Game on April 1, 2024 at 05:02, 6 players
1. 400 pts fatcat
2. 137 pts roocatcher
3. 110 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 8B 68 98
3. C8 28 126
4. B10 29 155
5. E4 86 241
6. D1 50 291
7. 2B 36 327
8. 1H 92 419
9. N1 40 459
10. O4 40 499
11. 9I 71 570
12. D12 23 593
13. N9 30 623
14. K5 92 715
15. O12 39 754
16. F10 32 786
17. L6 23 809
18. C2 25 834
19. 15A 33 867
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6481 fatcat 2 11:56 -467 400 1.7034 roocatcher 1 5:24 -730 137
2.7034 roocatcher 1 5:24 -730 137 2.7333 sunshine12 1 5:42 -757 110
3.7333 sunshine12 1 5:42 -757 110 3.7329 GLOBEMAN 2 3:32 -765 102
4.7329 GLOBEMAN 2 3:32 -765 102 4.7932 lazy.lion 1 1:29 -835 32
5.7932 lazy.lion 1 1:29 -835 32 5.7530 bumpkin 0 1:59 -840 27
6.7530 bumpkin 0 1:59 -840 27 Group: intermediate
1.6481 fatcat 2 11:56 -467 400
On 1st draw, CYMAE H4 30 --- CYMA a curved moulding [n]
Other moves: CUTEY H8 28, MATEY H8 28, MEATY H8 28, ACETUM H3 26, ACETUM H7 26
On 2nd draw, FAHLORES 8B 68 --- FAHLORE a copper ore [n]
Other moves: FAH G5 34, FOH G5 34, FLASHY 5C 30, HOARS I4 30, FAHS G7 29
On 3rd draw, AVIDER C8 28 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other moves: REDIA 9A 25, VADE 9A 25, VIDE 7A 25, ADVICE 4D 24, CARVED 4H 24
On 4th draw, PORE B10 29 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other tops: PONE B10 29
Other moves: COVERUP 4H 28, PREVUE 12A 28, PURVEY 5C 28, PEN B10 26, PER B10 26
PROVEN G7 22 fatcat
On 5th draw, ACROLEI(N) E4 86 --- ACROLEIN a flammable liquid [n]
Other tops: CREOLIA(N) E4 86
Other moves: CECRO(P)IA 4H 74, COCI(N)ERA 4H 74, CECRO(P)IA 4F 72, COCI(N)ERA 4F 72, RACEMOI(D) 6D 69
CAR(R)Y 5D 18 fatcat
On 6th draw, QUAT D1 50 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other tops: QUIT D1 50
Other moves: SUQ A13 39, AQUATICS 4B 38, MAQUIS 6H 37, SQUIRT 6A 37, ACQUIST 4G 36
QUIT D1 50 fatcat
On 7th draw, BAUXITE 2B 36 --- BAUXITE an ore of aluminium [n]
Other moves: ICEBOX 4G 34, TAXI D12 33, EXIT F1 30, MIXTE 6H 30, MOXIE 6H 30
IBEX 10E 19 fatcat
On 8th draw, PORTALS 1H 92 --- PORTAL a door, gate, or entrance [n]
Other tops: PATROLS 1F 92, PATROLS 1H 92
Other moves: CALTROPS 4H 76, POSTORAL F7 75, MARPLOTS 6H 66, SPORAL 1G 41, ASPORT 1F 40
POSTAL 1H 39 fatcat
On 9th draw, STREAK N1 40 --- STREAK to cover with streaks (long, narrow marks) [v]
Other tops: STRAIK N1 40
Other moves: TEAK D12 35, TREK D12 35, AKITA C2 33, IKAT D12 31, AKE C2 29
SKATER N1 24 fatcat
On 10th draw, DEIGN O4 40 --- DEIGN to lower oneself to do something [v]
Other moves: DIEING O5 33, DINGE O5 30, DING O5 27, GIED O5 27, DINE O5 24
DING O5 27 fatcat
On 11th draw, O(L)INGOS 9I 71 --- OLINGO a small mammal of Central and South America [n]
Other moves: ISOGON(E) N8 70, ISOGON(S) N8 70, ISOGON(Y) N8 70, I(S)OGONS 9I 70, I(S)OGONS N8 70
G(A)NS D12 20 roocatcher
SING 12E 17 fatcat
On 12th draw, GENE D12 23 --- GENE a hereditary unit [n]
Other tops: GEIT D12 23, GENT D12 23, GENU D12 23
Other moves: NIECE 5B 21, TEGU D12 21, ENG M3 20, EYEING 5G 20, TYEING 5G 20
GENT D12 23 roocatcher, sunshine12
UNITE L8 12 fatcat
On 13th draw, OBTUND N9 30 --- OBTUND to deaden [v]
Other tops: DEVOUT 15C 30
Other moves: DOVEN 15A 27, DUVET 15A 27, OBTEND 15A 27, VOTED 15A 27, BOD A13 24
DOVE 15A 24 fatcat
NOTED 15A 18 sunshine12
On 14th draw, JEZAILS K5 92 --- JEZAIL a heavy Afghan musket [n]
Other moves: LEAZES 15C 45, JAZIES K6 44, JEZAIL K5 44, LAZES 15A 42, L*Z*SLEZES 15A 42
JANES 15A 36 sunshine12, fatcat, roocatcher
On 15th draw, MEOU O12 39 --- MEOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: FUMED F10 37, FEYED 15A 36, MUDEYE 15A 36, FEY A13 34, FOY A13 34
FUMED 15A 33 roocatcher, sunshine12
FOUND 13K 18 fatcat
On 16th draw, FAINT F10 32 --- FAINT lacking strength or vigor [adj] --- FAINT to lose consciousness [v]
Other tops: FAINE F10 32, FEAT M12 32, FEINT F10 32
Other moves: FAIN F10 29, FANE F10 29, FATE F10 29, FEAT F10 29, FENI F10 29
FAINT F10 32 GLOBEMAN, lazy.lion
FA F10 27 bumpkin
FINE 15A 21 fatcat
On 17th draw, DOEN L6 23 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: ADOZE 7H 23
Other moves: ED 14A 22, ID 14A 22, OD 14A 22, DECO 5C 21, DIOL L3 21
LINED 15A 18 fatcat
On 18th draw, AHI C2 25 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other tops: HIN A13 25, HUI A13 25, HUN A13 25, WIN A13 25
Other moves: HILA 3A 22, HUI I4 22, WHINE 13K 22, HULE 15A 21, WHIRL 6B 21
HIN A13 25 fatcat
On 19th draw, VINEW 15A 33 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: WIVE 15A 30, WIN A13 25, LIVEN 15A 24, LUV A13 22, LIVE 15A 21
WIVE 15A 30 fatcat
WIN A13 25 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
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