74
3. - JJJ333 1 1:56 -992 66
On 1st draw, YANQ(U)IS H4 94 --- YANQUI a United States citizen [n]
Other moves: YANQ(U)IS H2 88, YANQ(U)IS H3 88, YANQ(U)IS H6 88, YANQ(U)IS H7 88, YANQ(U)IS H5 86
YANQ(U)IS H4 94 LongJump22
Q(U)AYS H4 52 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, YEARLIES 4H 74 --- YEARLY a publication appearing once a year [n]
Other moves: ALIENERS 6D 62, REALISES 10A 62, REALISES 10C 62, SERAI I3 28, LAIRS I5 27
LAIRS I5 27 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, NIDOROUS M3 72 --- NIDOROUS strongly smelling [adj]
Other moves: NIDOROUS 9G 63, SNOODS O4 21, SOUNDS O4 21, SUDORS O4 21, DIURONS M3 20
QUODS 7H 16 Chelsea
On 4th draw, ENFORM 8J 45 --- ENFORM to pass on information [v]
Other moves: FEMORA 8J 42, AMOVE 8K 39, FOAM 8L 39, FORM 8L 39, FERM N6 38
FOAM 8L 39 Chelsea
On 5th draw, PERMIT N6 38 --- PERMIT to allow [v]
Other moves: PERM N6 30, PERN N6 26, PERT N6 26, TEMPI N10 26, TIMPANI 5D 26
PERMIT N6 38 LongJump22, Chelsea, Quincunx
On 6th draw, AZOTE O11 74 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: ZEAS O1 39, ZONATE 6F 37, ZOSTER 10F 37, ZANTE 6F 36, ZOAEA J2 36
AZOTE O11 74 LongJump22, TTT333, AAA333
ZEAS O1 39 Chelsea
On 7th draw, RACON(T)EUR K4 90 --- RACONTEUR [n]
Other moves: EUCAR(Y)OT 14H 80, AERO(D)UCT 14H 72, EUROC(R)AT 14H 72, EU(R)OCRAT 14H 68, NACREOU(S) K8 68
EUROC(R)AT 14H 72 LongJump22
CORSE(S) O1 25 Chelsea
On 8th draw, GEEP J7 27 --- GEEP an artificial cross of a sheep and a goat [n]
Other tops: DEEP J7 27
Other moves: GEOID L11 25, POA J10 25, DIPSO O1 24, PAIRED 12H 24, DAP N13 23
PAIRED 12H 24 Chelsea
On 9th draw, HEFTE L11 33 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: HEW N13 32, FEHS O1 30, HEWS O1 30, WHERE 12H 30, HEFT L11 29
HEW N13 32 Chelsea
HEWS O1 30 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx
FEHS O1 30 Zuincunx
On 10th draw, HAAR M12 34 --- HAAR a cold sea-mist [n]
Other moves: AAH M13 29, HAULER 15H 27, HA M12 26, ARUHE 15H 24, HANSA O1 24
HAULER 15H 27 Chelsea, Quincunx, Vuincunx
On 11th draw, GIANTLIER 15E 80 --- GIANTLY giant-like [adj]
Other moves: TAILING G9 65, TAILINGS 10A 63, GAINLIER 15F 27, GLINTIER 15F 27, LINGERIE 15H 27
LINGER 15H 21 Chelsea
On 12th draw, WINDAS 14A 31 --- WINDAS a windlass [n]
Other moves: DAWS O1 24, DOWS O1 24, DOWSING E9 24, WADS O1 24, WALDO L2 24
WADS O1 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, JOWL A12 66 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other moves: JOIST O1 36, JOLS O1 33, JOTS O1 33, KOJI G9 33, KOJIS 10D 32
JOWL A12 66 Chelsea, JJJ333
JOTS O1 33 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, XI G9 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU G9 36
Other moves: OX G8 35, OXO 13A 33, TOXIN 6D 28, COXA 5E 26, JUCO 12A 26
XI G9 36 Chelsea
OX G8 35 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, KOW F10 37 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: DOWSET O1 35, KED F10 35, JOKED 12A 34, KET F10 34, EWKS O1 33
KOW F10 37 Chelsea, Discus22, ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112
WOK F10 32 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, GOVS O1 24 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other tops: JONG 12A 24, VOWEL 12D 24
Other moves: GLOVED D9 22, JEON 12A 22, JOLE 12A 22, JOLT 12A 22, EVOS O1 21
VOLS O1 21 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, BAWDY 12D 36 --- BAWDY obscene [adj] --- BAWDY obscene language [n]
Other moves: DOWLY 12D 32, BAWLEY 12D 30, BLAWED 12C 28, BLOWED 12C 28, JOEY 12A 28
YEA B10 23 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, VORTICAL 5B 78 --- VORTEX a whirling mass of fluid [adj] --- VORTICAL pertaining to a vortex [adj]
Other moves: CORIVAL 5C 26, VICAR 5E 22, VOCAL 5E 22, OLIO 13A 20, CITRAL 5D 18
VINT 6F 15 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, DEBUTING 1H 89 --- DEBUT to make a first public appearance in society [v]
Other moves: UNDERBIT D1 76, TURBINED D3 74, BOUNTIED C4 63, UNBITTED E1 61, BEDOUIN C2 22
OBE 13A 18 Papa_Sloth
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