Game on April 2, 2024 at 20:26, 11 players
1. 346 pts Inkey
2. 235 pts LongJump22
3. 228 pts Quincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 28 28 


I7 43 71 


13G 84 155 


12A 80 235 


G7 36 271 


A8 33 304 


12K 33 337 


11K 36 373 


B2 70 443 


J8 42 485 


A1 75 560 


C8 25 585 


10L 60 645 


O6 32 677 


3A 30 707 


E5 98 805 


H1 24 829 


N2 24 853 


4L 50 903 


O12 27 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Inkey 3 9:30 -584 346 1.8668 LongJump22 4 3:09 -695 235
LongJump22 4 3:09 -695 235 2.8598 Quincunx 4 6:40 -702 228
Quincunx 4 6:40 -702 228 3.8748 Wuincunx 2 2:25 -840 90
4. -
Zuincunx 4 7:02 -702 228 4.8693 Xuincunx 1 2:55 -848 82
Wuincunx 2 2:25 -840 90 5.8603 Vuincunx 1 1:08 -898 32
Xuincunx 1 2:55 -848 82 Group: advanced
7. -
AAA333 2 3:28 -859 71 1.7852 Inkey 3 9:30 -584 346
8. -
JJJ333 1 1:54 -870 60 Group: not rated
Vuincunx 1 1:08 -898 32 1. - Zuincunx 4 7:02 -702 228
10. -
QQQ333 1 0:50 -902 28 2. - AAA333 2 3:28 -859 71
11. -
DDD333 1 1:12 -902 28 3. - JJJ333 1 1:54 -870 60
4. - QQQ333 1 0:50 -902 28
5. - DDD333 1 1:12 -902 28
On 1st draw, QADI H6 28 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QADI H5 28, QADI H7 28, QADI H8 28, QAID H5 28, QAID H6 28, QAID H7 28, QAID H8 28
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, QI H7 22, QI H8 22
QAID H7 28 LongJump22, QQQ333, DDD333, AAA333
On 2nd draw, WAFF(L)E I7 43 --- WAFFLE to talk vaguely or indecisively [v]
Other tops: WAFFE(D) I7 43, WAFF(I)E I7 43
Other moves: WAFF I7 42, WAFF(S) I7 42, W(A)FF I7 40, WAFE(R) I7 39, WAF(F) I7 38
WAFFE(D) I7 43 LongJump22, AAA333
On 3rd draw, TURIONS 13G 84 --- TURION a thick new growth on a plant [n]
Other tops: NITROUS 13C 84, TURIONS 13C 84
Other moves: TORU(L)INS 11E 78, NITROUS 13F 75, TURIONS J2 71, ROUTINES 12C 68, SNOUTIER 12C 68
NITROUS 13C 84 LongJump22
On 4th draw, WINNLES 12A 80 --- WINNLE an appliance for winding yarn [n]
Other tops: WINNLES J2 80
Other moves: WINNLES 14B 78, WINNLES J3 78, WINN(L)ES 11E 36, WENS 14F 35, WINS 14F 35
WINNLES J2 80 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HORE G7 36 --- HORE mouldy [adj]
Other tops: HORA G7 36
Other moves: WHAE A12 30, WHOA A12 30, HEROON L8 26, HO G7 26, HEAR 12K 25
On 6th draw, NAVEW A8 33 --- NAVEW a wild Swedish turnip [n]
Other tops: VINEW A8 33
Other moves: CEIBA B10 30, WAVE A12 30, WIVE A12 30, WICE A12 27, NAEVI 12K 26
NAVEW A8 33 Quincunx, Zuincunx
On 7th draw, HOAED 12K 33 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: BOHEA 14K 31, EPHA 12I 31, BANDH L11 30, PHONED C9 30, HEAP 12K 29
BOHEA 14K 31 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 8th draw, MOLE 11K 36 --- MOLE the quantity of a compound that has a weight equal to the compound's molecular weight [n]
Other tops: MEAN 11K 36, MELA 11K 36, MENO 11K 36, MOAN 11K 36, MOLA 11K 36, MONA 11K 36
Other moves: OMEN 11K 34, (L)EMON 11I 34, MEL 11K 32, MEN 11K 32, MNA 11K 32
MOLE 11K 36 Quincunx, Zuincunx
On 9th draw, ANISOLE B2 70 --- ANISOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: SOLANINE C6 70
Other moves: SOLANINE C8 68, SOLANINE D8 60, SOLANINE D6 59, AISLE J5 29, ISLE J6 28
On 10th draw, SEY J8 42 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other moves: BYES A1 40, EYES A1 34, RYES A1 34, BEYS C1 32, BYS C2 32
SEY J8 42 Zuincunx, Quincunx
BYES A1 40 Inkey
On 11th draw, (F)AIX A1 75 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: (H)AJI 10L 59, (R)AJA 10L 59, (H)AJ 10L 58, (R)AJ 10L 58, (T)AJ 10L 58
(F)AIX A1 75 Quincunx, Zuincunx
(T)AJ 10L 58 Inkey
On 12th draw, BELONG C8 25 --- BELONG to be a member of [v]
Other moves: BORNEOL C9 24, BOONER C9 22, BOONG C9 22, INGLOBE 3A 22, BE 10N 21
BOONER C9 22 Xuincunx
BO 10N 21 Inkey
BEE N10 11 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 13th draw, RAJ 10L 60 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: TAJ 10L 60
Other moves: JA 10N 51, RAPE 10L 31, RAPT 10L 31, TAPE 10L 31, TAPU 10L 31
TAJ 10L 60 Inkey
RAJ 10L 60 Xuincunx, JJJ333
On 14th draw, TREMA O6 32 --- TREMA an orifice [n]
Other moves: MAE 9M 29, MAR 9M 29, MAT 9M 29, META O7 29, RIMA O7 29
TREMA O6 32 Inkey, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 15th draw, INCURVED 3A 30 --- INCURVE to curve inward [v]
Other tops: CRUIVE N1 30
Other moves: CRUVE N2 28, CURVE N2 28, DRIVE N2 26, INCURVE 3A 26, CRUDE N2 24
CRUIVE N1 30 Wuincunx
CURVE N2 28 Inkey
On 16th draw, TROPICAL E5 98 --- TROPIC either of two circles of the celestial sphere on each side of the equator [adj] --- TROPICAL a tropical place [n] --- TROPICAL pertaining to the tropics [adj]
Other moves: APRICOT 2H 79, APROTIC 2H 79, APRICOT 4H 78, APROTIC 4H 78, PAROTIC 2G 70
APRICOT 4H 28 Wuincunx
COPRA N2 26 Inkey
On 17th draw, BUDO H1 24 --- BUDO the philosophy of martial art [n]
Other tops: UPDO H1 24
Other moves: DOUP O12 21, DOUBT 2G 20, DOUP 2G 19, BOD H1 18, BOUT D1 18
POD H1 18 Inkey
On 18th draw, YITIE N2 24 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: GYP 14F 23, DIPT O12 21, EYE F10 20, GYVE F1 19, POETRY 6A 19
On 19th draw, PUTZ 4L 50 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: ZINKY 2J 41, ZINGY 2J 38, KIP M3 36, KUZU D2 36, UNZIP 2H 36
KIP M3 36 Inkey
On 20th draw, DINK O12 27 --- DINK neat [adj] --- DINK to adorn [v]
Other moves: KNUT D1 26, KINDY 2J 23, DUNK 2G 22, KITTY 2J 22, UNKID 2H 20
DINK O12 27 Inkey
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