Game on April 1, 2024 at 09:38, 7 players
1. 366 pts Chelsea
2. 197 pts LongJump22
3. 137 pts Vuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


8H 92 120 


9F 27 147 


K4 82 229 


4B 72 301 


N2 80 381 


C3 76 457 


B6 35 492 


5E 30 522 


D9 72 594 


L1 43 637 


O1 40 677 


1H 39 716 


14A 50 766 


15D 34 800 


A11 63 863 


F2 33 896 


13C 23 919 


11D 38 957 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 1 7:32 -591 366 1.8638 LongJump22 2 4:03 -760 197
LongJump22 2 4:03 -760 197 2.8624 Vuincunx 3 3:22 -820 137
Vuincunx 3 3:22 -820 137 3.8683 Quincunx 2 2:43 -878 79
Quincunx 2 2:43 -878 79 4.8546 Wuincunx 1 1:44 -917 40
5. -
OOO333 1 1:58 -894 63 5.8894 Zuincunx 1 1:59 -917 40
Wuincunx 1 1:44 -917 40 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 1 1:59 -917 40 1.7412 Chelsea 1 7:32 -591 366
Group: not rated
1. - OOO333 1 1:58 -894 63
On 1st draw, CHADO H4 28 --- CHADO a Japanese tea ceremony [n]
Other moves: CHAIN H4 26, CHIAO H4 26, CHINA H4 26, CHINO H4 26, DONAH H8 26
On 2nd draw, OBSIGNED 8H 92 --- OBSIGN to seal [v]
Other moves: BEADINGS 6F 70, BEDDINGS 7F 67, BEDDINGS 7E 66, DEBASING 6E 66, BEHINDS 5F 26
On 3rd draw, APSO 9F 27 --- APSO a breed of dog, the Lhasa apso (a terrier) [n]
Other moves: SOON 9H 26, BAPS 9E 23, BOPS 9E 23, NAPOOS 9C 22, NOOPS 9D 22
On 4th draw, TALLIERS K4 82 --- TALLIER one that tallies [n]
Other moves: LITERALS K7 66, STELLAR 10I 66, TELLARS 10I 66, TRIELLAS K6 66, LATERALS 6C 62
On 5th draw, DESELECT 4B 72 --- DESELECT to dismiss from a training program [v]
Other moves: TEASELLED 6F 68, TEASELED F7 65, LESTED 8A 27, SEELED 8A 27, STEELD 8A 27
On 6th draw, FOREGOE(S) N2 80 --- FOREGO to go before [v]
Other tops: FOREGOE(R) N2 80, FO(R)EGOER N2 80
Other moves: FOREGO(N)E N1 76, FOR(E)GONE M2 76, FOREGOE(R) C1 74, FOREGOE(S) C1 74, FOREGON(E) M2 74
On 7th draw, REVENANT C3 76 --- REVENANT one that returns [n]
Other moves: REVENANT C1 74, REVENANT E1 72, VANE O1 34, VARE O1 34, TAVERN 8A 32
VANE O1 34 Chelsea
On 8th draw, WAP B6 35 --- WAP to wrap [v]
Other tops: W*PWOP B6 35
Other moves: PAW O1 34, WAP O1 33, WAP M3 32, W*PWOP M3 32, PAW M3 31
PAW O1 34 Chelsea
On 9th draw, MATH 5E 30 --- MATH mathematics [n]
Other moves: GAMA M3 29, MATAI D6 29, TAGMA 10C 28, TATAMI L1 28, GAM O1 27
GAM O1 27 Chelsea
On 10th draw, EOBI(O)NT D9 72 --- EOBIONT a type of basic organism [n]
Other moves: E(O)BIONT D9 71, BETONI(E)S 11D 68, BONIT(O)ES 11D 68, BON(N)IEST 11E 68, BOT(A)NIES 11D 68
BOT(A)NISE 11E 68 LongJump22
BEN(S) A5 36 Chelsea
On 11th draw, HANIWA L1 43 --- HANIWA Japanese clay sculptures [n]
Other moves: HANIWA 14B 40, TANIWHA 15D 39, WHAE 6F 38, HAW O1 37, HEW O1 37
TANIWHA 15D 39 LongJump22
HAW O1 37 Chelsea
On 12th draw, KYU O1 40 --- KYU a novice grade in judo [n]
Other tops: KEY O1 40, KYE O1 40
Other moves: TURKEY 15D 39, KYE C12 36, KYU C12 36, TRYKE 15D 36, KY O1 35
KEY O1 40 LongJump22, Chelsea, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
KYE O1 40 Zuincunx
On 13th draw, FILCH 1H 39 --- FILCH to pilfer [v]
Other moves: FICTOR 15A 33, LURCH 1H 30, FLU(O)RIC 13A 28, RIF E10 28, COFT 15A 27
FILCH 1H 39 Quincunx
COFT 15A 27 Chelsea
On 14th draw, DJINNY 14A 50 --- DJINNY a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JONTY 15A 45, RINDY E10 38, JOY 2F 37, RYND E10 37, JO C13 36
DJINNY 14A 50 LongJump22
JONTY 15A 45 Chelsea
On 15th draw, TEAROOM 15D 34 --- TEAROOM a restaurant serving tea [n]
Other moves: AMIDE A11 33, AMIDO A11 33, TOOMER 15D 31, MADE A12 30, MODE A12 30
TEAROOM 15D 34 Vuincunx
MODE A12 30 Chelsea
On 16th draw, OXIDE A11 63 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: EX 6E 56, OX 6E 56, XI 10F 54, EXTORT 10A 35, OXTER 14J 34
OXIDE A11 63 Vuincunx, OOO333
EX 6E 56 Chelsea
On 17th draw, ZILA F2 33 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other tops: LAZE F4 33
Other moves: BIZE 11D 30, BEZ 11D 28, BIZ 11D 28, ZED B2 28, TOZIE 10C 24
On 18th draw, G(O)ER 13C 23 --- GOER one that goes [n]
Other moves: GREIGE L8 22, URGER 14J 22, RERIG 3C 21, BRIGUE 11D 18, BURGEE 11D 18
On 19th draw, BRIQUETS 11D 38 --- BRIQUET blocks of compressed coal-dust or coal [n] --- BRIQUET to mold into small bricks [v]
Other moves: RETENE E10 25, URITE 14J 20, UTERI 14J 20, REV A5 18, VIED B1 18
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