Game on Mars 31, 2024 at 20:28, 8 players
1. 196 pts LongJump22
2. 181 pts Pacific
3. 66 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


4H 30 80 


5J 22 102 


8A 101 203 


C7 78 281 


B10 66 347 


A8 24 371 


N2 32 403 


O1 44 447 


I8 30 477 


14I 33 510 


E5 48 558 


10H 35 593 


15N 36 629 


D1 30 659 


2A 72 731 


A1 45 776 


1F 92 868 


11K 27 895 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 3 3:43 -699 196 1.9792 Pacific 2 3:17 -714 181
Pacific 2 3:17 -714 181 Group: expert
Quincunx 1 1:03 -829 66 1.8664 LongJump22 3 3:43 -699 196
4. -
JJJ333 1 1:13 -845 50 2.8683 Quincunx 1 1:03 -829 66
5. -
YYY333 1 1:41 -845 50 3.8624 Vuincunx 1 0:54 -851 44
Vuincunx 1 0:54 -851 44 4.8546 Wuincunx 1 1:14 -851 44
Wuincunx 1 1:14 -851 44 5.8871 Zuincunx 1 1:33 -851 44
Zuincunx 1 1:33 -851 44 Group: not rated
1. - JJJ333 1 1:13 -845 50
2. - YYY333 1 1:41 -845 50
On 1st draw, JOW(L)Y H4 50 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other tops: JIF(F)Y H4 50, JI(F)FY H4 50
Other moves: JIF(F)Y H8 42, JI(F)FY H8 42, JOW(L)Y H8 42, F(R)OWY H4 34, F(R)OWY H8 34
JIF(F)Y H4 50 LongJump22
JOW(L)Y H4 50 JJJ333, YYY333
On 2nd draw, JEELY 4H 30 --- JEELY to make into a jelly [v]
Other tops: JELLY 4H 30
Other moves: AYE I4 25, LEEWAY 6E 22, LAY I3 21, TAY I3 21, YAE I3 21
JELLY 4H 30 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DOER 5J 22 --- DOER one that does something [n]
Other moves: RODEO 5G 21, ROED 5J 21, TOED 5J 21, DOE 5J 20, ORDO 5H 19
On 4th draw, BEA(C)HBOY 8A 101 --- BEACHBOY a male beach attendant [n]
Other moves: HOAE(D) 6J 41, HO(N)E 6J 39, HO(P)E 6J 39, HO(S)E 6J 39, HO(T)E 6J 39
HOA 6J 38 LongJump22
On 5th draw, TAMANOIR C7 78 --- TAMANOIR the great antbear [n]
Other moves: ANIMATOR C8 72, MONTARIA C1 72, ROMANTI(C) D1 70, ANIMATOR C4 64, TAMANOIR C5 64
TAMANOIR C7 78 LongJump22
On 6th draw, HOWLET B10 66 --- HOWLET an owl [n]
Other moves: TOWHEE B10 48, HOWE 6J 47, HOTEL 6J 44, HOW 6J 44, HOTE 6J 41
HOWLET B10 66 Pacific
On 7th draw, BRANT A8 24 --- BRANT a wild goose [n]
Other moves: AIT A10 20, ANT A10 20, TRANNIE B2 20, TAHINA E6 18, TANNAH E3 18
On 8th draw, QATS N2 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EAST I6 31, SEAL D12 30, SEAT D12 30, STAT D12 30, STET D12 30
On 9th draw, VIGA O1 44 --- VIGA a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture [n]
Other moves: VIAE O1 40, VILE O1 40, VIG O1 35, GILA O1 34, VIA O1 31
VIGA O1 44 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
VILE O1 40 Pacific
On 10th draw, SMOUSE I8 30 --- SMOUSE to trade as a pedlar [v]
Other tops: ISMS I7 30
Other moves: ISM I7 29, TWOSOMES 12A 28, ESS D11 27, ISSUE I7 27, ISOS I7 26
MUSHES E5 22 Quincunx
On 11th draw, ROOKIE 14I 33 --- ROOKIE a novice [n]
Other tops: RELOOK 14I 33
Other moves: KIORE 14F 30, KOORI 14F 30, HOOKIER E8 28, KEIR 14F 27, KIER 14F 27
On 12th draw, INPHASE E5 48 --- INPHASE having matching electrical phases [adj]
Other tops: UNSHAPE E5 48
Other moves: PUISNE 15J 44, SPINAE 15J 44, ASPEN D11 42, PANES 15K 39, PINAS 15K 39
On 13th draw, TOZED 10H 35 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other tops: DOZER 10H 35, TREZ F11 35
Other moves: DOZE 10H 34, ROZET 10H 34, ZEE B6 34, ZERK L11 34, TOZE 10H 33
On 14th draw, XU 15N 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: GURN O12 32, AX 15N 29, RAX D3 29, AX D4 27, RAX 11K 27
XU 15N 36 Pacific
On 15th draw, VINCA D1 30 --- VINCA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AVA 13M 29, VAGINAE B2 28, ACING D1 21, VAGI D3 21, VIGA D3 21
On 16th draw, AEGIRINE 2A 72 --- AEGIRINE a green mineral [n]
Other moves: GESNERIA 12G 70, AVENGER 1C 33, REAVING 1A 33, REEVING 1A 33, VEERING 1D 33
On 17th draw, FARCED A1 45 --- FARCE to fill out with witty material [v]
Other moves: DEFT 1F 44, FAUCET A1 42, DEF 1F 41, TURFED 1F 40, CAUF A1 39
On 18th draw, PATULIN 1F 92 --- PATULIN a drug [n]
Other moves: UNPLAIT 1G 88, TIPULA 1F 40, TIPUNA 1F 40, PAULIN 1H 39, PLAINT 1H 39
PLIANT 1H 39 Pacific
On 19th draw, FIG 11K 27 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FID 11K 27
Other moves: FIL 11K 25, DIF 11K 23, SULFID 12I 20, DIG 11K 19, FIELD 13G 18
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