Game on April 3, 2024 at 10:04, 12 players
1. 324 pts LongJump22
2. 148 pts Zuincunx
3. 128 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


14A 94 166 


11D 98 264 


A11 60 324 


13C 35 359 


10J 43 402 


8H 83 485 


N2 42 527 


O1 44 571 


K1 72 643 


A8 42 685 


1F 39 724 


2A 78 802 


4H 48 850 


M10 30 880 


A1 39 919 


15I 48 967 


14J 52 1019 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 4 2:40 -695 324 1.8668 LongJump22 4 2:40 -695 324
Zuincunx 2 3:47 -871 148 2.8895 Zuincunx 2 3:47 -871 148
Chelsea 0 3:12 -891 128 3.8755 Quincunx 0 1:07 -971 48
4. -
JJJ333 1 1:31 -967 52 4.8603 Vuincunx 0 1:34 -971 48
5. -
OOO333 1 1:50 -967 52 5.8748 Wuincunx 0 1:55 -971 48
Quincunx 0 1:07 -971 48 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 0 1:34 -971 48 1.7278 Chelsea 0 3:12 -891 128
Wuincunx 0 1:55 -971 48 2.7556 HollyIvy 0 0:32 -983 36
HollyIvy 0 0:32 -983 36 3.7722 moonmonkey 0 0:49 -983 36
moonmonkey 0 0:49 -983 36 4.7740 Mycophot 0 1:05 -983 36
Mycophot 0 1:05 -983 36 5.7651 sicilianc5 0 1:20 -983 36
sicilianc5 0 1:20 -983 36 Group: not rated
1. - JJJ333 1 1:31 -967 52
2. - OOO333 1 1:50 -967 52
On 1st draw, NUANC(E)S H8 72 --- NUANCE a slight variation [n] --- NUANCE to give subtle shades of meaning to [v]
Other moves: NUANC(E)S H2 68, NUANC(E)S H3 68, NUANC(E)S H4 68, NUANC(E)S H6 68, NUANC(E)S H5 66
NUANC(E)S H8 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, THIONYLS 14A 94 --- THIONYL a bivalent radical [n]
Other moves: TONISHLY 14D 68, HOTLY I7 28, HOY G7 28, HYLIC 12D 26, NINTHLY 11F 26
THIONYLS 14A 94 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, UNFANNED 11D 98 --- UNFANNED not fanned [adj]
Other moves: UNFANNED 11C 74, UNFANNED 11G 74, UNFANNED 8C 63, UNFANNED 8D 63, UNFANNED 8G 63
UNFANNED 11D 98 LongJump22
UNFANNED 11D 48 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 4th draw, AXITE A11 60 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other moves: OXIDATE A9 51, (E)XCIDE 13H 46, (E)XODIC 13H 46, EXO 13B 45, CODEX G5 44
AXITE A11 60 LongJump22, Zuincunx
On 5th draw, PLIM 13C 35 --- PLIM to swell [v]
Other moves: KAIM 10G 34, MILKO 10J 32, KOI 13C 30, MILK 10J 29, MILKO 12J 29
On 6th draw, FORZA 10J 43 --- FORZA (musical term) force, power, strength [n]
Other moves: FORZA 12J 42, FO(R)ZA 10J 42, F(O)RZA 10J 41, FORZ(A) 10J 40, FORZ(A) 12J 40
On 7th draw, NEUROMAS 8H 83 --- NEUROMA a type of tumor [n]
Other moves: RAMEOUS I3 67, RAMEOUS B5 65, ENAMOURS 8G 61, MAZERS M8 36, CAMEOS 12H 34
On 8th draw, LATAKIA N2 42 --- LATAKIA a variety of Turkish tobacco [n]
Other moves: ZAKATS M10 38, ZAKAT M10 36, STALK 12K 32, TALAKS 12J 32, SAKAI B8 30
On 9th draw, VIBES O1 44 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: VIBE O1 39, ZIBETS M10 34, BITES O1 33, ZIBET M10 32, VISE O1 31
On 10th draw, EARTHIER K1 72 --- EARTHY composed of, resembling, or suggestive of earth [adj]
Other tops: HEARTIER K1 72
Other moves: MAZIER M8 36, ZITHER M10 36, HEARIE 12J 33, HEATER 12J 33, HEREAT 12J 33
On 11th draw, E(U)TAXITE A8 42 --- EUTAXITE a volcanic rock with bands [n]
Other moves: COW(A)GE 12H 36, MOZETT(A) M8 36, MOZETT(E) M8 36, MOZ(E)TTE M8 36, W(A)G M3 34
On 12th draw, BETIDED 1F 39 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other tops: DEBITED 1F 39
Other moves: DEBTED 1G 36, BIDED 1H 33, GIBED 1H 33, ZIBET M10 32, GEDDIT 12J 31
On 13th draw, STINGER 2A 78 --- STINGER one that stings [n]
Other moves: STINGER B2 76, STINGER B5 72, RESTING B3 64, STINGER B3 63, RINGSTER 3D 62
On 14th draw, QUATE 4H 48 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUARE B6 43, EQUAL 12K 34, QUA B6 34, QUARTE 4G 32, LAV M3 31
On 15th draw, ZOOIER M10 30 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other tops: ZOIC M10 30
Other moves: ZERO M10 26, ZORI M10 26, ERIC G4 24, NOVICE D2 22, REV 12J 22
VICE C1 18 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ESPY A1 39 --- ESPY to catch sight of [v]
Other moves: PORGY 15K 36, PREY 15L 36, YGOE L12 36, POGEY 14J 34, YOGEE 14J 34
PREY 15L 36 Chelsea
On 17th draw, GORCROW 15I 48 --- GORCROW a crow [n]
Other moves: CROW 15L 36, COWED 14J 34, WOOED 14J 34, COWER 14J 32, WOOER 14J 32
CROW 15L 36 Chelsea, HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5, Zuincunx
On 18th draw, JO 14J 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JO L12 38, JOWL 12L 30, JOL B6 28, WO 14J 28, JIG 6J 27
JO 14J 52 Zuincunx, JJJ333, OOO333
JO L12 38 Chelsea
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