Game on April 3, 2024 at 07:46, 14 players
1. 470 pts babsbedi
2. 199 pts Chelsea
3. 153 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 62 62 


15D 60 122 


13H 78 200 


11E 28 228 


O6 86 314 


M8 64 378 


N1 26 404 


15A 45 449 


O1 44 493 


15J 42 535 


10J 28 563 


B10 34 597 


A7 41 638 


13A 40 678 


B2 39 717 


C1 38 755 


D2 41 796 


M4 24 820 


E2 39 859 


L5 21 880 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
babsbedi 3 13:43 -410 470 1.8668 LongJump22 3 3:23 -727 153
Chelsea 2 6:01 -681 199 2.8895 Zuincunx 1 1:03 -838 42
LongJump22 3 3:23 -727 153 3.8758 Quincunx 0 1:06 -844 36
4. -
SSS333 1 0:57 -820 60 4.8603 Vuincunx 0 1:27 -844 36
5. -
RRR333 1 1:31 -820 60 5.8748 Wuincunx 0 1:45 -844 36
6. -
AAA333 1 1:57 -820 60 Group: advanced
Zuincunx 1 1:03 -838 42 1.7277 Chelsea 2 6:01 -681 199
moonmonkey 1 1:21 -838 42 2.7722 moonmonkey 1 1:21 -838 42
Mycophot 1 1:40 -838 42 3.7740 Mycophot 1 1:40 -838 42
Quincunx 0 1:06 -844 36 4.7791 queen66 1 0:46 -852 28
Vuincunx 0 1:27 -844 36 5.7625 sicilianc5 1 1:04 -852 28
Wuincunx 0 1:45 -844 36 Group: intermediate
queen66 1 0:46 -852 28 1.6839 babsbedi 3 13:43 -410 470
sicilianc5 1 1:04 -852 28 Group: not rated
1. - SSS333 1 0:57 -820 60
2. - RRR333 1 1:31 -820 60
3. - AAA333 1 1:57 -820 60
On 1st draw, OLORO(S)(O) H8 62 --- OLOROSO a dark sherry [n]
Other tops: OLORO(S)(O) H2 62, OLORO(S)(O) H3 62, OLORO(S)(O) H4 62, OLOR(O)(S)O H2 62, OLOR(O)(S)O H3 62, OLOR(O)(S)O H4 62, OLOR(O)(S)O H6 62, OL(O)RO(S)O H3 62, OL(O)RO(S)O H4 62, OL(O)RO(S)O H6 62, OL(O)RO(S)O H8 62, OROLO(G)(Y) H2 62, OROLO(G)(Y) H3 62, OROLO(G)(Y) H4 62, OROLO(G)(Y) H8 62, RO(S)OL(I)O H3 62, RO(S)OL(I)O H4 62, RO(S)OL(I)O H6 62, RO(S)OL(I)O H8 62, RO(T)OLO(S) H3 62, RO(T)OLO(S) H4 62, RO(T)OLO(S) H7 62, RO(T)OLO(S) H8 62, (M)OORLO(G) H2 62, (M)OORLO(G) H3 62, (M)OORLO(G) H7 62, (M)OORLO(G) H8 62, (O)LORO(S)O H2 62, (O)LORO(S)O H3 62, (O)LORO(S)O H6 62, (O)LORO(S)O H8 62
Other moves: OLORO(S)(O) H5 60, OLORO(S)(O) H6 60, OLORO(S)(O) H7 60, OLOR(O)(S)O H5 60, OLOR(O)(S)O H7 60
(D)ROOL H8 10 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, WARMS 15D 60 --- WARM to raise the temperature [v]
Other tops: ASWARM 15G 60
Other moves: MAWRS 15D 57, SWARM 15H 57, MARGS 15D 51, GAMAS 15D 48, GRAMAS 15C 48
WARMS 15D 60 babsbedi, SSS333, RRR333, AAA333
On 3rd draw, (S)TANCHED 13H 78 --- STANCH to stop the flow of blood from [v]
Other tops: (S)NATCHED 13H 78
Other moves: CHANTED G4 73, CHANTED G2 71, CHANTED I2 71, CHARTED 11E 52, THANE 14B 31
CHEW D12 24 babsbedi
On 4th draw, UNTRUER 11E 28 --- UNTRUE not true [adj]
Other moves: NATURED O7 27, UNRATED O7 27, UNTREAD O7 27, URATE 14B 25, RANTED O8 24
RUNTED O8 24 babsbedi
On 5th draw, MANATOID O6 86 --- MANATEE a large aquatic mammal [adj] --- MANATOID relating to a manatee [adj]
Other moves: ANIMATOR K4 70, TAMANOIR K4 70, AMATION G2 65, AMATION I2 65, ANIMATO G2 63
