Game on April 3, 2024 at 20:03, 10 players
1. 379 pts Inkey
2. 271 pts LongJump22
3. 162 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


8H 83 157 


5E 40 197 


N1 74 271 


11C 84 355 


M3 43 398 


4A 50 448 


C2 74 522 


1L 36 558 


12C 36 594 


8A 42 636 


13B 34 670 


A1 48 718 


14A 51 769 


15B 39 808 


15B 36 844 


14F 52 896 


L1 32 928 


7F 20 948 


14I 24 972 


D1 25 997 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Inkey 8 8:07 -618 379 1.9843 Pacific 3 3:32 -835 162
LongJump22 4 3:23 -726 271 Group: expert
Pacific 3 3:32 -835 162 1.8621 LongJump22 4 3:23 -726 271
Zuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90 2.8876 Zuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90
Wuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90 3.8771 Wuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90
Quincunx 0 2:19 -907 90 4.8738 Quincunx 0 2:19 -907 90
Vuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90 5.8697 Vuincunx 0 2:19 -907 90
8. -
CCC333 1 1:57 -946 51 Group: advanced
9. -
TTT333 1 1:57 -949 48 1.7856 Inkey 8 8:07 -618 379
10. -
MMM333 1 1:58 -957 40 Group: not rated
1. - CCC333 1 1:57 -946 51
2. - TTT333 1 1:57 -949 48
3. - MMM333 1 1:58 -957 40
On 1st draw, BEA(R)DIE H4 74 --- BEARDIE a bearded person [n]
Other tops: BEADIE(R) H4 74
Other moves: BEA(R)DIE H8 72, BEADIE(R) H2 70, BEADIE(R) H3 70, BEADIE(R) H7 70, BEADIE(R) H8 70
BEADIE(R) H4 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, DELISTED 8H 83 --- DELIST to remove from a list [v]
Other tops: DELISTED 8A 83
Other moves: ISLETED 11G 76, ISLETED I8 68, LEADIEST 6F 63, (R)ELISTED 7H 60, DELETES 5E 32
DELISTED 8H 83 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, AMMETE(R) 5E 40 --- AMMETER an instrument for measuring amperage [n]
Other tops: (S)EMIMAT K5 40
Other moves: (S)EMIMAT 9E 27, (S)TEMMA 11H 27, EMMA(S) 11D 25, V(O)EMA G3 25, EMM(O)VE 5C 24
AMMETE(R) 5E 40 LongJump22, MMM333
On 4th draw, DRAGONNE N1 74 --- DRAGONNE like a heraldic dragon [adj]
Other tops: ANDROGEN N2 74
Other moves: ANDROGEN 10B 64, DRAGONNE 10A 64, DRAGON 11G 26, GRAND 11G 24, RANDON 11H 24
DRAGONNE N1 74 LongJump22
On 5th draw, COEHORN 11C 84 --- COEHORN an old, small mortar for throwing grenades [n]
Other moves: SCHOONER L8 78, CHODE 1K 45, HONORED 1H 36, CROONED 1H 33, COHORN 11D 32
On 6th draw, YUKE M3 43 --- YUKE to itch [v]
Other tops: YUKO M3 43
Other moves: KUDO 1L 42, YUK M3 39, YODE 1L 36, YUCKO C9 36, KEY 6D 35
KUDO 1L 42 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 7th draw, ZOEAE 4A 50 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZONAE 4A 50
Other moves: ZONDA 1K 48, PEAZE 4B 47, ZOEAE 6B 44, ZONAE 6B 44, PEAZE 10D 42
ZONDA 1K 48 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 8th draw, PRETRAIN C2 74 --- PRETRAIN to train beforehand [v]
Other moves: RITZ A1 39, PARR L1 32, PART L1 32, TARP L1 32, PADI 1L 30
RITZ A1 39 Pacific
On 9th draw, WADS 1L 36 --- WAD to form into a wad (a small mass of soft material) [v]
Other tops: WADT 1L 36, WUDS 1L 36
Other moves: STAW 12D 30, STOW 12D 30, WOADS 1K 30, LAVS J8 28, LAWS J8 28
WADS 1L 36 Pacific
On 10th draw, HULAS 12C 36 --- HULA a Hawaiian dance [n]
Other tops: LAIGHS 8A 36
Other moves: SHOLA 12B 34, HAG O4 33, LAIGH 8A 33, HULA 12C 32, HUSO 12C 32
On 11th draw, BLIVE 8A 42 --- BLIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: BRER 13A 31, RUER 13A 27, BE 13B 24, BRIER 8A 24, EVIL 8A 24
BLIVE 8A 42 Inkey
On 12th draw, JA 13B 34 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: FAD 13B 34
Other moves: HADJ F11 31, GAD 13B 30, JADE J2 28, FUJI 9E 27, AD 13C 26
JA 13B 34 Inkey
On 13th draw, FUTZ A1 48 --- FUTZ to spend time aimlessly [v]
Other tops: YUTZ A1 48
Other moves: FEW 10D 43, YEW 10D 43, FERITY 6A 40, WYE 10F 40, YEA 6F 33
FUTZ A1 48 Inkey
YUTZ A1 48 TTT333
On 14th draw, COPY 14A 51 --- COPY to imitate [v]
Other moves: COY 14A 46, COP 14A 43, CRONY 6B 42, NOY 14A 42, OY 14B 40
COPY 14A 51 Inkey, Pacific, CCC333
On 15th draw, WEAR 15B 39 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v] --- WEAR to abrade [v]
Other tops: WEAL 15B 39
Other moves: LEW 10D 37, LEAR 15B 33, REAL 15B 33, LEA 15B 32, WE 15B 30
WEAR 15B 39 Inkey
On 16th draw, WEARINGS 15B 36 --- WEARING the process or wasting [n]
Other moves: WEARING 15B 33, WEARIES 15B 30, USING J10 25, SENGI J11 23, SINGE J11 23
WEARINGS 15B 36 Inkey, Pacific
On 17th draw, XI 14F 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 14F 52
Other moves: NIX 9G 36, EXON 14I 29, OXEN 14I 29, EXILE J5 28, EXINE J1 28
XI 14F 52 Inkey
On 18th draw, WORD L1 32 --- WORD to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v]
Other moves: URPING 2A 26, UNGIRD 14I 22, UNGORD 14I 22, GUIDON 9F 20, UNLID B6 20
SOURING L8 16 Inkey
On 19th draw, TU(R)F 7F 20 --- TURF a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots [n] --- TURF to cover with thick grass [v]
Other tops: NEIF 10G 20, TINFUL M8 20
Other moves: EF I8 18, FILET J2 18, FRIT 6B 18, IF 9H 18, SINFUL L8 18
FRIT 6B 18 Inkey
On 20th draw, OLIVET 14I 24 --- OLIVET a button shaped like an olive [n]
Other moves: TOEA 6E 21, OLIVET 12I 20, IOLITE 14I 18, OLIVE 12I 18, SOLIVE L8 18
SOLIVE L8 18 Inkey
On 21th draw, QI D1 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 7K 24, QI 9G 21, NOG 15M 16, QI 13H 16, GIN 9G 14
QI D1 25 Inkey
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