Game on April 3, 2024 at 11:32, 13 players
1. 566 pts ArcticFox
2. 557 pts Chelsea
3. 211 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


13H 34 66 


8H 83 149 


J3 63 212 


O1 95 307 


3F 80 387 


12J 45 432 


14J 55 487 


K5 38 525 


H1 39 564 


15F 27 591 


F1 63 654 


N6 33 687 


E4 44 731 


1A 81 812 


D3 27 839 


B1 36 875 


L1 48 923 


A5 31 954 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
ArcticFox 4 19:05 -388 566 1.8703 LongJump22 3 3:06 -743 211
Chelsea 5 14:29 -397 557 2.8755 Quincunx 1 1:32 -920 34
LongJump22 3 3:06 -743 211 3.8603 Vuincunx 1 1:52 -920 34
4. -
UUU333 1 1:44 -906 48 4.8748 Wuincunx 0 0:57 -922 32
5. -
JJJ333 0 1:58 -916 38 5.8895 Zuincunx 0 1:22 -922 32
Quincunx 1 1:32 -920 34 Group: advanced
Vuincunx 1 1:52 -920 34 1.7055 ArcticFox 4 19:05 -388 566
8. -
CCC333 1 0:47 -922 32 2.7281 Chelsea 5 14:29 -397 557
9. -
KKK333 1 1:06 -922 32 Group: not rated
10. -
RRR333 1 1:28 -922 32 1. - UUU333 1 1:44 -906 48
11. -
OOO333 1 1:48 -922 32 2. - JJJ333 0 1:58 -916 38
Wuincunx 0 0:57 -922 32 3. - CCC333 1 0:47 -922 32
Zuincunx 0 1:22 -922 32 4. - KKK333 1 1:06 -922 32
5. - RRR333 1 1:28 -922 32
6. - OOO333 1 1:48 -922 32
On 1st draw, CREAK H8 32 --- CREAK to squeak [v]
Other tops: CROAK H8 32
Other moves: CRAKE H4 28, CREAK H4 28, CROAK H4 28, ACKER H4 24, ACKER H8 24
CROAK H8 32 LongJump22, ArcticFox, CCC333, KKK333, RRR333, OOO333
On 2nd draw, SMALTO 13H 34 --- SMALTO coloured glass used in mosaics [n]
Other moves: DOLMAS 13C 32, MODALS 13C 32, MATLOS 13C 30, STOMAL 13H 30, MODALS 7C 25
SMALTO 13H 34 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
MOLDS 13D 22 Chelsea
DAMS 13E 22 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, CENTESIS 8H 83 --- CENTESIS a surgical puncture [n]
Other moves: TENIASES 11D 82, SEITENS 7B 72, SEITENS 7H 72, SESTINE 7F 72, SESTINE 7H 72
TENIASES 11D 82 LongJump22
TENIASES 11D 32 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
SIENS 14J 24 Chelsea
On 4th draw, DUODENU(M) J3 63 --- DUODENUM the first portion of the small intestine [n]
Other moves: D(I)ODE 14J 33, D(R)OUKED 12D 31, DOU(S)ED N10 30, DOU(S)E N10 26, DOU(T)ED 7I 26
DUODENU(M) J3 63 LongJump22
DOU(S)ED N10 30 ArcticFox
DOUKED 12E 19 Chelsea
On 5th draw, CHANGERS O1 95 --- CHANGER one that changes [n]
Other moves: CHANGERS M1 80, ENCHARGE L1 80, RECHANGE L1 80, REACHING N3 74, ENCHARGE 10A 68
AH 14I 30 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 6th draw, DIHEDRON 3F 80 --- DIHEDRON a figure formed by two intersecting planes [n]
Other moves: HORDEINS M1 76, DIHEDRON 6F 67, NORTHED K5 59, HOIDEN 14J 56, HIED 14J 36
HOED 14J 36 Chelsea
EH 14I 30 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, JAAP 12J 45 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JEAN 12J 39, JEAT 12J 39, JEON L1 38, JAPE I5 35, JAPAN 4C 33
JEAT 12J 39 ArcticFox
JEON L1 38 Chelsea, JJJ333
On 8th draw, MATAI 14J 55 --- MATAI (Maori) a coniferous evergreen tree of New Zealand, aka black pine [n]
Other moves: META 14J 41, AMA 14I 36, ATHAME H1 36, MAE 14J 35, MAT 14J 35
AMA 14I 36 Chelsea
EM 14I 32 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, WEFT K5 38 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: WEIR N6 30, FETT K5 29, WERT K5 29, FROW L1 28, FEH H1 27
WEIR N6 30 ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 10th draw, VAHINE H1 39 --- VAHINE a Maori woman [n]
Other moves: FAINER N6 34, FAINE N6 33, RAVINE 4C 31, FAIN N6 30, FAIR N6 30
FAIR N6 30 ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 11th draw, GORI(S) 15F 27 --- GORI a white female (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other tops: GIRO(S) 15F 27, GOOR(S) 15F 27
Other moves: GIO(S) 15G 24, GOO(S) 15G 24, GRI(S) 15G 24, RIG(S) 15G 24, GI(B) 15H 21
GOOR(S) 15F 27 Chelsea
(S)IGH 2L 17 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, SUDATION F1 63 --- SUDATION excessive sweating [n]
Other moves: INUST O11 26, NUTSO O11 26, OAST O12 23, ONST O12 23, OUST O12 23
OUST O12 23 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 13th draw, FEINT N6 33 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj] --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other moves: FETORS 1A 30, FOIN N6 30, FORTES 1A 30, FREONS 1A 30, FRONT L1 30
FEINT N6 33 Chelsea
FOIN N6 30 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, YEX E4 44 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EXO E5 35, YEBO E4 33, EX E5 31, OBEY L3 31, OX 15N 29
YEX E4 44 Chelsea
OX 15N 29 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, PRIZES 1A 81 --- PRIZE to value highly [v]
Other moves: GRIZES 1A 78, ZEP D2 44, ZIP D2 44, GLOZE L1 40, GRIPES 1A 36
PRIZES 1A 81 ArcticFox
GLOZE L1 40 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ORB D3 27 --- ORB to form into a circle or sphere [v]
Other tops: URB D3 27
Other moves: BLORE L1 26, BOGLE L2 26, BROOL L1 26, GLOBE L1 26, BOREL L2 24
BORN 4L 22 Chelsea
ZEL D1 12 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, REGLOW B1 36 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v] --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: GOLDEN 8A 30, DOWEL L2 28, DOWLE L2 28, DOWN 4L 24, GLODE L1 24
WOOD L1 24 Chelsea
LOWE L2 20 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, QUOD L1 48 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: DOILY A5 35, YOLD A5 34, DOILY L2 31, DOOLY L2 31, QUOAD 11E 30
QUOD L1 48 ArcticFox, Chelsea, UUU333
On 19th draw, TOLLY A5 31 --- TOLLY a castrated calf [n]
Other tops: TOLYL A5 31
Other moves: OILY A6 26, LOTI A5 19, TOIL A5 19, TOLL A5 19, OILY C6 17
TOLLY A5 31 Chelsea, ArcticFox
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