MANET N10 26 babsbedi
On 6th draw, DELIGHTS M8 64 --- DELIGHT to give great pleasure to [v]
Other moves: LEDGES N9 32, TILDES N9 29, EDGES N10 28, LESTED N9 28, LISTED N9 28
LISTED N2 27 babsbedi
On 7th draw, INCITE N1 26 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v]
Other moves: CESTI 15K 24, CLINE N2 24, ELICIT L4 24, INCLE N2 24, LECTIN L4 24
CLINT 12A 22 Chelsea
On 8th draw, PREWARMS 15A 45 --- PREWARM to warm beforehand [v]
Other moves: POURIE 1J 27, PROSER 15J 27, PUIR 1L 27, PURSER 15J 27, POOL 10J 24
PUIR 1L 27 babsbedi
PROSER 15J 27 Chelsea
On 9th draw, FY O1 44 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FISTY 15K 36, FOID 1L 36, FLIT 1L 33, FOIL 1L 33, FOIL 10J 30
FY O1 44 Chelsea
FOID 1L 36 LongJump22, Quincunx, babsbedi, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 10th draw, RIPSAW 15J 42 --- RIPSAW a type of saw [n] --- RIPSAW to saw wood by cutting with the grain [v]
Other moves: WARPER B10 38, BEWRAP L4 36, BRAWER B10 34, PREWAR B10 34, WARIER B10 34
RIPSAW 15J 42 LongJump22, Zuincunx, moonmonkey, Mycophot
WEAL 10J 30 Chelsea
WISER 15K 27 babsbedi
On 11th draw, YA 10J 28 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YO 10J 28
Other moves: BAYTS G8 25, BAIL 10J 24, BOIL 10J 24, *B*ABO 14B 23, OBA 14B 23
YO 10J 28 Chelsea, queen66
YA 10J 28 sicilianc5
BAYS 12B 20 babsbedi
On 12th draw, HOSIER B10 34 --- HOSIER one that makes hose [n]
Other moves: HIOIS 12A 26, SHOGI L4 24, SIGHER B10 24, GHEST G7 22, HOISE L4 22
HOSIER B10 34 LongJump22
OH 14B 19 Chelsea, babsbedi
On 13th draw, ALBUGO A7 41 --- ALBUGO a white opacity of the eye [n]
Other tops: BELUGA A7 41
Other moves: GLEBA A8 39, GLOBE A8 39, BOUGE A8 38, BOULE A8 34, ALBUGO A5 32
BAGEL A7 31 babsbedi
GABLE A6 29 Chelsea
On 14th draw, SIZED 13A 40 --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: DOZENS B2 38, DOZE B4 36, SIZE 13A 36, SIJO 13A 32, DOZE G6 30
DOZE B4 36 babsbedi
On 15th draw, JOBING B2 39 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JINGO L4 32, JOBING G3 28, JOULING 9E 27, JIGOT 5J 26, JOLING 9F 26
JOIN 4L 24 babsbedi
On 16th draw, VANED C1 38 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: VADE C1 35, ANODE C2 34, DONEE C3 33, EANED C1 32, VANE C1 31
VANED C1 38 babsbedi
On 17th draw, KET D2 41 --- KET carrion [n]
Other moves: LEAK D4 30, TEAK D4 30, LEK D4 28, LAIK 4L 26, KOA A3 25
KET D2 41 babsbedi, LongJump22
On 18th draw, QI M4 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI G7 23, QI I7 23, FOLIE L4 22, FE E1 20, FELLOE 9F 20
On 19th draw, EREV E2 39 --- EREV the day before a Jewish special day [n]
Other moves: LERE E1 29, ERE E2 28, REVEL E3 26, REVUE E3 26, VIDEO 5A 26
On 20th draw, FOLIA L5 21 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other tops: FOLIE L5 21
Other moves: FELONY 2J 20, LEAF 9H 20, LIEF 9H 20, LOAF 9H 20, FILA L5 18
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