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Game on Mars 31, 2024 at 12:01, 8 players
1. 371 pts Chelsea
2. 242 pts LongJump22
3. 138 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefilnv   H4    84    84   flavine
 2. ?abeipu   5E    40   124   biplane
 3. aegijos   L1    51   175   jiaos
 4. ?dnostu  11G    78   253   astound
 5. einrstu   N8    76   329   nutsier
 6. deehntv  O12    39   368   deev
 7. adglort   1L    33   401   jato
 8. acfhior   2J    51   452   hairif
 9. eeinosy   O4    42   494   noisy
10. adegoot   3I    37   531   dogate
11. aemnprw   J7    73   604   manpower
12. aillmru   1E    32   636   allium
13. accenrt  13E    66   702   reaccent
14. beegirw   D1    38   740   brew
15. aegrtyz   3B    44   784   azerty
16. ehiooqu   B2    40   824   haique
17. deeiloo  14B    29   853   looed
18. eggikox   N5    52   905   ox

Remaining tiles: eggik

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7391 FileChelsea     2  9:04  -534  371     1.8664 LongJump22  3  3:38  -663  242 
  2.8664 FileLongJump22  3  3:38  -663  242     2.8683 Quincunx    1  5:10  -767  138 
  3.8683 FileQuincunx    1  5:10  -767  138     3.8542 Wuincunx    0  0:26  -866   39 
  4.  -  FileOOO333      1  1:55  -853   52     4.8815 Zuincunx    0  1:51  -866   39 
  5.  -  FileJJJ333      1  1:52  -854   51     5.8624 Vuincunx    0  1:53  -876   29 
  6.8542 FileWuincunx    0  0:26  -866   39            Group: advanced
  7.8815 FileZuincunx    0  1:51  -866   39     1.7391 Chelsea     2  9:04  -534  371 
  8.8624 FileVuincunx    0  1:53  -876   29            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  OOO333      1  1:55  -853   52 
                                             2.  -  JJJ333      1  1:52  -854   51 

On 1st draw, FLAVINE H4 84 --- FLAVINE a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: FLAVINE H2 78, FLAVINE H3 78, FLAVINE H6 78, FLAVINE H7 78, FLAVINE H8 78
FLAVINE H4 84 LongJump22
FINALE H4 26 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, BIPLA(N)E 5E 40 --- BIPLANE a plane with two sets of wings [n]
Other moves: BAPU(S) 11D 29, PEBA(S) 11D 29, PUBE(S) 11D 29, PUBI(S) 11D 29, BAP(S) 11E 27
PEBA(S) 11D 29 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
PUBE(S) 11D 29 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, JIAOS L1 51 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: GAJOS L1 41, GAJOS 11D 40, JAGS 11E 38, JIAOS 11D 38, JIAOS 6B 38
JIAOS L1 51 LongJump22, JJJ333
JAGS 11E 38 Chelsea

On 4th draw, (A)STOUND 11G 78 --- ASTOUND to amaze [v]
Other tops: D(E)UTONS 11B 78, O(B)TUNDS 11B 78, SNOUT(E)D 11H 78, STOUND(S) 11H 78, (R)OTUNDS 11B 78, (S)TOUNDS 11B 78
Other moves: STOUND(S) 11B 77, (S)TOUNDS 11H 77, (C)ONDUITS 2G 74, NO(C)TUIDS 2G 70, OUT(F)INDS 2H 70
SNOUT(E)D 11H 78 LongJump22
(A)DJUST 1J 39 Quincunx, Zuincunx
UNJ(U)ST 1J 36 Chelsea

On 5th draw, NUTSIER N8 76 --- NUTSY crazy [adj]
INJURE 1J 39 Wuincunx
JUST 1L 33 Chelsea

On 6th draw, DEEV O12 39 --- DEEV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: EVENT 8K 36, HEND 8L 36, JEED 1L 36, VEINED 2J 36, VEND 8L 36
JEED 1L 36 Chelsea

On 7th draw, JATO 1L 33 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: JARL 1L 33, JOLT 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33
Other moves: D*G* O7 29, DADO M11 27, D*G* M11 27, DRAG O6 27, LARGO O4 27
JOLT 1L 33 Chelsea

On 8th draw, HAIRIF 2J 51 --- HAIRIF the plant cleavers [n]
Other tops: CHORIA O3 51
Other moves: CHIAO O4 45, CHIRO O4 45, CHINA 8K 42, CHINO 8K 42, CHIAO 2J 38
FAH O7 38 Chelsea

On 9th draw, NOISY O4 42 --- NOISY making loud sounds [adj]
Other tops: NOSEY O4 42
Other moves: EYNE O7 40, SYNE O7 40, NOYS O6 38, NOSY O5 36, NYS O7 35
NOISY O4 42 Chelsea

On 10th draw, DOGATE 3I 37 --- DOGATE the office of a doge [n]
Other moves: TOGAED 3I 36, AGATE 3J 29, DOGATE 1E 29, DOTAGE 1E 29, EGAD 3J 28
GADE 1G 23 Chelsea

On 11th draw, MANPOWER J7 73 --- MANPOWER available resources of able-bodied people [n]
Other moves: ENWRAP 1E 41, PAWNER 1E 39, DAMP M11 37, DAWEN M11 37, PAWER 1F 36
DAWEN M11 37 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ALLIUM 1E 32 --- ALLIUM a bulbous herb [n]
Other moves: LARUM 1F 29, ALUM 1G 26, ARUM 1G 26, DAM M11 26, AMID M8 25

On 13th draw, REACCENT 13E 66 --- ACCENT to pronounce with prominence [v] --- REACCENT to accent again [v]
Other moves: DACE M11 31, ACCENT L7 26, CENTRA 2A 26, DATER M11 25, CRENA 2B 24

On 14th draw, BREW D1 38 --- BREW to make beer or the like [v]
Other moves: BERG D1 34, BRIG D1 34, BEER D1 32, BERE D1 32, BIER D1 32

On 15th draw, AZERTY 3B 44 --- AZERTY an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY [n]
Other moves: CAZ H13 42, ZYGA 6B 41, GAZER 14B 40, AGRYZE 10C 37, ZETA 6B 37

On 16th draw, HAIQUE B2 40 --- HAIQUE an Arab head covering [n]
Other moves: HOWE 4B 31, QI 6N 31, EH 14E 28, HE 14F 28, HI 14F 28

On 17th draw, LOOED 14B 29 --- LOO to subject to a forfeit at loo (a card game) [v]
Other tops: OILED 14B 29
Other moves: DOOLEE A7 27, DOOLIE A7 27, IDEAL 6E 27, DOOLEE 14A 24, IDEA 6E 24
COD H13 18 Quincunx

On 18th draw, OX N5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXID M8 45, GOX 15A 44, GOX M7 44, EXO 15C 40, OX M8 40
OX N5 52 Quincunx, OOO333

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